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Posts posted by ggrtrhhrtgg

  1. It is not smoking pot that causes people problems with their education. It is skipping school and not doing your work.

    Some kids will smoke pot and go to class. Some will only smoke after school or on weekends. Some will smoke and skip class. Some won't smoke pot, but still skip class.

    I'm sure numerodos has had an experience in which his or someone's education was interrupted and they were a pothead. Personally, as I said, I know many very successful, very educated people who have used marijuana very regularly for a long time.

    Anecdotal comments are not evidence. Downtown St. Catherines is not a source (unless you start surveying people there) and besides I have no idea what it looks like.

    I'm not putting a spin on anything. Like numerodos, I am also speaking from experience.

    (Now, maybe people consider me an unsuccessful loser, with an opinion of no value, but that is another issue. Otherwise, my experience is as good as anyone's.)

    EDIT TO ADD: No doubt "drugs" are a major problem in the school system. All drugs, or is there no need to draw a distinction?

    I don't want a misunderstading here. I am not suggesting that students that smoke pot will be unsuccessful. As a teacher, and an individual that smokes pot on occassion, I would not recommend smoking pot before class. I don't think its going to enhance your abilities in the classroom.

    I am a big advocate of living responsibly. Well, at least most of the time.:) I support my school's zero tollerance for drugs in the school. In my opinion, its not the time or place to use them. I like to drink socially, but, I don't drink before or during school, once again, in my opinion it is not the time or place to practice that.

    Anyhow, eventhough there may be a hundred success stories for each "child" that experiments with drugs, I would still prefer to support a policy that reduces the possibility for the one tragic case where a student life is either lost or damaged because of their association with drugs.

  2. Of course, there is no way to determine whether someone's potential has been curtailed due to chronic pot use. That said, what if I told you that I personally know people who are (by any description) chronic marijuana users, and have been for more than 20 years; since Junior High School? Such people have achieved graduate degrees, professional degrees, and have excelled in professional positions.

    I don't think its a stretch here to say that smoking pot at highschool is determental to your education, I would suggest that is a fact, based on experience. I don't think you can argue that no matter how you want to put a spin on it.

    Drugs are a major fucking problem in the school system. As an adult, you have much better judgement on what you get involved with, as a teen, you may not be aware of all of the risks, and they are not at the age where they are responsible for themselves.

    I think its a great scare tactic actually, hopefully, it may lead to students to think twice about taking their recreational habits to school.

  3. Interpretive dance???....INDEED!!!!

    you silly wook, I know you got dirty imagination capabilities from previous posts you've made........'nuff said.

    I certainly do beleive that Tom is not only inhabited by alien spirits, but may be a test-case run of actual scientology-alien take-overs. Not having cable at home, I finally saw ten minutes of an interview with him at our Montreal hotel...what really struck me was the lag between Q and A....I swear I could see the Q being 'uploaded' to the mothership, translated in nanoseconds, the reply composed and downloaded into Cruises's communication circuits before he actually opened his mouth and responded. He also had ZERO emotion when responding to charges that the baby wasn't his. He spoke in such a monotone, it was really freaky! I think the aliens need to study us further...they don't have it right quite yet.

    I think Tom is waiting for Joseph and his Amazing Technicolour Spaceship to arrive.

  4. not to judge anyone on here, y'all have valid reasons to choose to handle this subject any which way you like.

    Personally, I think I could probably count on one hand the times that I have not given money to the homeless. Yes, I am sure I have been scammed, yes, most are probably going to buy crack... however, I would suggest that by not giving them change, will in no way act as a detterent, nor will it save them from their demons. And perhaps, once in a while, that change does go towards food, or water, or maybe a night in a hostel.

    Heck, it's only money.

  5. I can't wait to get this study posted on the whiney site, freedominion.ca and see how they react. I posted a similar 'theory' about insecurity there the other week and it didn't take long for my account to be banned.

    hey finally figured out there was a politics forum, and Bouche, I am going to see how long it takes me to get banned from that site. Time to stir the pot. hehehehe.

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