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Posts posted by hamilton

  1. i'm not blaming the people that get out to see shows and support culture...it's the many people that don't just because they're too lazy to do much else other than watch jeopardy or reality television.

    Would you blame a non-sports fan for the loss of a pro sports team in a community, though? People have different interests, and might not be supporting live music for any number of reasons. I skipped GTB last time they were in Hamilton, and would have no trouble skipping them again the next time they were here - they just don't really interest me.

    Plus, why focus on the live music scene as an indicator of a community's interest level in "culture"? Plenty of cultural events, exhibitions and such do perfectly well in Toronto and other cities.

  2. To be completely realistic, I expect every political party that holds office in Canada to be corrupt, inefficient, and wasteful... it's just a question of who can do more positive things for the nation while wasting our tax dollars on various scandals - or, at least, who can be least corrupt, inefficient, and wasteful.

  3. Generally speaking, when you hear reports in the media concerning these polls, they're the results of polls conducted by reputable independent firms, like EKOS or Ipsos-Reid. The parties, of course, have their own polls, but the media doesn't report them - because they're not reliable.

    Generally, they're done on the phone - I took part in one the other day, actually...

  4. Yeah, but these polls are always accurate to x percentage points, y times out of z (generally 4 times out of 5, or some simialt ratio). They're not 100% accurate, which is why you can have different results from different polls, but they *do* generally reflect people's opinions.

    The real x factor is that number of people who are undecided, or who might switch their vote later on, because these polls usually reflect only decided voters' preferences.

  5. Over the past years, the Green party has gained quite a considerable amount of votes, especially in BC. In fact, I firmly believe that we will get at least 3 seats from the Green Party in BC, into senate this time around.

    Getting voted into the Senate, regardless of your political affiliation, would be quite an accomplishment indeed!

  6. I read an interesting article the other day in some newspaper (maybe the Globe, maybe the Star, I don't recall) which opined that Reagan's death could have a negative effect on Bush's campaign - because people will compare Bush to Reagan, and realize that he doesn't measure up to the Gipper. So perhaps this lionization of Reagan might work in our favour after all...

  7. Another good reason not to vote for the Conservatives is that fact that the incoming prime minister will be responsible for two appointments to the Supreme Court - a move which could alter the decisions of the next 20 years or so. Harper has already stated that he would appoint judges who would bow to the wishes of Parliament... which isn't a very good thing. I think that the Supreme Court has, in many instances, been the reason that we live in the (relatively) socially-liberal nation that we do.

  8. In terms of material, Farmhouse isn't bad (if you get rid of Guyute, anyway). But it sounds terrible to listen to, just like Hoist sounds terrible, even though the material's not so bad. Someone has to keep Trey away from the producer's chair.

    Fair enough, but are you really saying the production on Round Room is stellar? There's certainly not much deft editing going on there, and I could set up a couple of ADATs in my basement and get the same audio quality. I do think many of the songs on Round Room came into their own live, but the album still sounds like a bunch of rehearsal tapes to me.

    And BTW it is true that Rush fans have a more highly evolved taste than you mere morals, so thanks for that clarification Hamilton. :: ;)


    Mr. M.

    I think I prefer underproduced to overproduced. The Basement Tapes still sounds more fresh than a lot of albums that have a fortune spent on their production and recording. You're right - Round Room doesn't have stellar production - but it will sound better in ten years' time than Farmhouse will, I'll wager.

    As long as Rush disowns the entire 2112 series, I'll forgive them. And you. ;):)

  9. In terms of material, Farmhouse isn't bad (if you get rid of Guyute, anyway).

    Guyute is on "Story Of The Ghost".

    Oh, yeah.

    Actually, that kind of helps to prove my next point - that, IMNSHO, pretty much all of Phish's studio albums, with the exception of the two that everyone hates (and, I'll concede, Junta) are pretty unlistenable to begin with. Unlistenable enough that I forgot which album "Guyute" was on.

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