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Posts posted by bokonon

  1. I told the dealership that I work at about the ordeal and they talked to the stereo store who backed my up saying that I didn't break the speakers, they were just old so now I don't have to pay!!! Woo Hoo! I don't own the car, it's a demo from work so this is very good news.

  2. ....I really want to listen to snoop dogg in your car, can you come pick me up?

    There is not a snowball's chance in hell of this happening. However, I have some Peter Tosh in this morning and you are welcome to listen to that or anything else that doesn't make me want to stab myself in the ears. And the old adage does apply here; ass, gas or grass, nobody rides for free!

  3. Yep...the person who worked on it doesn't work there anymore, but they traced the serial numbers and found everything (deck, amps, speakers, subs, alarm/starter) came from their store except the Game Cube.

  4. No, no...they didn't do that at all. They told me it was $20 to have it looked at...they had to take out the old speaker and also had to take out one of the screens (both were pooched) then after they exhausted all avenues of repair we began discussing replacement options. I left the pooched screen because I don't give a flying fuck for the DVD system, especially the screen on the back of the driver's headrest. But the vibration in the speaker was making me have serious road rage problems. I've got three giant amps (if i knew more about this shit i'd give you details, it all just came with the car) and two subs, so they said you need good speakers otherwise they will blow with all that power.

    And yes, I go for long drives and turn up the bass. ;)

  5. So I had a vibration coming from the six inch round in the rear. (Does that sound dirty or is it just me?) I had it looked at last night and ended up paying $200 to replace....is this normal? I have a big system and they said if I were to put cheapies in they'd just keep blowing.

  6. Won't the insurance companies be paying for this? The companies no doubt knew that they were heritage buildings and therefore would have to follow the regulations regarding reconstruction in an event of this type. Insurance companies are posting record profits, so what's the problem?

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