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Kanada Kev

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Everything posted by Kanada Kev

  1. Thanks for the link. I'm listening now ... very cool indeed. I love the fact that they tossed in Ghost Town by the Specials too I placed it on yousendit too if anyone wants to access it that way: http://download.yousendit.com/D40E2C1308FD7048 Later . . . Kanada Kev =8)
  2. ooooh ... those would be good. Exile would lend itself very well to a raggae/dub vibe! How about a Easy Star "Dubophenia"? Change the imagry from the seaside riots, to a beach on Jamaica with rastas, gangstas and bump heads Later . . . Kanada Kev =8)
  3. Again, that's a matter of personal preference. There will be a market for people wanting to spend money on Supernova. To them, it's of some value. Just like there are people who think RATT was great and still listen to their music and buy their brand. Agreed. That what it should be about. However, by the time most acts are playing arenas and larger venues it is more about the money. Otherwise, they'd be doing multi-night runs in smaller venues grossing wayyy less revenues. Just like all those musicians from the punk movement in the 70s learned to play their instruments so well? It was about NOT playing them in tune, or needing to have had classical training, and demystifying the perceived pompousness of the grand scale prog rock emenating from the 70s. I do agree with you. However, it all comes down to one person's opinon on what "sucks" and their definition thereof. One man gathers what another man spills . . . Later . . . Kanada Kev =8) ps - i admit it, i am going to see Supernova (comp tix and I plan on PARTYING like a rockstar ). I'll probably be kicked out, or passed out, before the show is over/started )
  4. Buy our Maiden concert tix, shirts, posters, CDs, keychains, on the way out ... but don't call us capitalists! Pot calling the kettle black... Really, give credit where credit is due. If NKOTB make millions by milking the demand of prepubescent girls, good on 'em. They found a way to make a bigger buck! Same with Rockstar. If people are entertained (even if it doesn't reflect your taste) they will be willing to spend their money on it.
  5. LOL ... but maybe it would be worth seeing if we could get some coverage of The Musical Box??? I'll see what I can do .
  6. LOL ... and knowing my dad ... he could be yours too!
  7. Your thoughts are the same as mine. While it is a great sounding album, it does seem to be a bigger stretch to melt it into a raggae/dub feel. Dub Side feels like it was MADE for the raggae treatment. Any idea on what the next project is?
  8. Thanks MOBE ... i agree with ya. Age is all in yer head: Age is strictly a case of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter. ~Jack Benny You are only young once, but you can be immature for a lifetime. Thanks Bob ... hope you were able to get that futon back together
  9. After somebody commented that Radiodread would not make up an entire show on it's own, I was thinking that they must "fill" the rest of the show with Dub Side of the Moon. I'm going to do my best to get to this one. I've listened to Radiodread a couple of more times and it's growing on me. Later . . . Kanada Kev =8)
  10. Jake, Thanks ... i wish i was going to the game, but i'll be enjoying it at home. Hey, at least I get cheap beer, food and blazin' there Hope it's a great game for ya. Enjoy it. Tell Kyle to score one for me . Later . . . Kanada Kev =8)
  11. Thanks Bitter Sens Fan We'll wear out the Avs for you tonight so they're a little softer for you tomorrow ... then we'll see you on Saturday Cheers, Kevin
  12. Oh yea ... i'll get canned (just not at work hopefully ) Rotis for dinner Beers to drink Some sweet black for desert Then on to watch Sundin light it up on the ice again Later . . . Kanada Kev =8)
  13. Sweet! Thanks guys. Now my avatar says i'm 36! Where did the time go? Good to know i've still got lots of gas in the tanks Why is a birthday cake the only food you can blow on and spit on and everybody rushes to get a piece?
  14. Right on ... glad you got in and had a good time. Did Beck perform anything? Good call on the Scientology question Ollie ... wonder if my email to him triggered it . We can be the puppet-masters of George if we want
  15. Water slides?? oh Yeah Me too. Gotta go back to Disneyworld sometime and hang out at the waterparks all day :)
  16. http://www.dailygut.com/?i=1273 PROPER RESEARCH: MIND-QUAKING LSD CURES ALCOHOLISM. FACT Respected doctors in the scientific and medical community are discussing the merits of prescribing acid - yes, lysergic acid diethylamide aka LSD - to cure alcoholics. The drug of choice for hippies and college kids of the 60's and 70's that caused hallucinations or "tripping," was, of course, outlawed. It may have been a kneejerk reaction. Erika Dyck, an assistant professor at the University of Alberta, Canada, raised the issue after studying a series of LSD tests of alcohol-addicted patients carried out in the 1960s in Saskatchewan. She discovered that two-thirds of the alcoholics stopped drinking for at least 18 months after receiving one dose of LSD, compared to 25 percent who stopped after group therapy, and 12 percent after individual therapy. According to Dyck, even Alcoholics Anonymous endorses the LSD research. Alcoholics Anonymous "felt that one of the major obstacles to joining Alcoholics Anonymous was 'Step 2, admitting that there is a higher power.'" Even the co-founders of Alcoholics Anonymous, Dyck said, "felt that LSD was the first intervention that helped many people to reach this step."
  17. Damn, these look like fun! Art lovers get giant playground Five giant slides have built in the unlikely setting of the Tate Modern. The newly installed gigantic slides at the Tate Modern The largest slide is 55.5 metres long and descends from the fifth floor. A visitor tries out one of the newly installed, five gigantic slides at the Tate Modern in London The artist, Carsten Holler, describes the piece as a "playground for the body and the brain." He believes the slides could combat stress reports the BBC. He added: "Why don't we have them all around? The slide should be a more banal means of transportation, not necessarily linked to children or some kind of emergency. It should be used every day to get from one point to another." The slides are part of the Test Site exhibit commissioned for the gallery's Turbine Hall.
  18. Kanada Kev

