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Posts posted by peipunk

  1. Oh, the horror:

    Irma Gallant said people have waved her throughout the roundabout.

    "I had the yield, and I yielded. But they said 'go.' So, I don't know if I was supposed to go or not, but I did."

    Drivers, in fact, are not supposed to stop in the roundabout.

    Johnston said he's hopeful people will get the hang of it soon.

  2. Pffft. You ain't got nothing on the serious problems we have here on PEI. Check out this story I sent to Booche not too long ago:

    Roundabout Courtesy Causes Confusion

    Islanders have been having trouble adjusting to a new Charlottetown roundabout, in part because they're too courteous for their own good.

    The roundabout on Allen Street opened two weeks ago.

    City officials aren't surprised to hear of drivers stopping in the middle of the traffic circle to let people in.

    "We would consider ourselves, Canadians and Maritimers, to be a courteous type of people," said Paul Johnston, the city's manager of public works. "Just in generally driving the roads, you'll often see people that will yield their own right of way to others and wave them on."

  3. So I realize I'm talking to myself here, but this was the best festival ever.

    It burns.

    Consider this my feeble attempt at making an excuse for why I wasn't there; we rented our house out this summer and our first renter moved out Saturday morning with a new renter showing up Sunday morning. I spent all day cleaning bathrooms and doing laundry. Sucks to be me.

  4. Hot damn, I really enjoyed watching the game last night. Bautista and Escobar both made me jump out of my chair and cheer out loud. I can't say I have done that many times while watching baseball. I am fully expecting the Jays to trade Bautista and rip the heart out of the fans that are hanging on this year.

  5. We booked a car for this past weekend with Discount, a company that royally sucks. At pick up time on Friday, they didn't have a car for me (or the other 5 customers there who had reserved cars), so we were shuttled over to a small independent operation.

    Agent: I'm sorry, we have no mid-size available at the moment.

    Jerry: I don't understand, I made a reservation, do you have my reservation?

    Agent: Yes, we do, unfortunately we ran out of cars.

    Jerry: But the reservation keeps the car here. That's why you have the


    Agent: I know why we have reservations.

    Jerry: I don't think you do. If you did, I'd have a car. See, you know how to

    take the reservation, you just don't know how to *hold* the reservation and

    that's really the most important part of the reservation, the holding. Anybody

    can just take them.

    (apologies for making light of a shitty situation)

  6. Is that a little border collie puppy?

    She is indeed. We weren't planning on a puppy but I was blown away by how smart and amazing her mother was so I surprised my wife with a "lets take a drive" Sunday morning.

    how does she get along with mean face?

    Meanface is still not too thrilled about the situation


    since little Lucy is quite curious and energetic(sorry for bad phone pictures).


  7. No I am not talking about Rubberdinghy and hoagies...

    I am talking about being in the good books with DA WIFE...and doing my part to keep the board lame.

    Please allow me to introduce you to Lucy Maud Lebowski Buote:


  8. fantastic show... a real smoker! 1st set was very well played with a strong finish. 2nd set was massive- Mike dropping some serious funk and basically owning it. Never a disappointment in SPACatoga.

    Fantastic indeed, a serious step up from the first night, and funky as hell most of the night. I really wanted an AC/DC Bag so that put me in a really good mood early. BUT this may sound crazy, but Mike sort of butchered the first couple minutes of YEM. Trey called out for everyone to go right into it, they missed it and then it took Mike a couple minutes to get settled back into it. (he even missed the big hit on "BOY" but I am not gonna complain anymore, Mike has been MVP of 3.0 IMO, hehe)

    Gotta listen to this Mango though- thats one of the most messy tunes they play if they don't nail it. If they do they are usually good to go!

    I have to listen to it again, but I thought it was pretty much nailed (edit-except for some phriendly phlubbed lyrics)... I love that song outdoors, it always reminds me of the last set of Lemonwheel.

  9. Yeah that was cool running into you man! I think one of the guys you were with called the Axilla in the first set...?

    I thought the first set was a fantastic setlist, hit me just the right way. Second set was a bit of a roller coaster but I thought the place was going to explode when they started the last Tweeprise; not sure if I have ever pumped my fist so hard.

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