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Posts posted by SevenSeasJim

  1. This is around the summer of 85/86. Can you spot Willy and Paan?

    You bastard! This means war. That's not something you should be looking forward to: Have you ever seen some of the pictures that Leanne has? :D

    BTW, you'll notice that I'm displaying my empty hands in that picture. As we were under age and my parents very strict, I intended to keep the damning evidence to a minimum. :P

    But this one is very tasteful ;)

  2. Ok now Al and Jay?

    Al is in the rocking chair and Jay is at the back with the black and white checkered shirt drinking Wildberry (hehehe).

    Hux, you haven't changed a bit!

    Nice try, we all know it's "Sara Soda".

    Bet ya havn't heard that in years, huh?

    You're right I haven't heard that in years. I think that was also the era of Durango Coolers as well (Berry Berry/Fuzzy Peach/Black Cherry)

  3. to be fair there should be commercials of people taking dumps in their living rooms or smashing their thermostats to guilt people about cars and factories messing up the environment... people stealing kids toys, food and homes to guilt Bush and other power mad leader's designs... fat people eating big meals in front of starving people to guilt the uber-rich conglomerates

    One thing at a time or we trainwreck.

  4. People who actually care about this should be lined up and stoned to death.

    so, seeing as you have posted twice in this thread already, i take it you'll be first in line to die? might wanna stock up on windex to keep that glass house of yours to a streak free shine! ;)

    i think it's sad they're splitting up. they seemed like a great couple who truly loved each other a lot.

    Don't make fun of my glass house! You have no idea what it is like to be watched all the time.

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