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Posts posted by Schwa.

  1. OK, I'll try. Gotta give Carlin credit, the man can swear.

    Male Genitals


    aaron's rod arm

    baby-maker beef

    blue vein meatroll bald-headed butler

    bald-headed mouse belly buster

    bathtub eel bearded blood sausage

    bird bone

    baloney banana

    bat bayonet

    bean tosser beef

    belly ruffian blade

    broomstick bum tickler

    bush beater button-hole worker

    cock candle

    carrot club

    crack haunter cranny hunter

    cracksman creamstick

    culty gun carnal stump

    chicken child-getter

    chink-stopper corey

    crook dick

    dork dong

    doniker dingus

    dipstick dagger

    dart of love dearest member

    dickey ding-dong

    dinger dingle-dangle

    dummy dodaddy

    dolly dooflicker

    down-leg dragon

    eel end

    family organ fiddle bow

    fish fishing rod

    flapper fool-sticker

    forefinger fu©ker

    foreman gun

    gut wrench giggle stick

    gadget gardener

    giggling pin gooser

    gravy maker grinding tool

    gristle gut stick

    hair splitter hambone

    hammer hanging johnny

    hoe handle holy poker

    horn hose

    hot rod heat-seeking moisture missle

    hairy hot dog jack in the box

    jemson jerking iron

    jigger jing hang

    jockam johnnie

    johhny one-eye the bald-headed champ

    johnson joint

    joy knob joy prong

    joy stick key

    kidney cracker kielbasa

    king member knob

    knocker ladies' delight

    ladies' lollipop ladies' treasure

    lamp of life lance

    life preserver little brother

    little willie liver turner

    live sausage lizard

    lob lobcock

    lobster lollypop

    long john love dart

    love gun love missile

    lucy lung disturber

    mad mick magic wand

    man-root marrow bone

    master john thursday master of ceremonies

    meat meat hook

    meat whistle member

    merry maker middle leg

    milkman mister goodwrench

    mister tom mouse

    muscle mutton dagger

    my body's captain natural scythe

    needle nimrod

    nippy noodle

    noony old blind rob

    one-eyed night crawler in the turtle neck sweater

    one-eyed milkman one-eyed trouser trout

    one-eyed wonder worm pant muscle

    pecker pee-pee

    pen pencil

    pendulum perch

    peter piccolo

    pike staff pile driver

    pin pink pencil

    pipe pisser

    pistol plugtail

    pocket piccolo pocket rocket

    pointer poker

    pole pork

    pork sword post

    prick pride and joy

    prong pud

    pudding pump handle

    purple-helmeted warrior of love

    pup putz

    quickening peg quimstake

    ram ramrod

    rawmeat reamer

    redcap rod

    rod of love rolling pin

    root rudder

    rupert russell the wonder muscle

    st. peter salami

    sausage sceptre

    schlong sexing piece

    shaft shmock

    short arm shove devil

    shvontz silent flute

    skin flute snake

    spigot spike-faggot

    spindle split-rump

    spout staff

    steaming hot kanga stem

    stick sting

    stump sugar stick

    sword tail pin

    tally-whacker tassel

    tent-peg thing

    third leg thistler

    throbber throbbing python of love

    tickle-gizzard tickler

    tong tool

    torch of cupid toy

    trap-stick trouser anaconda

    tube steak uncle dick

    vomiting cobra wand

    wang wazoo

    weapon wedge

    wheenie wacker

    whip whistle

    whore-pipe wick

    willie winkle

    wire worm

    yang yard

    yosh zubrick

    Well-Endowed (male)


