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dimafleck: the living legend.

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Posts posted by dimafleck: the living legend.

  1. " "The Rainbow Family purposely poises itself on the brink of anarchy, that its gatherings attract dangerous and idle masses that overwhelm county and state services, disregard local communities, and destroy the natural resources the group claims to worship." The Forest Service Incident Management team cost federal taxpayers $750,000 in 2006, and the team handled the gathering in Colorado that year and other large events in National Forests. A similar gathering, The Burning Man Festival held each year in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada, pays the Bureau of Land Management $750,000 for a permit, and recoups the cost by charging attendees between $185 and $250"

  2. ever think that the rainbow family was instructed to video tape, and exaggerate anytime cops were on the grounds?

    i heard no shots fired and didn't see any kind of misconduct from that video.

    infact... i can barely see any police officers.

    not to say that cops always do the right thing...

    just sayin...

    cops firing into a crowd....with children... kinda outlandish.

  3. oh please....

    get a job. get a hair cut. and stop refering to that lost soul as your "brother" or "sister"

    a group known for widespread drug use gathering in a state park in a community that told them many times that they didn't want them there.... with a history of trouble with the authorities....

    what a freakin surprise.

    nothing but elitists and uninformed hypocrites.

  4. good read.

    somthin else was def cool to be in. (despite how cracked out people were in there fro dumpstafunk).

    the fountain was super weak this year for sure... where as last year, it was by far the best.... it seems like this year was completely half assed and rushed (you could see last year's design underneath the paint).

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