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Kanada Kev

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Everything posted by Kanada Kev

  1. They seem to be happening a fair bit recently. Suspensions, fines, shame, criminal charges, etc? Are they being strong enough?
  2. Kanada Kev


    This is the kind of goods that take up cargo space that could be used for medical supplies, water purification equipment, etc. Solar Powered Bibles Sent to Haiti http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/01/19/2796032.htm betcha somebody figures out a way to use the solar cells to recharge phone batteries, and the paper will be used for lighting fires or tp!
  3. LOL ... or they could get all 6 players to stand in front of the net and simply absorb all the shots Reminds me of when on of the MLB teams hired a midget pinch-hitter ... they couldn't pitch to his tiny strike zone, get a walk, then pinch runner. They modified the rules after that .
  4. [color:purple]WHOA! Now THAT should provide for some edge-of-the-seat exciting hockey for sure!!! Damn I wish I was paying good money to see that.
  5. Kanada Kev

    yayyyyyy God

    This dude's got a ticket to heaven fer sure!
  6. Would be killer eh? I'd love to see that. I've seen them billed as "The Family Stone produced by Sly Stone" guessing that he isn't even near the performance. Maybe this one will be different. Such a wicked band. I'm with you there, big time! I was a huge 2-Tone fan. Never got to see any of them since the movement was over by the time i could hit shows. However, I did get to see them at the old Diamond Club (now Phoenix) once under the Special Beat moniker in the early 90s. It was FANTASTIC. In 2006 they had a sort of 2-Tone allstar band at Lee's palace with members from The Beat, Specials and Pauline Black from the Selecter. Caught Wakeling's "Beat" at the Horseshoe a number of years back for a super fun night too. General Public was a bit of a disappointment at Massey Hall back in '85 I really hope The Specials (too bad Dammers still won't come back) continue their 30th anniversary tour and bring it all over North America. Don't want to miss that one!!! http://www.thespecials.com/
  7. Thinking of you and all the others at City. I know what this is like as i've experienced it myself a few times at the good ol' CBC. It sucks. Hang in there Jaimoe. I gotta call a buddy of mine who works camera and editing for Rogers/City and see if he's been hit by this at all.
  8. I'm with you Timmmy. That would be f'in awesome!!! I know the Family Stone is touring around but i don't have any info on it. Have you heard this interview with Sly from last year? This guy is such a recluse. Haven't heard shit from him in eons ... aside for that awkward performance at one of those awards shows years ago. http://www.kcrw.com/media-player/mediaPlayer2.html?type=audio&id=mb090525sly_stone
  9. Damn. Missed Steve Earle and Levon Helm already! Thanks for the heads up. The remaining two will be a good watch i'm sure.
  10. All of last night's late night commentaries by the players involved: http://tv.gawker.com/5451462/jay-leno-conans-show-was-not-doing-well
  11. If you get an antennae and pull in HD signals off air then you will definitely notice the 1080p. The same goes for a properly connected bluray player. From what I know, most of the bradcast TV that you get via cable/sat is coming in at 720.
  12. Kanada Kev


    I hear you. I had the same reaction when I first read the article on boinboing (a site i really enjoy). Had to read the source article to get some more details. This is so often the case with the way most of us receive the news. It's invariably in short bursts of headlines and bullet points with very little context or scale. The National has been doing a great job each night trying to give this disaster a real human face and not just supplying numbers like a scorecard. As always, the Big Picture at boston.com has some incredible photographs. Here is the latest set: Haiti, Six Days Later http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2010/01/haiti_six_days_later.html Yup.
  13. Kanada Kev


    Read through the discussions on that Guradian.uk article and the boingboing one. It's an interesting read and it highlights the damned if you do, damned if you don't scenarios. Some things to consider. Labadee is not a true port. Has no major unloading facilities and would have been used as one by the Haitian gov't or international relief suppliers if it made any logical sense. Here's a map. I believe Cap Haitien is nest to Labadee. It's over 130kms away from Port au Prince. another informative comment:
  14. Bonour Coach "Pot". Rencontrez la bouilloire.
  15. Kanada Kev


    I'm going to be on that ship in 2 months!!! But, not making a stop in Labadee. If you read this account, it provides a bit more info on the situation. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/jan/17/cruise-ships-haiti-earthquake
  16. Sweetfuckinggoal! http://www.wimp.com/goalhockey/
  17. If there were more cameras at that game I'm sure profile angles would show the nastiness of that elbow. Hit with that force (skating halfway across the rink to do it) could have completely snapped his neck. Absolutely vicious. Here's his protruding elbow taking out a Swede. Not nearly as bad as the QMHL one, but easily could have been: i sure wouldn't feel sorry for him if he got turfed from Junior Hockey for good. Especially representing our country.
  18. Kanada Kev

    yayyyyyy God

    God + assault rifles = ? http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/us-military-weapons-inscribed-secret-jesus-bible-codes/story?id=9575794 U.S. Military Weapons Inscribed With Secret 'Jesus' Bible Codes
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