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Posts posted by hamilton

  1. Opera House T.O.

    I think I was at that show... all I remember is that the sound was so bad that I couldn't tell if I liked them or not. Oh, and that they played a Guess Who song (maybe "No Sugar Tonight/New Mother Nature"? I can't remember). So, I still have no real opinion on what I think of them, but it (and a few other bad-sounding shows that year) did cause me to really dislke the Opera House for a few years. Granted, it sounds much better now, and I quite like gigs there these days.

  2. I hate Genesis almost as much as I hate... Nickelback...

    I think we should establish a "Jambands.ca Swear Jar". Every time someone says "Nickelback" in a post, they have to contribute $1. Admittedly, it won't generate much cash, but just seeing their name in print, even when being thoroughly dissed by Jaimoe, makes me feel nauseous. ::

  3. karma is like religion

    I myself don't believe in either.

    After seeing 4 year old kids at the cancer clinic living the last years of their lives under chemo or radiation treatment machines,I ask myself,if karma does exsist then what could have this 4 year old child have done to deserve this?

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the basis of Karma was the next life. ie. reincarnation, ie what you do now gets you then.

    But as Lennon said "Instant Karma's gonna get you"

    Strictly speaking, I think you're right.

    But to the general non-Hindu world, I think the basic idea is that eventually, "you're gonna get what you deserve" whether it's in this life or the next.

    I agree with Esau, though - it's all hogwash. Plus, when bad guys get their dues, it's usually at the hands of the very people they wronged - which makes it revenge, not karma.

  4. awww hamie! It's the thought that counts, right?!?! ;)

    The funniest part is that I was somehow convinced that the "best glass of water she ever had" could have been from a tap in a house in Thorold! ::

    Musta been good 'shrooms. ;)

  5. keep it up!!!!!!!

    - it's the perfect place to put your coat & still be able to keep an eye on it while you're on the dancefloor

    - it's crammed enough trying to get in & out the door in the winter, if you take the wall down, that "walkway" becomes total dancefloor

    - if you are too tired/drunk/high to dance, you can lean on it, enjoy the band, & not get knocked into so much by buck wild patrons

    - it's much nicer to walk in the door & have even a slight bit of breathing space to survey the scene, as opposed to going straight into the mayhem

    Precisely what she said. ::

  6. But with a new recording, and an appearance on Mr. Letterman's show, is there room for doubt that Phish really plans to break up? The group did so once before, in 2000, but reunited two years later.

    Umm, when did they quit before? I know there was a hiatus, but I didn't realize that they had actually called it quits... ;)

    Do some research, jackass!

    Pathetic, eh? Unfortunately, this isn't the first time that I've seen a journalist unable to make a distinction between a hiatus and a break-up. ::

  7. I made a big party faux pas once - about eight years ago at a party at Cyberhippie's place. His kitchen was flooded with water; I was wearing shoes. I girl who wasn't wearing shoes asked me to get her a glas of water, and gave specific instructions as to where the glass she had previously used was (right by the chia-head next to the sink). I was on a lot of mushrooms, and had consumed about half a bottle of red wine - so I retrieved the glass, let the water run so that it got cold, determined that I would bring this lovely lady the best damn glass of water she ever had. I brought it back, looked expectantly at her, and she then pointed out to me that the entire rim of the glass was shattered and jagged.


    Good thing she wasn't as messed up as me.

  8. 1. I don't see how posting something on a public message board, for 1200 people to see and judge on their own, is evidence of "cowardice". Don't worry though, I'm not going to insult your integrity in return.

    2. I'm also not being critical of your grammar - in fact, my entire point is that you have correctly used quotation marks to convey a negative connotation (congratulations!! An A+ in Mr Hamilton's Quotation Mark course). This isn't a typo, like entering "form" when you meant "from", or choosing the wrong word, like "weather" when you meant "whether"... you had to consciously use your fingers to hold down two keys to enter the marks around the word. You even said that you were trying to convey a secondary meaning - I believe the words you used were, "We have a winner." If I talk about Britney Spears' music, I might say something positive, negative, or neutral. But if I talk about Britney Spears' "music", it's clear that I don't think much of it - to the point where I would question its being labelled music at all. Only you're not referring to Phish's music, but to people who enjoy Phish's music... a group of people of which I am a part. I can handle all of the jokes about Phish, their fans, and their music that you can throw at me - it's just that I don't see a joke here, only a non-specific negative connotation. Maybe I'm stupid. If you could point it (the joke, that is) out to me, I would be grateful.

    3. My real point then, is what is it about people who listen to Phish that you find so objectionable? If you're talking about the type of "phans" that bring a negative vibe to the scene, then your use of quoatation marks is appropriate. But if you are just baiting people for fun, your plan seems to have backfired - because this thread doesn't seem like a lot of "fun" to me. I'm guessing you don't think it's so fun either. I don't think that too many members of this board are the negative type of "phans", anyway.

