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Kanada Kev

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Everything posted by Kanada Kev

  1. Ollie, i agree with you. In no way was I implying that i *know* the ins and outs of any team or what goes on behind the scenes. I thought that was what I said. I was trying to raise the idea of what some of the other roles are of a captain. Not that they all have to be the same, or any of the skills are a requirement. It's just that you hear about other captains, current and historical, that are well known as motivators and leaders. The captain (as in the military) is a higher ranking player with more responsibility. I think that on many teams, the "C" is deemed necessary, when often it isn't. There are many coaches out there that do not need to have a player that is given that rank. That's why with some teams they have no "A" alternate captains, and some have a couple. My suggestion for making Alfie NOT the captain was not meant to be arrogant, but just an idea. It can be an added pressure on some players that just doesn't help them when they really have to do their job. Later . . . Kanada Kev =8)
  2. I'd take Sundin in a heartbeat over Alfie anyday. He's a much better, all-around player. Too bad he was stifled by the Quinn regime for the past bunch of years. Sundin is a wayyy bigger presence on the ice and can do a lot more than play on the PP. We all know what Alfie's PK skills are like ... remember that giveaway??
  3. LOL ... he's not the sole reason for Ottawa's "problems" I just don't think that he's doing much of anything for the team at all. We're not in the dressing room, but I have never heard much about Alfie's captain skills. There are many captains who haven't been big point getters on the ice, but their leadership abilities to motivate and encourage their teammates makes up for it. Is Alfie one of those? I don't know. Is he more of a captain because of his point getting ability from previous years. Personally, I'd prefer to have a captain who can really be a leader and a motivator, not just a scoring talent. For your Sens, why not go with NO captain for a while. See what cream rises to the top. Maybe Neil would wear it better? Maybe Heatley or Redden? Thoughts? Later . . . Kanada Kev =8)
  4. You have to think that as teams reach the 20 games played plateau that they better think of fixin' things that don't seem to be working. You don't want to waste more than a quarter of the regular season and jeopardize playoff positioning, or even missing them. Buffalo is riding sweet with their start to the season. Like I heard one analyst comment, they could run out the rest of the season playing .500 hockey and still be in a good spot for the playoffs. Later . . . Kanada Kev =8)
  5. I'm enjoying the album so far on my first listen. I must say, that the mini-opera tunes are much more of a standout than the rest so far. I'm finding it's coming across with much more of a Pete album than a Who album ... and that's not a bad thing, just different. Later . . . Kanada Kev =8) np: Fragments of Fragments - Endless Wire/The Who np: We Got a Hit <-- very catchy
  6. Reviews from the current tour have been very positive. They did have a bit of a break last year. Kang went off to Aftrica, and the others had side projects. Maybe they need another, or maybe they won't be SCI 100% of the time. I think that they reached their peak audience size and now have to settle back into the realization that that is where they are at. They won't become a stadium/arena band. Do the best with what you can support. moe. has done a great job at the realization of what kind of venues work for them and their audience. I love SCI and I wish them future success and hopefully talk about that Summer Tour next year comes together. Later . .. Kanada Kev =8) np: Endless Wire - The Who
  7. That's too bad. I didn't watch yet, but have it on the PVR. Maybe i'll skip through it tonight after the hockey game.
  8. When a game is constantly in a powerplay mode it completely kills the flow of the game. Obviously, it is warranted sometimes. However, when it is due to a shitty ref team than it really gets maddening. There's nothing like watching 10mins of continuous play without a whistle!
  9. I just watched some of the replays on nhl.com: http://www.nhl.com/nhl/app?date=10%2F31%2F2006&page=Scoreboard&service=page Nice SH goal ... and the Samsonov/Kovalev pairing is a treat to watch. Gotta say Alfie sticks out like a sore thumb on the scoresheet ... -4 gets 3 shots on net in almost 24mins of ice time!!! Ouch.
  10. it's very very quiet ... I'm waiting to hear about why it was bad calls, or Montreal being "lucky" as to the win, from some Sens fans. I didn't get to watch the game. Was it a good one?
  11. When I got to talk to him last year I asked him. He says he's kinda used to them and can wear them for about 15mins continuously. I met him at a live event and he said that's the hardest, because he can't see any of the cues (red lights on tv cameras, cue cards, etc.) He's gotta wing it Bubbles (Mike) was a really nice guy, as was Ricky. I didn't get to talk to Julian at all. Later . . . Kanada Kev =8) np: Gov't Mule 10/7/06 Sco Mule w/ Denson!!!
  12. Cute dog and unicorn!!! Great candy-getters I'll see you, and raise you a pirate (live and dead) and Batgirl.... Later . . . Kanada Kev =8)
  13. Thanks for that quick review! I forgot that it was being released. I'm looking forward to the show at the ACC. Never miss an opportunity to see Townshend if at all possible. If you're an OINKER: http://www.jambands.ca/sanctuary/showtopic.php?tid/235298/
  14. Very funny Tenacious D video with great animation. http://tenaciousd.com/classico/ http://johnkstuff.blogspot.com/2006/10/classico-is-here-tenacious-d-video.html
  15. Remember ... it's Skelevision night tonight on CONAN
  16. For more great toons on this topic go to: http://cagle.com/news/RushRemarks/
  17. Great costume: When Pumpkins Go Bad: When costumes go wrong: Halloween Hangman: http://dedge.com/flash/hangman/
  18. I want to KILL him now!! (is it a "him"?)
  19. Hope everyone has a spooky day and ghoulish night. Nothing like Halloween to stock up on munchies Later . . . Kanada Kev =8)
  20. http://www.canada.com/topics/sports/story.html?id=90677330-c72c-4d7f-95d2-fbf03f019a07&k=31241 But the Russian veterans took more heat Sunday from one of the greatest Canadiens of all time - Guy Lafleur, who works for the team in a community relations capacity. In his weekly column in Le Journal de Montreal, likely written before Saturday night's game, Lafleur, who never minces his words, blasted both players for putting themselves ahead of the team. And he urged head coach Guy Carbonneau to assert his authority, even scratch them from the lineup for some games if he must, to prevent dissension from spreading on the team. "Me, myself and I, that's Kovalev's motto," Lafleur wrote. "He punishes everybody because he's not playing up to his expectations."
  21. ?? What is it? Lafleur is my childhood hockey hero. Got a hockey card here at my desk to remind me
  22. Sorry man, i totally brain farted there ... i ALWAYS think of Chris Neil when I think of "class" Take a look at Neil's fight numbers v. Tucker's (twice as many fights in the NHL!!!) I'm not saying Tucker is any angel, but stop calling the kettle black!! http://www.hockeyfights.com/players/16/fought_breakdown http://www.hockeyfights.com/players/132/fought_breakdown So, take the fights and take the offensive numbers and even 3x the salary, and I'd still rather have Tucker on my team than Neil Buddy, screw the roach, here's the whole doobe! I'm passing it to you. Toronto HATERS need to take a few hits off of it and chill ...
  23. and a coward............ And Neil is such a hero and tough guy for pummelling Tucker with that vicious verbal assault. I still don't understand why with all the trash-talk Neil didn't jump him. Oh well. Chris Neil - 4pts = 252nd in NHL Darcy Tucker - 13pts = 16th in the NHL You can keep Neil
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