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Everything posted by Schwa.

  1. what is a fixed? who are ya? I'll be in Hamilton the day before so won't be able to carpool but we can certainly meet up at the starting line. is Tigger doing the ride? can i ask any more questions?
  2. there hasn't been that much raw enthusiasm in the Skydome turf since i don't know when. put a big smile on my face for sure....hopefully Zaun gets traded to somewhere he'll get played in the off-season. side note: we were at the most boring fuggin game on earth yesterday to watch Purcey get his 8 inning shutout. No bats at all. no worries though, thanks to Stoned Phillips for the sweet 2nd row hook up!!
  3. dimebag darrel incident comes to mind, unfortunately.
  4. i am in Hamilton. a plan is very slowly formulating...slowly.
  5. glad you're doing it too Marge! See ya at the starting line
  6. i think it was the avatar. (digs hole deeper, hating thread more by the second)
  7. marbles? do they still exist?
  8. the "fold and roll?" remember the bottom of your pant thing.
  9. consider it a question of the day. Windbreakers? Hyper-colour stuff? Emmanual Lewis?
  10. man i thought phishtaper was a chick FOREVER!! ps:sorry.
  11. so, how long HAS your head been in your ass sam?
  12. bump-skees. QQC and i need company!!
  13. Schwa.


    How 'bout them Bears?!?!
  14. My buddy/roommate from Chatham years ago had his father move down to Tennessee for work when Nashville were in their infancy. for every stoppage of play the PA guy would explain the rules and why the play was stopped....ex. (whistle) "Icing...when the puck crosses both the red...." If the Yanks didn't invent it, they don't care about it. Another funny one is when Rick Mercer was "talking to Americans" on a beach in Tampa a couple weeks after they had won the cup and his question was simple...what is the name of the Tampa Bay hockey franchise. 1 person got it....and he was on vacation from Canada!!
  15. exactly what i said last night...about Overbay that is. for sure about Wells and Rios too, moreso for Wells. he'll hurt himself for sure next season.
  16. likable politician. airline food. military intelligence. clean coal designer jeans new classic... and the list goes on and on.
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