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Kanada Kev

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Everything posted by Kanada Kev

  1. I gotta get a coffee first ... i'll really be bouncing off the walls here at work
  2. They are usually pretty generic I find. Just thought of the album name and went for it. Glad you got in on the presale. Friends Of Massey will be the ones who get the first few rows on the floor
  3. seriously, it was a lucky guess too!
  4. This show is exhausting!! I'm at Franklin's Tower and the "meat" of the show hasn't even arrived yet. If I was at this show i'd just be muttering "... and it's only the FIRST SET!" PHIL ROCKS!!!
  5. Do cover/tribute bands count? It would be easy to fill up the rest with Dead cover bands alone! (DSO, Caution Jam, Crazy Fingers, etc. etc. etc.)
  6. Yup ... me listening right now too. Lots of energy. Baj, check out Jackie's myspace page for some more music samples.
  7. Clever: I am Ted I am Ted Ted the Head That Ted the Head That Ted the Head I do not like that Ted the Head Do you like the Grateful Dead? I do not like them Ted the Head I do not like the Grateful Dead. Would you see them here or there? I will not see them here or there I will not see them Anywhere. I do not like the Grateful Dead I do not like them Ted the Head Would you see them at Winterland? Do you like the Candyman? I will not see them at Winterland I do not like the Candyman. I will not see them here or there I will not see them anywhere I do not like the Grateful Dead I do not like them Ted the Head. Would you see them at the Fox? Or in the Rain with a Box? Not with a Box Or at the Fox Nor Winterland Or Candyman I will not see them here of there I will not see them anywhere I do not like the Grateful Dead I do not like them Ted the Head Would you? Could you? See Dark Star? We could road trip In my car. I would not could not In a car You may like them you will see Just listen close to Cassidy. I will not listen can't you see To Cassidy so let me be Not in the Rain with a Box I will not see them at the Fox I will not see them at Winterland Not Cassidy or Candyman I will not see them here or there I will not see them anywhere I do not like the Grateful Dead I do not like them Ted the Head The Wheel! The Wheel! The Wheel! The Wheel! Could you, Would you try the Wheel? No to the Wheel, or Cassidy No to Dark Star, Ted let me be I would not, could not, in your car I could not, would not hear Dark Star I will not travel to Winterland Ted you fail to see I don't like this band? I will not see them here or there I will not see them anywhere I do not like the Grateful Dead I do not like them Ted the Head. Say! "Touch of Grey"? Yes, "Touch of Grey" Would you, could you try "Touch of Grey" I would not try this Touch of Grey Do you not hear these words I say? Would you listen to this jam on Deal?? I could not listen to any jam on Deal! Not "In the Dark" or to the Wheel! Not to Dark Star or Cassidy I do not like them, Ted, you see I will not go to Winterland I do not like this Candyman! I will not see them here or there I will not see them anywhere. You do not like the Grateful Dead? I do not like them Ted the Head! Would you listen to Pigpen sing Lovelight? I would not listen to "Pig" sing Lovelight? How about the Good Lovin from the prior night? I will not listen to Lovelight Or Good Lovin from the prior night I will not listen to any jam in Deal To Dark Star, Cassidy or the Wheel Not In the Dark, or Winterland I do not like this hippie band! Not in the rain, with a box or front row seats at the Fox! I will not road trip in your car To any city where they are I will not see them here or there I will not see them ANYWHERE! I do not like the Grateful Dead I do not like them Ted the head. Here please try this Franklin's Tower Recorded from the GD Hour Try it, try it and play it loud You just might like it and be proud Fred! If you promise to let me be I will try these hippie freaks SAY!!! I do, I do like the Grateful Dead I can't get those jams out of my head. I will listen to this Franklin's Tower Or any other GD Hour I will play them long and loud I will play them and be proud I will listen to Pig sing Lovelight Or the Good Lovin from the prior Night I will listen to the song called Deal I will listen to the Wheel I will play this Cassidy Or In the Dark on CD I will listen to any Dark Star At home, at work or in my Car I will road trip to the Fox or stand in the Rain with a Box I will go to Winterland And hope they play the Candyman I will see them here or there I will see them anywhere! I do so like the Grateful Dead Thank you, Thank you Ted the Head
  8. Has anyone ever seen these before? WOW. They look wild. I gotta see what these are like. I'm gonna swing by MEC on King St W tomorrow if I can. barefooting (bare•foot•n) http://www.vibramfivefingers.com
  9. When my wife got home and found the new remote she picked it up and used it. It worked. It was easy. She loves it! These remotes pay for themselves in no time. AMAZING. Great deal on the 670 + rechargable batts: http://accessories.dell.com/sna/productdetail.aspx?c=ca&l=en&s=dhs&cs=cadhs1&sku=A0982720 or, where I got mine: http://www.shoprbc.com/ca/shop/product_details.php?pid=21393 Lovin' It.
