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Posts posted by hamilton

  1. I hear no one at Rhino will be allowed consume anything but organic tofu and soy beverages during the production of this collection.

    :D :grin: :D Apparently Morrissey is not involved in the project in any way. Johnny Marr oversaw the remastering. I expect that Morrissey will step forward soon and declare the entire thing to be a pile of shit, or to go to court to find some new way to keep Mike Joyce and Andy Rourke from seeing a dime of the profits.

    In a tofu-related topic though, Morrissey is making himself well-liked again with comments such as these.

  2. Link

    It's about time. The original WEA cds have absolutely horrible sound quality, and I think the first album had some speed issues or some other problem. Anyway, the price (£34, or about $55) is really quite reasonable for 8 cds. There is also a vinyl version for considerably more money.

  3. crazy. i'd be afraid to flush the toilet...or even go near one. I would imagine they'd be backing up.

    a story and some video

    I live not too far from where those first two videos were taken. The third one is pretty far away from me.

    The rain has gone back (as of late Wednesday night, anyway) to just being normal-style raining, so the flooding within the city has mostly disappeared for the time being. It's still as wet as fuck out there, though.

    I didn't witness any toilet issues, but I could hear sounds coming from the drains in my apartment Wednesday morning when I rolled out of bed. I live on the fifth floor so I'm not too worried about much, but I wouldn't want to live on the other side of the block - they had serious basement flooding last fall, even though the rain then was nowhere near what we just got in the last 24 hours.

  4. Don't drink the water.

    I'm using the flooding as an excuse to drink nothing but beer.

    Apparently, we had more than 400mm in under 16 hours. Rain, that is, not beer. It's still raining right now, but just regular-style, not trying-to-kill-me style. The forecast is for another 300mm by the weekend.

    The newspaper tells me 35 people have died today due to flood-related incidents, mostly in mudslides in rural areas.

  5. A little bit of water.

    Pictures 3, 4, 7, 8 & 16 are all my neighbourhood. Needless to say, getting to work this morning was... interesting.

    Rain of biblical intensity began around midnight Tuesday, and didn't let up at all until about 11am Wednesday. Then it turned into just regular rain. Right now, it is almost 3pm, and the biblical intensity has returned. I literally had a hard time sleeping last night; that's how hard the rain was pounding against the windows all night long. This is supposed to keep going all through the weekend.

    I'm glad I know how to swim.

  6. You pics aren't coming through, but they should be all Dwarves.

    Chrome spell-check kept telling me that "dwarves" was incorrect and "dwarfs" was the preferred spelling.

    Anyway, here's the Link for Thorin's picture. You can click links from that page to see all of the other dwarves.

  7. Finally! I've been waiting for this. Summer is a little dead for TV.

    On an unrelated note, anyone who isn't watching HBO Canada's "The Yard" is totally missing out on one of the greatest comedies I've ever seen. Don't google it, don't research it, just find it and watch it. It's only scheduled to be six episodes long, and episode three just aired the other night.

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