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Posts posted by hamilton

  1. I'm probably responsible for an awful lot of those "jambands.ca" searches. Searching through google doesn't leave the site name on your drop-down address history menu. Since I'm at work all day, and should be working, I don't want to be too obvious about doing stuff that's not work... like I'm doing right now.

  2. As per up-and-coming jambands, I think NEW MONSOON, PERPETUAL GROOVE and DRIVE-BY TRUCKERS are really going to increase their fanbase and grow in the coming months.

    Since when are Drive-By Truckers a jamband? I know lots of people on this board like them (including that crazy wook NewRider ;) ) but I don't think that makes them a jamband. There are at least ten people on here who like The Cure, but that doesn't make them a jamband.

    I don't think the Slip, as good as they are, are really a jamband, either.

  3. Unabashedly swiped from the Toronto Star:

    "Toronto gets another look at the Fab Four as a photography exhibit culled from th archives of CBS and Life photographer Bill Eppridge begins today. The exhibit looks at various appearances the Beatles made in America in 1964. The show runs through August 27 at BCE Place (181 Bay Street)."

    Groovy... ::

  4. Hey hamilton,

    The whole point of this post had nothing to do with Sheryl Crow originally. It had everything to do with the fact that the majority of the artists that I listen to are anti-bush and/or support the democratic party.

    Oh, I know - I was just running with the tangent!!

    Anyway, back to our regularly scheduled programme: Down with Bush!!!

  5. I spent just over a year in South Korea, and would recommend it to anyone... if you think you might enjoy that sort of thing, you probably will. The most important thing is to get yourself in with a reputable company - there are a lot of fly-by-night operations out there.

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