  10. Vegoose ... the festival that you have NO idea who they might book next year Vegoose '08 - all disco all the time Vegoose '09 - Boy Bands, Boy Bands, and more Boy Bands etc. etc.
  11. lol ... next time Baj You did get the invite Now, try to get a Zappa Plays Zappa ticket on the cheap and you won't be disappointed. Need some help?
  12. Cool. Damn, I wish I had thought of heading up there to catch a few tunes before going home. Oh well, gotta remember for the next time. Saw a pic on the commuter paper today of Sting doing yoga at one of the downtown yoga centres. Wonder if they'll switch up the setlist at all before their return in November. If I can score tix for $20 again I'll go for the hat trick Wish they would tour another Police Picnic. Now THOSE were some great festivals with a fun collection of bands.
  13. Is it a white one? I'm sure i saw you guys on the QEW on the way in to see Roger Waters the other week (a little bit late too ). I had a 1978 Westy for a while. Ton of fun. Completely diff beast than the 80s models (wouldn't mind one in wicked condition). How's the maintenance on yours?
  14. Yup, another great show last night. No changes in the setlist but they were sounding better and the PA was better tuned. Stings voice is in top-form. Really blew me away again. TONS of tix wayyy below cost outside the venue. They were dumping them hours before showtime. Heard one scalper bitching that he made more money selling Police tix back in 1980!!! Ha Only $20 for me last night and it was WELL worth it. Keep your eye on eBay if you need some cheapies fast. They'll keep going down in price, but just get your ass into the show http://tinyurl.com/279use
  15. I was thinking about that after Basher had recently posted those $123 round trip flights to Chi-town. Very very tempting
  16. Almost sounds more like a guilty conscience defending a choice in vehicle that most people see as excessive. We all have the freedom to purchase whatever we see fit. It's gotta suck when the majority of the pop sees your choice as one that is not deemed socially acceptable anymore (especially in the city). Do you own a pitbull too? Just wondering, as many of their owners defend them in the same manner. Me? I drive a 20 year old BMW (no need to keep on building so many new cars when you can keep old ones alive) to get the GO Train. We also have an 8 year old minivan (which puts us high up, lots of legroom, can fit more in the back than a Hummer, has towing capacity and looks unassuming). Both are safer than driving in most SUVs. The majority of the cars you see in the ditch in the winter going up to cottage country are SUVs. False sense of security driving and horrible stopping ability. I flipped a Ford Excursion 6 years ago. It was EASY. Glad there was nobody in the back seats (as they advertised you could carry a little league team in it) as they would have been CRUSHED. Diff safety standards for SUVs. Not to start a flame war here about SUVs vs. cars, but there are a lot of facts out there that are completely warped in the whole scenario. Take a look at this article ... it's good: http://www.net-monster.com/blather_suvs_part1.html http://www.net-monster.com/blather_suvs_part1.html
  17. http://www.archive.org/details/jg1981-07-10-Interview.shnf Jerry Garcia Interview (July 10, 1981) Raddison Hotel, room 1503 St. Paul, Mn. July 10, 1981 Disk 1 1. Intro>reckogning album> 03:06 2. Song Selections for acoustic sets> 01:27 3. Filming of Dead Ahead and other film projects> 04:08 4. Dead Set record> 01:10 5. 15 years so far> 01:18 6. Writing with Robert Hunter> 02:55 7. Working without a net> 03:26 8. The addition of Brent to the band> 00:55 9. Jerry on tapping shows! 01:05 10. Venue breakdowns> 02:06 11. Unbroken Chain?/Jerry's car> 01:13 12. Working without a net reprise> 03:01 13. Unbroken chain rehearsal tapes> 03:50 14. Improvisation vs. formula> 03:22 15. Looking forward to 1982> 03:09 16. Have you heard about Deadbase? 01:20 17. Introductions of freaks> 00:15 18. Jerry on the Midwest> 01:54 19> Jerry smokes a jay> 02:19 20. Is the Uptown Theatre (in Chicago) Closed? 