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Posts posted by peipunk

  1. Exxon Valdez was the original name of an oil tanker owned by the former Exxon Shipping Company, a division of the former Exxon Corporation.The ship gained notoriety after the March 24, 1989 oil spill in which the tanker, captained by Joseph Hazelwood and bound for Long Beach, California, hit Prince William Sound's Bligh Reef and spilled an estimated minimum 40,900 m³ (10.8 million US gallons, 257,000 oil barrels) of crude oil in Alaska. This has been recorded as one of the largest spills in United States history and one of the largest ecological disasters.[4] In 1999, the Exxon Valdez oil spill was listed as the 53rd largest spill in history.
    The Gulf War oil spill is regarded as the largest oil spill in history, resulting from the 1990 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, or the first Gulf War. The oil spill, which began on January 21st, 1991, caused considerable damage to wildlife in the Persian Gulf especially in areas surrounding Kuwait and Iraq.[1] Estimates on the volume spilled usually range around 11 million barrels (462 million gallons or 1.75 billion liters);[2] the slick reached a maximum size of 101 by 42 miles (4242 square miles or 6787 km²) and was 5 inches (13 cm) thick in some areas. Despite the uncertainty surrounding the size of the spill, figures place it 5 to 27 times[citation needed] the size (in gallons spilled) of the Exxon Valdez oil spill
  2. Let the rationalizations/excuses commence.

    I am glad you gave up on your weakass sarcastic drivel since you noticed:

    -nobody gave a fuck

    -nobody thought you were funny

    -everyone ignored you (except Roller once, but he doesn't really count).

    (do I sound angré? I'm not really :o )

    That being said, I just hope it is a great game Saturday when I am there! No expectations; to be watching the Habs on May 22 is magnificent.

  3. So my buddy called me up at noon today... he is a successful businessman and has his own plane(when we were out partying our faces off after high school, he was home building his internet business). He told me he wanted to go up to Montreal next weekend. Managed to get 4 tickets.

    I am going to Game 4!!!

    In this:


  4. pretty shitty game winning goal if you ask me. How much shit did your awesome fans trash in their own city last night?

    I didn't get to watch the game as I was driving back from the Soo and couldn't find the game anywhere on the radio last night.bunk.

    I would call Lapierre's goal the winner if we trade the Gionta goal for Talbot's "breakaway" goal where Fedotenko closed his arm around Subban's skate...or even for Kunitz's goal that richocheted off both his skates after he fanned on the puck?

    I don't want go get into any shitslinging to be honest, I am not going to talk about refs anymore and I was just teasing you with the molasses comment.

  5. I don't usually whine about the refs either, but holy shit, that was ridiculous. If its the first thing Don Cherry says, yeah, you know its bad.

    Aside from the refs we got a couple breaks on the goals...amazing....even if we end up losing we get at least one more game back in Montreal. Awesome, awesome, awesome...

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