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Posts posted by ggrtrhhrtgg

  1. I still get teary eyed when Canada wins at hockey,--that is called "national pride" which really doesn't have much to do with "national identity".

    Maybe, just maybe, this country is very progressive, and maybe just maybe the fact that we don't really have a distinct national identity is a possible stepping stone to creating universal unity and acceptance.

    Which makes me very proud to be Canadian and which is another major reason why I will vote Liberal. There is nothing "progressive" about conservatism.

  2. first, I have two issues with this. one, you want to be taxed evenly, but you support the conservative party? correct me if I am wrong, but, i would suggest that the conservative philosophy is not in favour of equal status.

    Secondly, you have me confused, you suggest that we need cultural diversity--but you are concerned about losing our Canadian identity? That appears to be an oxomoron in my view.

    You comment about feeling like a minority?? How so?? because of the colour of your skin? Is that important to you?

    I would suggest that the less you identify people by their physical features, and the more you identify them by their personalities the better the idea of multi-culturalism will sound. Acceptance has come along way in my eyes, and I think the Conservatives will look to "conserve" old ideas, of protection, separation, etc.

    That is one of the reasons why I am voting liberal.

  3. I think Harper is speaking for all the Canadians that don't care to give their money away to social programs.

    I'm torn between being a bleeding heart and a hardass.

    Especially when I see how multiculturalism has been so mishandled over the past 30 years. less of a celebration and more of a tolerance' date=' which is more of a melting pot than america.

    I believe it's led us to lose our national identity. Now it's more geo-political than social. It's nice to lose the characiture but it hasn't been replaced with anything yet.

    I'm still thinking that the best thing for this country to smarten itself up is a conservative majority. the people that care for the left wouldn't vote strategically anymore and the conservative voters would have to notice how much of a joke Harper is and how we need a REAL leader.

    i like the idea of an NDP minority but really - the liberals and conservatives would just team up on Layton and force a new election. The only one I could trust not to play dirty politics is Layton's NDP but they don't act strong enough to demand any sort of respect from me. nice that they're nice but it's not my kid's kidergarten teacher we're talking about here.

    Canada needs to give back to its citizens while still being able to bring in new canadians. without immigration, we LOSE population. less people are having children. I feel like a minority here in Vancouver and without the proper planning and societal model the different groups will just ghettify. We don't need racial and religious districts that's not diversity, that's just tolerance.

    if it's an era of equality, we've got to give back to Canadians, and not just with tax cuts.

    We need to be taxed evenly and get more for our dollars.

    We need a real government. One that helps rather than helps itself.

    I don't see that in our future anytime soon.

    it makes me want to punch somebody in the face.[/quote']

    I think you're bang on.

    are you serious?


  4. i don't think anything is "wrong" with banning handguns. in theory it's beautiful. but as legislation, i think it's useless and will mop up tax payers money that could be better spent elsewhere.

    in the end, the weapon isn't the criminal. the criminal is.

    what a cute little phrase. However, it makes absolutely no sense. PLEASE GIVE ME ONE REASON WHY ANYONE SHOULD BE PERMITTED TO CARRY A HANDGUN IN OUR COUNTRY (outside of the police) Handguns do kill people, alot more frequent than any other type of weapon. And where would you rather spend money??? Sorry, I think providing protection for the citizens of Canada takes precendence over a self-indulging tax break.

  5. this is tough... but, first honourable mention goes to U2 at HSBC in Buffalo, and Kellar Williams at the Docks--big summer classic

    no particular order here....

    Allman Bros-- London

    Phil and Friends--Shea Theatre Buffalo

    Col. Bruce Hampton and the Codetalker--PJC

  6. I wanted to be a professional hockey player. unfortunately the scouts never made it to my CYO games back then...

    Now, I am a teacher--which is somewhat ironic because this was the job I least wanted back in the day because my mom was a teacher and my dad was a principal. I received the 'strap' four times, suspended once, and I failed grade 12...

    (I should have put that on my resume---no? hehe)

  7. 'survival of the fittest'

    I believe that in our country, many of the fences that have separated human beings for hundreds of years have been either dismantled, or at least tampered with... I think you could suggest, (which is what I believe Dr.EM is saying) that to a certain extent,the Conservative Party, is looking to "conserve" or even better "protect" some of those fences that still remain... to go even farther than that, I would suggest that they might even re-construct some of the barriers that existed in the past...

  8. ok Birdy, you are suggesting that the CPC will have less control over the citizens of the country-- I understand.... however, if they relinquish some of their control, it will leave a vacuum, and who benefits, or gains control?? The people??

    I would think big business would have more control over our lives, and may I remind you, we don't have the opportunity to control big business, they are not democratically elected.

    That is the reason why I am not, and I will never-- vote conservative. But, hey, to each their own. Great discussion Birdy.

  9. I have to admit, and maybe you could call this ignorance... but, I really find politics to be extremely transparent and simple.. you talk about "family." Why do you think the CPC have such a policy?? Because that is the sector of the population that they are campaigning towards. Conservatives equal containment. And what I mean by that is, they don't want change, they are "conserving." They do not want to think outside of the box, unless it will guarantee them enough votes to get a majority so that they can continue to pursue the party politics of their nature. This includes providing opportunities and or attracting big business to invest in Canada. Therefore, they create more jobs.... And more people work, however, they are anti--union so these jobs are provided with the condition that whoever is providing them is satisfied with the profit they make before they spend it on their staff, or workers etc... Tax breaks are not intended to benefit the average Canadian, it is smoke and mirrors, I think you need to see through that. It will be money that is taken away from our social programs that many Canadians depend on... Conservatives are capitalists... Survival of the fittest. real simple.

  10. i particularly like the quote from walter mcintyre.. so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so true.

    [color:purple]ya, so lets all vote conservative, because you know they are definitely going to be putting money into our community centres... for sure, no really, they will.

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