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balogna pogna

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Posts posted by balogna pogna

  1. I've remained silent on this post as I was sure everything would work out for the best, and You know what? I'm still sure that it will.

    The karma that Keri has coming to him for all that he gives will be reaped for years to come. Spreading smiles, and good times are like ripples and it really does make a difference in our "scene" and in the bigger world around us.

    Don't ever give up hope Keri K...you do good work!

  2. I've never seen Paul, but getting in at the cheapest price seems like a good idea. The man is pure genious but we'll see if he has a $300.00 performance in him that night.

    He deserves to get paid well way more than the Eagles etc. who charge that much.

    And let's face it, if we don't support Paul, how will he ever be able to buy his catalouge back from MIchael Jackson?

  3. I got a call last week and the phone number on the display said 111-111-1111 and it was a recorded message telling me that my local MP wanted to vote against the same-sex marriage bill and "reminded" me to call him and tell him to follow his conscience and vote against gay marriage.

    The thing is my MP is a Liberal and quite progressive and is likely not going against party line anyway.


    Maybe when the REAL Jesus comes back he can sort all this out for us.

  4. This is great news and he deserves all the success in the world.

    Correct me if I'm wrong...but I think I recently saw Mr. Colbert doing a Canadian Jiffy Lube commercial.

    On a somewhat unrelated/related note my local video store has a Lewis Black DVD I've been meaning to rent. I think it's stand up comedy and I'm interested to hear what he has to say in a totally uncensored format.

  5. I think it's great that these guys started playing together. The first studio album is pure gold, and the 2 live shows I've heard are great too. I got to see their only show in 2003 at Bonnaroo, and would love to catch a couple more this year. Playing with Mike seems to have given Leo a kick in the pants as apparently he's more open to "jamming" now at his own shows.

    I'm really looking forward to the new album as well, as the shows I've heard have a lot of songs they co-wrote but didn't include on the 1st release.

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