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tree troll

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  1. In! good thing about the thongs too
  2. I'm booking the weekend off tomorrow- see ya there Schwa!
  3. i'm so sorry to hear of your loss. it takes a lot of courage to make a decision like that. sounds like you gave your friend a great life. all the best.
  4. love it! hell.. costs less then the place i'm in now i really hope developers don't buy it
  5. happy day after Zappa's birthday, nearly Paisleys birthday, and Solstice!! finally!
  6. awesome.. its been a few years since i've had a good show the same day as my birthday
  7. barrie got lots of snow yesterday.. about 8-10cm. this year i'm investing in snow tires.. it seems that no one up here goes without them
  8. In assuming i'm still able to stand after the show
  9. In! can't wait! i think we're going down on sat night to start the party its been awhile since i've been to the states (i was stubbornly boycotting it for awhile).. crossing my fingers for a easy border crossing.
  10. its been a pleasure meeting and partying with you this summer marge.. luv and hugs your way
  11. http://www.myspace.com/thespeakeasiesreprise playing in TO on friday.. the recordings don't do them justice- they're a great guelph band and i'm liking electrojazz spaceship thanks for the tip
  12. aaron.. i think it probably had less to do with getting old and more to do with you breaking out the jagermeister monday morning.. just a thought
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