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Inglewood Jack 2005-09-10 available for download


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I'll second that recommendation! Can't wait to hear it again - you guys put on an awesome show, especially given the rarity of your public appearances. So, another reason to get on %$#&*%($% Bell's case to get our $%#&*%(#$%&* phone line working at home (oooh, new 80 gig hard drive! That means lots of space for new Inglewood Jack shows, so get on it, Bringer of Rare but Awesome Downloads).

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hey thanks guys.. I'm glad everyone really dug the show.. I'm really happy that we are putting something out there that people really dig. I know that we really get off on playing it and it's really nice to know that people get off on hearing it, makes me want to get us booked every weekend :)

kaytebrACEletrock, we'd love to play Hammertown (I hear everyone down there is 2 legit 2 quit.. yeah.. that was a really lame joke.. sorry).. and Deeps, anytime man.. not sure who to talk to get it set up, maybe Bouche? maybe TomFoolery.. I dunno.. but yeah, love for you guys to come back to town (loved your set) and I'd really love it if we could share the stage again, cuz that was a bloody riot!

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