    good Lord!

    Whoa! You mean these?
  19. woops ... sorry for the duplicate link posts you're fast Brad
  20. George is the type to ask these questions. I just sent him an email to inform him (if he didn't know). Watch the show tonight and see if he asks him about it! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beck#Beck_and_Scientology http://www.lermanet.com/beck/
  21. Whoa ... freaky! I had never heard about that before: http://www.lermanet.com/beck/ Later . . . Kanada Kev =8)
  22. Hey, if you want to see Beck on The Hour w/ George Stromboulopoulous today you may still be able to get in. I just spoke with one of the audience relations people and she said that there have been some cancellations and the weather may scare off some people from coming down for a free event. Send an email and the following info ASAP if you want in: thehouraudience@cbc.ca The show tapes in front of a live studio audience Monday thru Thursday, from 4:30 – 5:30 PM. Tickets are available for pickup on the day of the performance, one hour prior to show time. We ask you check in at our ticket desk between 4:00 – 4:15 pm. Please be advised that if you check in later than 4:20 PM, your tickets are no longer guaranteed. At this time, tickets are limited to 4 tickets per person, and attendance is limited to one taping a month. All tickets are free of charge. PLEASE NOTE: Tickets to attend a taping are not guaranteed until you have received confirmation from our audience department. Thank you for your co-operation BY EMAIL If you would like to request tickets online, please write the date of your choice IN THE SUBJECT LINE of the email. send an email to our audience department. You must include the following information: 1) Your name 2) Daytime telephone number with voicemail 3) Evening telephone number with voicemail 4) Preferred email address 5) How many tickets you require If any of the information provided is missing or incorrect, we will not be able to process your request. STANDBY TICKETS Standby tickets may become available the day of a taping, a half-hour before the show begins. They are dependant on seating availability in studio and are not guaranteed. If tickets do become available, they will be given out on first come, first serve basis. LOCATION The Hour is taped in studio at the CBC Broadcasting Centre in downtown Toronto. The audience entrance is at 25 John Street, between Front Street West and Wellington Street West. The studio is wheelchair accessible.
  23. DAMN! I wish they were doing Dub Side of the Moon I listened to Radiodread a couple of times and it just doesn't do the same thing for me ... it is still good though.
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