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Kanada Kev

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Everything posted by Kanada Kev

  1. Let's hope the one-pointer in Boston has shaken off the rust and that they'll be ready to go against the Devils tonight. I can't believe it, but I'm actually going to be at the Monster Trucks in Hamilton tonight!!! My kid loves 'em Hopefully i can stay away from any news on the score and I'll watch the game on the PVR when i get home. GO LEAFS GO Later . . . Kanada Kev =8)
  2. You're right. The only reason they mess with the jerseys is to sell more merch. The "third" Boston jersey is simply brutal: The days of the Bruins meeting the Habs in the playoffs EVERY year, back in the late 70s and early 80s were awesome! They would always be a killer matchup, go long, and the Habs would usually win . Later . .. Kanada Kev =8)
  3. Hello? Anyone in here still? I didn't see the game last night but saw that Ottawa was climbing back in the 3rd period but fell short. Only 17 shots on net? That's not like the Sens that i'm used to. Gotta be frustrating. I read that Alfie coughed up what turned out to be the game winning goal for the Devils. So, is Eugene Melnyk going to continue to be "150%" behind his management team if they fail to win against the Sabres tonight? I can't comprehend how he won't make a move to toss Muck or Murray. Later . . . Kanada Kev =8)
  4. I push my deadlines to the limit each day ... partly because of this board, and partly to piss off me bosses
  5. Had a feeling that it would be a rough time after 5 days off. Great way to kill momentum. Oh well, they did have some pretty sweet moments (Wellwood continues to amaze) and Aubin was stellar! Feelin' good about getting outta boston with a point Later . . . Kanada Kev =8)
  6. Touche! Hence, the beautiful Bombay Gin in the blue bottles . Wonder why they didn't change their name to Mumbai Gin? . I guess i was thinking where people drink a lot of g&t's Right here right now Brilliant! Booze Reviews All Day
  7. Can't miss my Mule! Still pissed i missed the free show in Buffalo this summer
  8. Huh? Damn ... didn't know there was a whole week, even a day, to celebrate geography! They NEVER taught me that at Ryerson or York U (where I graduated with a geography major!) I'm going to start celebrating right now with a tall Gin and Tonic My drink originated in ENGLAND. Here is a link to GPS locations for pubs in the UK http://www.travelbygps.com/guides/england/pubs.php the digitization proclamation of the declination of the destination through a compilation of aerotriangulation at a high elevation but please no rectification, triangulation or trilateration
  9. Kanada Kev

    Free Hugs

    Dima, Happy 4:20 You're entitled to your opinions. You rant them well. A free hug is not FORCED upon you. Nobody is invading your personal space. If they we're running up to people to hug them without consent, sure, that would upset people. The concept behind this is simply to OFFER them to those who would like 'em. How does it mke people feel bad? Maybe the person who is too shy will see people doing this again and will get the courage to go for it the next time. They will feel better about their own confidence, and then gain the great feeling of the hug too. "Believe it if you need it, if you don't just pass it on" HOw about spreading a bit of niceness rather than the negativity all the time? Be better people ... we all need to do that every once and a while. An yes, I love sarcasm and biting humour as well ... but it shouldn't tip the scale too far to one side. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))))) Later . . . Kanada Kev =8)
  10. Commercial scheduler/quality assurance rep for CBOT and CBET (CBC Ottawa and Windsor). I WORK with ignorant management!
  11. Kanada Kev

    Free Hugs

    Wow. Thanks for that. Did that yank on my heart strings or what. I'm a friggin' blubbering fool right now. I've given my 4 year old (sick at home with me today) a whole bunch of hugs since seeing it. Nothin' like hugging your kids. There seem to be a couple of guys who have spearheaded this effort. Jason Hunter in the US http://www.free-hugs.com/ and Juan Mann in Australia (the one in the video) http://www.smh.com.au/news/music/free-hug-man-speaks-out/2006/09/28/1159337257843.html (((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))) Later . . . Kanada Kev =8)
  12. Evil Hamsters: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2393895885958259815 http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6035121170646340376
  13. That's GOTTA be a confidence booster. Beat the best in the East in their house. Three goal third capped off with a short handed goal ... not too shabby! Congrats.
  14. LOL ... too funny ... what'll they do in concert? Guitar-solo-synch. Billy Gibbons is a kickass guitarist and has a MASSIVE collection of axes (he brought a book out recently of them)
  15. Doesn't Richard Gere? No wait, that was gerbils.
  16. bring back guitar solos! Nickleback doesn't do 'em do they? Their songs are so completely formulated and homogenous, IMHO.
  17. I figured there might as well be one . Should be interesting if Maurice sends out the Tucker/Peca/Wellwood line. What are they going to call it? The Peewee Line ... The Midget Line ... sorry, i can't think of anything too creative right now. Snap/Crackle/Pop Line? Kilger O'Neill Stajan could be the K-OS line
  18. cancon can't protect them in europe my bro-in-law handles the investment portfolios for a couple of them. don't feel too sorry if you know what i mean
  19. Funny, that's what I was going to do too before I got to the punchline. Just goes to show ... better not go off half-cocked
  20. Right on! Ain't no time to hate ... Later . . . Kanada Kev =8) ps - here's a link my dad just sent me for a "great" book ... if you knew my dad, the first thing you'd say is "he's read a book? Without pictures?" http://www.integritypublishers.com/product.asp?prodid=218&deptid=
  21. Got it ... thanks. I was thinking Shareholder Value Added .... or Saskatchewan Volleyball Association, etc. SVA Fight Card for 2004: http://www.hockeyfights.com/players/352/fightcard/reg2004
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