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Posts posted by SevenSeasJim

  1. OK so I’m a big media junkie. I read the news on various websites everyday and watch various programs on TV that pertain to current events (such as Studio2 on TVO). For some time now I've shaken my head in disbelief or swore loudly at much of the news that is reported these days (mostly negative events it seems). The thread last week about the evangelical Christian's and their beliefs about the environment really pissed me off and made me sad for the future. So I guess my question is the following: Do you people think it's better to be blissfully ignorant or informed on current events but pissed off all the time? I know people that don't follow the media at all (I know that's virtually impossible these days) and they seem genuinely happier about everyday life than most. I think I'm going to try and go cold turkey from media sites on the internet and no radio and TV for a month (except for Premier League football (that's called soccer in North America);)) and see what happens. Any thoughts on how others see this would be appreciated.

  2. Hey tickler, i definetely dont jude everyone because of 1 perons on there, but man You must know what i'm talking about when i say cliqueing, i'm not referring to everyone, just a certain section, that thinks they're the be all and end all of the whole scene, and wont talk to ya or look at ya unless you listen to certain music and dress a certain way!

    Apparently they don't like to be told "to eat a bag of dicks" either ::

  3. I am utterly perplexed as to why anyone cares about gay marriage.

    How does a gay marriage have any effect on anybody else at all? Why do 'people of faith' give a rats-ass? It has absolutely no impact on them.

    Bloody meddlesome, petty, weak-minded idiots.

    I'm going to guess that they are pissed because it fly's in the face of their belief system. I'm not religious at all, but I do understand that it is a huge issue with "the people of God".

  4. From CBC website. Man I love religion.

    ROME - Pope John Paul II has released a new controversial book where he suggests same-sex marriage is part of an "ideology of evil" and draws an analogy between abortion and the Holocaust.

    The book, his fifth, is titled, Memory and Identity. It covers a range of issues, including his thoughts on the damage wrought by communism and fascism in the 20th century. It's based on conversations with Polish friends.

    In one section, he addresses the issue of gay marriage and the pressures on European governments to legalize such unions.

    "It is legitimate and necessary to ask oneself if this is not perhaps part of a new ideology of evil, perhaps more insidious and hidden, which attempts to pit human rights against the family and against man," he writes.

    "We have to question the legal regulations that have been decided in the parliaments of present-day democracies. The most direct association which comes to mind is the abortion laws."

    "Parliaments which create and promulgate such laws must be aware that they are transgressing their powers and remain in open conflict with the law of God and the law of nature."

    The pope refers to abortion as the "legal extermination of human beings who have been conceived but not yet born."

    Paul Spiegel, the head of Germany's Central Council of Jews, told the Netzeitung daily that such statements show that the Roman Catholic Church "has not understood or does not want to understand that there is a tremendous difference between factory-like genocide and what women do to their bodies."

    But Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the Vatican's top doctrinal official, rejected the idea that the Pope was comparing abortion to the Holocaust.

    He said the Pope "was not trying to put the Holocaust and abortion on the same plane" but only warning that evil lurked everywhere, "even in liberal political systems."


  5. where's the nineties and naughties?

    Plenty of good cancon from then as well:


    -Barenaked Ladies (not my fave, but they'd make the list for sure)

    -Sloan (Underwhelmed)

    -Maybe another from the great canadian indie bands of the '90s (ie. Eric's Trip, Change of Heart, Treble Charger, etc.)

    - Tragically hip (obviously)

    It's a show in progress. They are still in the 80's thus far.

  6. I want to know how one defines a "Canadian Pop Song"

    maybe I've fallen victim to CanCon disease, but could you really call something like Big Yellow Taxi or The Weight a "Canadian Pop Song"? Where do you draw the line when it's no longer "Canadian"? Or is everything fair game? Born in Canada, raised in the US, work in the US.. is that still Canadian?

    yeah.. I guess I'm just being a pain in the ass.. maybe I should try and get a job with the CRTC eh :)

    Fact sheet

    The MAPL System

    The MAPL* system refers to the four elements in the Radio Regulations used to qualify musical selections as Canadian. These elements were selected, as part of the Canadian content regulations, following an extensive public hearing process. The MAPL system is designed to stimulate all components of the Canadian music industry and to be as simple as possible for the industry to implement and regulate.


    The primary objective -- a cultural one -- is to encourage increased exposure of Canadian musical performers, lyricists and composers to Canadian audiences.

    The secondary objective -- an industrial one -- is to strengthen the Canadian music industry, including both the creative and production components.

    How does it work?

    1. To qualify as 'Canadian content' a musical selection must generally fulfill at least two of the following conditions:

    M (music) -- the music is composed entirely by a Canadian.

    A (artist) -- the music is, or the lyrics are, performed principally by a Canadian.

    P (production) -- the musical selection consists of a live performance that is

    (i) recorded wholly in Canada, or

    (ii) performed wholly in Canada and broadcast live in Canada.

    L (lyrics) -- the lyrics are written entirely by a Canadian.

    2. There are four special cases where a musical selection may qualify as Canadian content.

    The musical selection was recorded before January 1972 and meets one of the above conditions.

    It is an instrumental performance of a musical composition written or composed by a Canadian.

    It is a performance of a musical composition that a Canadian has composed for instruments only.

    The musical selection was performed live or recorded after September 1, 1991 and, in addition to meeting the criterion for either artist or production, a Canadian who has collaborated with a non-Canadian receives at least half of the credit for both music and lyrics.

    This document is available in alternative format upon request.

    Date Modified: 2001-05-31

  7. Anybody else been listening to this? Kind of interesting.

    50 Tracks is back and we are on a quest to come up with a great list of the 50 most important Canadian pop songs.

    Host Jian Ghomeshi will once again bring together panels of celebrities, pop culture specialists and people in the know to nominate their choices for definitive Canadian pop songs.The choices are bound to be controversial and hotly debated by the panelists and, more importantly, by our audience. What should be on the list? What shouldn't be? The audience will add their 10 top picks and, ultimately decide which song will be #1!

    50 Tracks is all about creating the list. It is about the choices and the debate that go into making that list. It's about getting involved and fighting for your favourites in a spirit of fun and friendly competition. It's about discovering, and celebrating Canadian pop music and the people who make it.

    The List so far

  8. The family and I were down on the weekend for the Winterlude and man was that fun skating on the canal. My first time in Ottawa since grade 8 (fu©k that's 20 years ago). If I was ever to live in a city again I would choose Ottawa in a second (so much to do). My brother-in-law lives in Ottawa now so i'll have to make the trip more often.

  9. Representatives of both NHL owners and players have not given up hope of salvaging the NHL season and many are confident games will be played this spring. TSN has learned the two sides will meet in New York on Saturday in another attempt to reach an agreement on a new collective bargaining agreement.


  10. what's a pea then?

    Pea is a frost-hardy, cool-season vegetable that can be grown throughout most of the United States, wherever a cool season of sufficient duration exists. For gardening purposes, peas may be classified as garden peas (English peas), snap peas and snow peas (sugar peas). Garden pea varieties have smooth or wrinkled seeds. The smooth-seeded varieties tend to have more starch than the wrinkled-seeded varieties. The wrinkled-seeded varieties are generally sweeter and usually preferred for home use. The smooth-seeded types are used more often to produce ripe seeds that are used like dry beans and to make split-pea soup. Snap peas have been developed from garden peas to have low-fiber pods that can be snapped and eaten along with the immature peas inside. Snow peas are meant to be harvested as flat, tender pods before the peas inside develop at all. The Southern pea (cowpea) is an entirely different warm-season vegetable that is planted and grown in the same manner as beans.

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