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Kanada Kev

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Everything posted by Kanada Kev

  1. Ted Haggard's life is not "over". The great thing about the circle of people he used to have power over is that they are so ultimately gullible. The evangelicals are all about confessing your sins. It's easy. You fuck up, blame satan for making you stray, confess your sins, BAM! you're clean and born again without sin to start anew. There is no "3 strikes and you're out" rule. This is endless. It's a farce. Trust me, Ted will be preaching to the masses again. Remember this guy? OK, well maybe his face wouldn't be so scary or vomit-inducing if I included it on the cover of a magazine:
  2. LOL ... i was thinking of using that example as well. I'm just about to finish of a fine chunk of black that didn't cost 1993 prices And i forgot to bring it with me today
  3. And beers we're $5 or less, gas was $0.51 per litre, and nobody bought bottled water at shows . I bet you can get into tonight's show for $30 or less.
  4. Kharma!!! Those who seek the spotlight like these media-whores and spout their hate, deserve to have it come back and bite them in the ass as hard as they give it out. Watch Ted bash Gays in Jesus Camp the movie: http://wm.kusa.gannett.edgestreams.net/ads/sales/pre-stream/elite-may06.wmv http://alternet.org/blogs/peek/43849
  5. I don't know. From the replays, Alfredsson was looking MUCH better. They were doing really well in the first. How did they blow that lead though?
  6. Sounds cool! I should be there by 5:15 and 5:30 ... i could use a beer right now! I look like my avatar except i don't smoke cigarettes (nuge nuge wink wink know what i mean?)
  7. Thank you SO much 'bama Man ... i'm having a really hard time working today Go Zimmy Go
  8. Thanks Birdy ... i goofed. At least it was a decent Maher speech too . Here's the Olberman again: http://bigpicture.typepad.com/writing/2006/11/keith_olberman_.html
  9. If anyone want to hang for a preshow wobbly-pop/barley sandwich/etc. I'm going to be hooking up with a few other buddies at the Loose Moose (146 Front St.) It's a 5 min walk to the ACC and they should be playing some Dylan tunes on their stereo. http://tinyurl.com/y6wspk Cheers, Kanada Kev =8)
  10. Sorry about that. Let's try again: http://bigpicture.typepad.com/writing/2006/11/keith_olberman_.html
  11. Somebody posted 7:30pm i believe. I don't want to miss any of it. Being that it's election day in the US ... i'm hoping for some sort of comment from Mr. Zimmerman, be it vocal, lyrical, or in the song selection.
  12. Olberman rocks ... i've been lovin' his commentaries lately: http://bigpicture.typepad.com/writing/2006/11/keith_olberman_.html
  13. State-by-state guide to polling place photos The Center for Citizen Media has posted an extensive guide to the state-by-state rules on polling-place photography -- this is particularly relevant in this election, as Diebold' corrupt, inept voting machines come into play. * Can you photograph or video your vote inside the polling station– either a paper ballot or electronic screen? * Can you photograph or video yourself voting inside the polling station? * Can you photograph or video others voting or the working of the polling station from within it? * Can you photograph or video the polling station from outside it? * Can you photograph or video people leaving the voting station? * Can you ask people questions leaving the polling station and can you video or blog their answers? http://citmedia.org/blog/2006/11/06/state-laws-vary-on-polling-place-photography/
  14. Report vote-machine problems to 1-866-OUR-VOTE If you experience any irregularities in voting today, call 1-866-OUR-VOTE, the hotline for the National Campaign for Fair Elections. EFF lawyers and many others are standing by across the country to take legal action to remove malfunctioning voting machines, keep polls open, etc. Hear about vote-counting and democracy in the Latest EFF podcast , "Error: Vote Note Counted at Line 50." Link
  15. From Warren Ellis's BAD SIGNAL mailing list: "Karl Rove is not Aleister Crowley, Severus Snape, Darth Vader or Satan. You can kill him by ensuring your vote is counted and being vigilant at your polling station." I so hope that the efforts by all the grassroots orgs work today in order to ensure a "fair" vote. I read that they are encouraging people to get out their video cameras and film the happenings around polling stations, etc.
  16. Come on out for the show! You'll get in, have no fear.
  17. Al, i agree with you. That show was brutal. I can't stand GE Smith either, so it made it even worse. Did I sit with you at that show??? I remember there being some chick behind me who was relentlessly screaming like it was The Beatles ca. 1964. I am very happy that I've been able to see a ton of great Dylan performances since. Later . . . Kanada Kev =8)
  18. LOL ... come on out tomorrow night!! There will be extras outside for well under cost I'm sure! It's allright don't think twice! Later . . . Kanada Kev =8)
  19. Thanks for the tip ... getting the d/l now Cheese on .... Kanada Kev =8)
  20. Man, I get sucked into getting one of those at the show and I always regret it. There's someting about draft beers at big venues ... they wreck me the next day. I wonder if they ever clean the taps/lines?
  21. Anyone up for a few pre-show pints, etc? There isn't a ton of time if trying to get in for the Foos. Bier Market? C'est What? Bueller? Bueller?
  22. Some songs do it, not all the time, but at specific shows live have: Shining Star - JGB Buffalo '93 (especially when it became a massive sing-along) Bring The Boys Back Home - Roger Waters ACC '06 Bird Song - Grateful Dead 9/7/90 Shooting Star - Bob Dylan All of these by the great Canadian band Tanglefoot Vimy Secord's Warning Old Broken Soldier Little Soldiers Being in the middle of a massive drum circle at Cherry Beach after Jerry died ... CATHARSIS ... what a moment!
  23. Ditto ... i don't know how Olympians/athletes and people who represent Canada on an International stage who win, can keep their composure when the anthem is played. I'd be a quivering puddle! Later . . . Kanada Kev =8)
  24. Thanks ... i just want to be sure i don't miss it just to have an extra beer or something .
  25. Thanks for the honest review. I can totally understand where you are coming from. The shows really can be hit or miss. I've found that the last decade has provided for many more hits than misses though. I'm really wanting to hear some of the new album. Preferably Workingman Blues #2 ... love that tune. Later . . . Kanada Kev =8)
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