    4. Thanks for posting the link to the Coventry site. It contains a lot of useful information. Much appreciated.

    5. I have no idea what you are talking about when you say,"Next time don't smile as you stick a knife in someones back and keep my business to yourself,especially since its none of yours. I know you know what that means so I will not go further into it online.If you wish to discuss this you can speak to me in person." Honestly, I'm not kidding. I don't ever recall saying anything, in this thread or any other, about anything that wasn't directly part of a thread, or that would be construed by you as dealing with something that was none of my business. If you could (privately, as it seems to involve private things) point out to me where I did that, I can either apologize, or explain how you misunderstood what I was posting. As a matter of fact, if you can get me to understand how I have deliberately and negatively involved your private life in some public thread, I have no problem whatsoever issuing a public apology right here.

    I'm not looking to start some kind of feud here. We bump into each other all the time, so that would be a pretty stupid thing on my part, wouldn't it? I'm not out to get you, honestly. It's just that unlike Kung, who has repeatedly stated why he holds SCI and their fans in disdain (and, for the record, I agree with some of his statements, and not with others), I have no idea why you seem so bent on ridiculing people who enjoy Phish.

    See you Thursday at the Shannon Lyon show!

  9. Why do you always put "quotation marks" around the word "phans"?

    Same reason I put "quotation marks" around other words.

    Why do you care?

    Just "wondering"....

    Since you asked...

    Let’s look at the uses of the quotation mark, shall we?

    The first use of quotation marks is to indicate speech, as in: John said, “Let’s go for a walk.”

    A second use of quotation marks is for: titles of short or minor works, such as songs, short stories, essays, short poems, one-act plays, and other literary works that are shorter than a three-act play or a complete book; titles of parts of larger works, such as chapters in books; articles in newspapers, magazines, journals, or other periodical publications; and episodes of television and radio series.

    A third use is for words used ironically, with reservation, or in some unusual way, as in: Cheesehead was greatly valued for his “intelligent” contributions to the discussion board.

    Now, let’s take a look at this…

    “Phans” is not a quotation, nor is it the title of any of the above types of publications or literary works. It isn’t being used unusually – at least not in a jamband forum. So, either you’re trying to be ironic somehow, or else you’re using the word with reservations, known as the apologetic quotation – which is used to try to distance oneself from the word, or to suggest that it isn’t something that you would want to be associated with - thus, judging yourself to be above the rest of the ilk that you are referring to.

    Now, I realize that a big part of what you are doing is just trying to bait Phish fans, but:

    1. It’s really getting old;

    2. I’m not sure why you seem to get perturbed when people take the bait, and then argue with them, and then complain that you’re misunderstood. You seem to be “misunderstood” an awful lot. Perhaps you should examine why that is.

    3. I have no idea whatsoever why creating a post about an upcoming event that many people are interested in, and then actually having people read it, is amusing. I mean, if I posted a thread about Dylan, why would I find it amusing to check who’s on-line and see that a lot of people were interested to see what I had posted regarding an artist that is clearly enjoyed by a large portion of the forum? But, hey – as qu’est-ce que c’est said, whatever melts your butter, right?

    Hope this helps!

  10. In... although you couldn't possibly pay me enough money to watch Melanie Doane. I'd rather jab a fork into the side of my head. I'll be at the beer tent or the porta-potty until she's done.

    Why? She's got a pretty good voice, writes pretty good songs (admittedly in the pop/rock vein, without the emotional effect of, say, Tori Amos, but still competenly done and radio-friendly without pandering to that narrow part of the middle of the road where all you find are dead skunks), can play instruments (fiddle and guitar, IIRC) and can play them pretty well. (Actually, I'd put her pretty close to somebody like Sarah Harmer; how do feel about her music?)

    I guess it's the vehemence you have for her (and her music) that mystifies me. There are loads of performers I'd gladly skip (and pay) to see Melanie Doane.

    I'm a complicated man, BradM.

    First, I think Melanie Doane is no better than or different from any of the other middle-of-the-road CANCON radio-friendly twadlle inhabiting Canadian FM radio - like Sass Jordan, Holly McNarland, Chantal Krevi-whats-her-name, or Amanda Marshall. Boring, perfectly pleasant voices with completely interchangeable material. And that "Adam rocked my world" song was a travesty... an overplayed travesty.

    Sarah Harmer is a step above this crap. I'm not 100% sold on her, but I think she's a serious contender for Sarah-Maclachlan-in-the-making. Good for her. If she were opening for Jim Cuddy, I'd have no trouble checking her out. Julie Doiron is pretty good, too. Neko Case is awesome.

    Tori Amos drives me nuts. I've tried to like her, and just can't do it. Emotional impact is good... emotional car crashes are a bit much, though.

    I'll go sharpen that fork now...

  11. My favorite tracks on the album are the classic Los Lobos track "Wicked Rain" combined with Bobby Womack's "Across 110th Street" featuring Womack! God I love that Womack song, it always reminds me of a Tarantino film, though I forget which one?

    That would be "Jackie Brown", I believe.

    It's rather likely that I will go to see Jim Cuddy tonight - see you there!

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