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Posts posted by bokonon

  1. Honestly, I have no idea. It's the first year we've been using them. I have never had one. I'd wait a couple years until there's more experience with them and then buy one. Let other suckers be the guinea pigs who shell out $800 for an untried product.

  2. I heard that the Ford dealership in Brantford will throw in a pair of stirrups for the rear view mirrors if you buy the undercoating package

    If you buy from me I'll demo the stirrups for you. ;)

    Oh, and regarding the Boko-ductible, I'm much more likely to break the windshield with steel toes than high heels. But I can make work shoes kinky, too!

  3. Cougar: N def: a person who is over the hill and dressed to kill.

    Whenever you're dressed too young for your choronological age and sexually preying upon those you could have babysat or given birth to; you're a cougar.

  4. Cougars in Brantford...Who knew? ;)

    From the Brantford Expositor

    City police spot cougar?

    Posted 2 hours ago

    City police believe they caught sight of a cougar on the prowl, early Sunday on Lynden Road.

    At about 2:30 a.m., an officer saw an animal resembling a big wildcat run eastbound along the sidewalk of Lynden Road, before heading north across the Sympatica apartment properties at Brantwood Park Road, then continuing north along the Ontario Hydro line easement.

    Officers examined large paw prints in the snow, which indicated about a six-foot stride. Photos of the prints were taken for examination.

    Police urge the public not to approach, corner or try to trap any wild animal. Call police for assistance at 519-756-0113.

    And I thought they were all at the Liquid Lounge!

  5. I did my main project of the year on Alan Ginsberg in OAC. He was truly inspiring, eh? He was the reason I started liking poetry at all.

    And back to the topic of Chirstopher Moore, I finished the Stupidest Angel last week. Although I thoroughly enjoyed it I don't think it was as good as Lamb....but still worth a gander. I nearly pissed myself laughing near the middle of the book there is a chapter that is one sentence long...."So that sucked." Comedic timing is a hard art to master in writing but Moore could well, write a book on it. (I guess he's written several demonstrations ;) ) So now I'm reading A Dirty Job and I find this one actually develops his characters as real people moreso than the others I've read. I'm liking it. It's official, I have a new favourite author to add to the list. Ahhh, that's probably why I'm less bitchy than normal, I love finding a new author and it's been a while since that's happened.

  6. Woo Hoo' date=' a book thread! I haven't got to Jpod yet but do appreciate Douglas Coupland. Right now I'm reading Dirty Jobs by Christopher Moore. I finished Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal by the same author last week and he is fucking funny! Kinda like Vonnegut but less dark and his twisted mind is easier to grasp.[/quote']

    I just finished reading Practical Demonkeeping a few days ago. I certainly enjoyed it, but at the same time wasn't blown away. I definitely going to give Christopher Moore another shot, though!

    Read Lamb! It's the funniest thing I've read in a while, especially if you know anything about Christianity, Judaism and the associated sacred books. Wonderfully irreverent.

  7. Woo Hoo, a book thread! I haven't got to Jpod yet but do appreciate Douglas Coupland. Right now I'm reading Dirty Jobs by Christopher Moore. I finished Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal by the same author last week and he is fucking funny! Kinda like Vonnegut but less dark and his twisted mind is easier to grasp.

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