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Posts posted by ggrtrhhrtgg

  1. definitely go to Celtic Park, and try and catch a game somewhere in your travels in Scotland... Edinburgh rocks!!! the place is a lot of fun, if you are looking for things to do while you are there, head to the Princess St. West Backpackers---lots of friendly travel folk there and there is a pub inside. If there is anything going on, people there will know. Also, you could consider going to Fort William, Ben Nevis?? not sure of the spelling, but, its in the mountains, nice place to go for a hike and a cool little town as well.

  2. I know I am completely high-jacking this thread--the tatoo is sweet, I got mine done at artistic impressions in St.Catharines---by Brian, highly recommended...

    ok, what the hell is the deal with Grimace anyways??? what exactly does he represent at McDs?

    you got the hamburglar, ronald, fryguy, but Grimace??? Is there really a relation between Jabba and G?

  3. I admit. I guess I just seem to have formed an opinion over time that (1) my "wealth" should be spread and (2) no matter how little I have to spread, I should always consciously be allocating my money to places I deem worthy. Most often there's a benefit for me (e.g. concert ticket), sometimes not (e.g. corner grocery). I imagine that'll all change one day when I have a mortgage or kids to feed.

    I see what you are saying, but, I would suggest that the comparison between groceries and music is a little bit of a stretch because we choose to support music because we like it, not because of how much or how little it might cost, which might be the reason that you or I decide to shop at a specific grocery store. I like to spread my funds with a certain element of conscienciousness, however, if some super store starts bringing in Rolling Rock, I'll be the first in line.--- =)

  4. Let's be honest, it's a lot easier to rip off a rock band than people in many other lines of work these days.

    First of all, I am not trying to offend anyone, or pick on anyone, but I really want to respond to this previous statement....

    Personally I don't agree with that. If a musician is not making money, that is not my problem. If I am going to donate money to a cause, as much as I love the music industry, its not near the top of my list of individuals that are in need of my money. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem of spending some of my limited resources going to a show or a festival, but, I do it out of interest more than out of sympathy.

  5. I pay to go see professional athletes perform and they are making millions. Does Moe make 100k? Don't really care. Its kind of irrelevant to me in regards to how much they make, they set a price for a ticket, and I get to choose whether or not I am interested in paying that money to check out their music--live.

    Also, I think I can download just about any moe show I want. Which is pretty heady.

  6. yes, I apologize for the lack of details, but, I need to sit down and think about all of hte fun we had, and Mark pretty much summed it up. It was nice to have met you Afro Pop!!! I would highly, highly recommend that any lover of the dead, should consider attending this one.

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