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Everything posted by Schwa.

  1. What's he paying ya? I'll double it ...and the YAY Neil and Wilco posts were to try and get the thread back on track.
  2. purple can suck it. YAY Neil!!
  3. A quick internet search shows this. LOL! Zzzzing!
  4. bradm has hijacked yet another computer.
  5. bradm wouldn't know a joke if it stole his bike.
  6. Neil Young/Wilco is the new Slip.
  7. that banjo looks like a guitar. just sayin'
  8. being autumn, i'm looking at 1 shirt per day (not including costume change) this thread is making me out to look fucking horrid.
  9. Hey Stoned Phillips, whose laughing at the list now?!?! ROLL CALL DONE.
  10. Schwa. don't follow no rules. Luckily for you guys, my gut hangs down below the thong and it looks like i'm wearing nothing at all.
  11. ((sigh)) Have a safe trip Dizzle!! I want stories. And you'll have to do the write up this year. ((doublesigh))
  12. ya see? all i needed was the equation before the answer. makes perfect sense.
  13. Europe? Seems as though Basher's crack supply is topped up for the weekend.
  14. i'd say about 90% of moe.rons were originally phish heads.
  15. What sort of numbers did you bash to come up with that.
  16. except HS and DBT are good. HEYOOOOO!
  17. not fired. but there would be a 'write-up' Next is a day off, next is 3, next is fired. My attendance is pretty good so there won't be any problem.
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