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Kanada Kev

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Everything posted by Kanada Kev

  1. http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2008/9/14/103042/902 Very cool account of the rally held yesterday in Alaska against Palin (and McCain). Interesting set of photos showing the increasing turnout (said to be the largest in Alaskan history)
  2. Holy fuck. Looks likes McCain really is following the Bush way of dealing with crowds at "public" meetings/speeches:
  3. http://www.roythomson.com/eventInfo.cfm?E=96&YearMonth=2008,9 Los Lobos with special guest Pistolera Massey Hall $59.50 - $29.50 September 19, 2008 8:00 PM Massey Hall presents These audacious Grammy® Award-winning Latino rockers have carved out a distinctive place in the American soundscape, with a singular mash-up of blues, rockabilly, jazz, Latin, and Mexican-American influences. Los Lobos subtly challenge their fans with conscience-raising songs and thought-provoking lyrics. With support from New York City’s critically acclaimed electrifying quartet, Pistolera.
  4. you in? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  5. Tina Fey ROCKED as Sarah Palin last night on SNL. The rest of the show was relatively weak, but Tina stole it:
  6. Tacos + Los Lobos = Friday Night perfect
  7. sounds "swell" Their smoking patio out back can be "swell" too
  8. Burritos in The Star today: http://www.thestar.com/living/Restaurants/article/496283
  9. Sarah Palin action figure: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/opinions/cartoonsandvideos/telnaes/telnaescomments09122008.html
  10. We'll be there too (sitting beside Jaimoe). Sold out show too!!! Los Lobos is there the night before too if you're looking for something to do.
  11. welllll you can make your files "private" ... so I guess there's a little security.
  12. You don't get your own personal "space" that is secure or private. It looks like it the equivalent to one MASSIVE folder for everyone. I uploaded one file. Then clicked on "share" and it's simply filesavr.com/_yourfilenamehere_ You can type http://filsavr.com/ and type in random filenames and stuff will come up. Add a "3" and you'll end up with a porn shot .. be careful! I'm not so sure about this scheme. On their PRIVACY link: oh, and the ADVERTISING is "coming soon"
  13. Agreed. Here's another one that did it recently: and also, some more people can call out "journalists" like Sean Fuckwad Hannity too: watch him at 2:30 into the video:
  14. Did anyone else watch the first segment of the Palin interview on CBS last night? Holy fuck! It's hard to imagine that this woman could very possibly be the leader of the USA in a short period of time. She answered questions in such a canned manner that I thought I was watching a Miss America pageant She is so full of BS her eyes are brown.
  15. And check ou this recent interview of McCain by a local Maine station pressing him on Palin and her credentials. Hey, did you know that Palin knows MORE about energy than any other person in the USA!!?!?!?!
  16. Gotta love recordings. They come back to haunt politicians big time. Check out the dish on McCain from 2001 showing how he was making the case for war in Iraq 6 months before the White House was: http://thinkprogress.org/2008/09/11/mccain-iraq-911/
  17. DSO says: Gratefulfest 9 - A Weekend to Remember We want to thank all of you who made it out and were a part of another wonderful weekend of Gratefulfest out at Nelson's Ledges. Dan Healy naturally killed it on the mixing board, using the Meyer line-array rig that he practically invented and we were honored to have our friends, Donna-Jean and Keller Williams sit in with us. Additionally, we continued the tradition of supporting Rett Syndrome research by raising $2500 through GratefulFest supporters; that brings the total since 2003 to over $15,000! ! DSO would like to offer a special thanks to everyone who contributed to this special cause and especially to Julie Fultz and Erika Seth for running the raffle booth. So, what a fantastic weekend - thanks again for coming out and sharing it with us!
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