03:30 Disk 2 1. /Getting Althea right> 02:02 2. Here's the jay> 04:57 3. Bobby Wierd> 03:19 4. Touring across America> 04:25 5. Working with Phil and Micky> 04:30 6. Flying to gigs> 04:29 7. Pat calls for backstage passes> 01:49 8. Jerry bums a smoke> 02:58 9. Iko Iko and other song's mysteries> 03:22 10. Jerry on world events> 02:52 11. "This is not the right world for our trip"> 03:11 12. We got to get going 01:07 13. Althea/ (1981-07-10) 05:55 This item is part of the collection: Open Source Audio Author: Gtateful Dead Date: 1981-07-10 00:00:00 Source: MC>C>AIFF>WAV>SHN Recorded by: Greg Harrington Notes This is one of the only candid interview tapes of Jerry in circulation. It starts with a journalist named Greg Harrington asking some very intelligent questions about all types of topics and Jerry is very warm and generous during the interview. Later a few heads join the party and the tape keeps rolling. At one point someone sparks a jay and Jerry is inclined to smoke up with his new friends. What ensues is just hilarious as Jerry and company get progressively more stoned. This tape is a rare glimpse into the wonderful mind of Jerry Garcia. After listening to it, you will have a much better understanding of what it must have been like to be a member of the Grateful Dead, what was the process or lack of it for the band and who really is Jerry and what is his trip? This is a wonderful part of my collection. I have seen a copy converted by someone else, but I have taken the time to convert a high bias 3rd GEN cassette to digital. Note: Take special note to track 9 on disk 1. I Hope you enjoy Jerry's opinion on the matter of tapping shows.
  18. Well, I had purchased tix back when the initial hype of the announcement was still fresh. Seemed like ages away at the time. Then, two more shows get added in Toronto and I realize that there's now way I should have paid full price for the tix. Oh well, it was time to go to the show last night. We got in the doors just as The Police took the stage ... 8:45 sharp. Despite the flood of tix on the market, the place was packed. It was filled much like when U2 was last here, even in and around the stage. Nice minimalist setup on stage. No crazy pyro or nothing. Really was highlighting the 3 players on stage with no need for additional support. 3 large screens high above the stage and 2 on either side provided for lots of close-ups of the players. Because of that, it really didn't matter how close you were. We moved over part way through the show to get some improved sound. Went to the opposite end of the ACC away from the stage, but centred. Sounded perfect!!! I am often amazed at the sonic output that a good trio can pump out. They barrelled through one song after another and it was a really well done setlist. Covered all of their stuff the best they could. I was really impressed with at least half a dozen tunes that they worked into some decent jam sequences. You could tell by their interplay on stage at moments that they were really communicating with one another and enjoying the ride. One song came to a bit of an abrupt end as it looked like Sting and Andy got a little lost. Nobody really seemed to mind. Stewart Copeland is really fun to watch on the kit. The last time I had seen him was with Oysterhead at Massey Hall. This was no Oysterhead show, but he was able to really get in to the groove. Sting's voice is in fine form. Wow, on some of the arrangements it seemed as they may have shifted keys to allow for voice changes, but then on others he was belting them out with his smooth delivery and energy. I still think that he has one cool looking bass. So a buddy of mine calls me and tells me he's heading to the show tonight and coming up from Rochester. I get the green light, and now I'm going to see them again tonight. I scored a pair of tix in section 304 for only $40!!! There's more to be had. Check out these listings: http://tinyurl.com/2e82ck Should be another good show tonight. Anyone else going down???
  19. Thanks for posting that. I've listened to a few tunes now via that Youtube link. Some really good sounding stuff. http://www.myspace.com/jackiegreene
  20. What about the acres of tobacco? I'd rather see people have a 'reefer madness' response to that kind of crop. Leave the funky green alone man
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