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Everything posted by Schwa.

  1. Will definitely check'em out Gigs!!
  2. Schwa.

    Exeter, ON

    there was a mass killing of bikers in Exeter a while back (if ya like that sort of thing)
  3. we'll put you in the deal
  4. Great, now i'm gonna get the pox
  5. Let's trade off Brantford while we're at it....could probably get a couple of used hockey bags or maybe some Tim Horton's coupons.
  6. ouch, simple question angry guy.
  7. not sure how that constitutes being an adult. please explain.
  8. yup. there's another one in Uptown Waterloo now too (Kitchener is Downtown, Waterloo is Uptown...could also be called dirty and clean) called Different Strokes specializing in smoking accessories and sex toys. It's lovingly called the Bong and Dong in smoker circles (ok, just a few of us)
  9. The only passenger Monorail Cat will take is Chuck Norris.
  10. 2nd place is 1st loser. SNAP-A-BAP!
  11. Which explains why cars in K/W never overheat... Aloha' date=' Brad[/quote'] reaching brad, really reaching.
  12. Really? Really? The two main streets go north' date=' south, east and west. They cross-over and turn into one another like 5 times. Its absolutley insane. Anyone from out of town, except for Schwa., has a very difficult time getting used to it. [/quote'] Oh yeah, the 2 main roads have a North, South, East and a West....but i can use a map
  13. Ahhhh, good ole Participation Wednesdays. A virtual cornucopia of awesomeness
  14. March On Ottawa - Demanding the truth about 911 I posted this a week or so ago and got little to no response. It may get more exposure in this thread.
  15. you could end up losing a day
  16. I used to actually get grounded when i was a wee lad for going into my mother's purse and stealing her cigarettes and hiding them around the house. I had bad reactions to the smoke when i was young and my mom's addiction was so great she put it ahead of her kids wellbeing....she eventually quit.
  17. I've commuted from Kitchener to Waterloo (far side to far side) and it was a 15 minute drive door to door using the expressway. No problems at all. One of the reasons i don't mind moving further from work right now is because of the expressway. I'm not sure about what Hal is implying about the roadways.....and K-town is only sketchy when Cully is in here City is presently booming too. (aside from the industrial sector which has hit North America inclusive)
  18. i'm moving into a very large 2 bedroom tomorrow for 950$ all in. I moved here from Chatham on a whim in 2003 and fell in love with the city and the people that live here. Its clean (downtown kitchener is coming along...) and trendy (waterloo only) and the absolute best part is that its 1 to 1.5 hours from every city. the people make it though, lots of cool folk C'mon down brotha, we'd love to have ya!! PS-where's the job offer. i could help ya with finding a place and whatnot. HA, wouldn't ya know it, my roommate beats me to the post. Definitely right about the big city with a small city feel.....and the Starlight is one of the best venues in Ontario IMO.
  19. i close my door. does that count?
  20. Look at other smokers behaviour. As someone who has never smoked these things are very obvious to me. example: sitting next to a guy on the plane on the way home from Germany. he asked me not to speak to him because he was meditating until he could have his first smoke getting off the plane. addict. when you go to see a long movie and when its over and people are filtering out of the theater like they do and there is this one dickhead that goes flying up the aisle pushing people out of the way and then you see this dick outside sucking off his death stick. addict. even last night. i went to get groceries and the woman in the checkout next to me was with her boyfriend/husband and she had an unlit smoke in her mouth and crabbing at the guy. she tried to leave out the door and he yells at her for money. she storms back to him, slams some on the little thing with the debit machine and then storms out. we then see her smoking and trying to load the groceries into the back of a car that had pulled up to the door (it was raining). this was incredibly stupid looking but she wouldn't wait 2 minutes to load the car and then smoke. addict. watching people repeatedly get written up at work because they are sneaking outside to smoke when they're supposed to be working at their machines. would you put your job and family at risk just to feed the jones? addict. watching losers go from person to person at a party begging for smokes when theirs run out. addict. only a few examples of how i have observed smokers. not saying they're bad people, but they have no control over their actions. the cigarettes are telling them what to do.
  21. no deal. (get it....deal....poker...isuck)
  22. yeah but then we get to party with ya here in KW!
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