    Basket for days donkey-rigged

    double-shung hung like a bull

    miracle meat timbered

    tons of basket tons of meat

    well-favored by nature well hung




    baby food baby juice

    bull gravy buttermilk

    chism come

    cream crud

    cum duck butter

    fetch glue

    gravy hockey

    honey hot milk

    jam jazz

    jelly jism

    jizz juice

    letch water load

    love liquor man oil

    marrow mettle

    milk oil of man

    ointment oyster

    prick juice pudding

    scum seed

    slime soap

    spendings sperm

    spew spratz

    spume spunk

    starch stuff

    tail juice tail water

    tallow wad

    white blow white honey

    Semen Related


    pearl necklace pecker tracks

    wet dream



    big bang bust your nuts

    come come off

    cream cum

    die in a woman's lap drop your load

    fire a shot get off

    get the dirty water off your chest

    get wet get your cookies

    get your jollies get your rocks off

    go off number three

    pop a nut shoot

    shoot off shoot your wad

    spend squirt



    ballocks balls

    bangers beecham's pills

    bird's eggs boo-boos

    charlies cherries

    chestnuts clangers

    cojones cubes

    danglers eggs

    family jewels glands

    goolies jewels

    kanakas love apples

    marbles marshmallows

    nards nuts

    onions plums

    pounders rocks

    seeds slashers

    spunk holders squirrel

    food stones




    ball bag hairy bag

    poke sack

    Crab Lice


    active citizens crabs

    crotch crickets gentlemen's companions

    neighbors to the south pants rabbits

    seam squirrels



    coachman on the box french gout

    irish mutton ladies' fever

    lifelong friend neapoliton bone ache

    old joe siff

    spanish needle the old dog



    buner clap

    dose gleet

    glim haircut

    lues lulu

    morning drop piss pins and needles

    piss pure cream stank cock

    strain tear

    Female Genitals


    ace of spades adam's cave

    altar of love bearded clam

    beaver belly entrance

    black bess bluebeard's closet

    box brown madam

    bull's eye bunny

    bush button hole

    cabbage patch canal

    candle holder cat's meat

    cave of harmony cavern

    cellar door chocha

    cleft clutch

    cockpit cookie

    coot cooch

    cooze coupler

    crack cranny

    crease crevice

    crotch crumpet

    cunny cunny

    cunt dimple

    divine scar donut

    drain eel-skinner

    fish tank fort bushy

    front window fur

    furbox furburger

    furrow gap

    gaper gash

    gate of heaven ginch

    ginny girl-street

    goat-milker gravy-maker

    gully-hole hair

    haircourt hair pie

    happy valley harbour of hope

    hatch hog eye

    hole honey-hive

    honey-pot horse collar

    hot box hot spot

    house under the hill irish fortune

    itching jenny jack nasty-face

    jaxy jelly-role

    juice box keyhole

    lady jane lamp of love

    lapland lather-maker

    little mary locker

    long-eye love tunnel

    lower lips magpie's nest

    main vein manhole

    mark of the beast meat

    meat grinder mom's homemade slit pie

    mound mount pleasant

    mouse mouth-that-cannot-bite

    muff naf

    nature's tufted treasure nest

    niche nook

    nooky notch

    oat-bin old mossyface

    organ grinder oven

    oyster catcher patch

    pelt penwiper

    pie piece

    pin cushion pipe cleaner

    piss flaps pit

    playpen pocker

    poke hole poontang

    poor man's blessing prick purse

    pussy quiff

    quim quiver

    rose screw-hole

    slash slit

    slot snapper

    snappin' pussy snatch

    snatch-box stank

    steam room stuff

    socket sportsman's gap

    sugar basin tail

    temple of low men tool-chest

    toy shop treasure chest

    trench triangle

    trim tube

    tuna taca tunnel

    tunnel of love twat

    tweeze twitcher

    vag valley

    venus highway vertical smile

    wet cave of lust wooly-burger

    works yawnie


    Female Genitals (related)


    boy-in-the-boa Female Genitals (related)


    boy-in-the-boa Female Genitals (related)


    boy-in-the-boa Female Genitals (related)


    boy-in-the-boat bush

    button cherry

    clamp clit

    clitty cleopatra

    lady's low toupee lather

    letch-water love juice

    man-in-the-canoe merkin

    mugget pussy fart

    vaginal blood fart



    apples balcony

    balloons bangers

    bazongas bean bags

    big brown eyes bon-bons

    boobies boobs

    bottles boulders

    bullets busters

    bumpers butterbags

    cantelopes gazongas

    glands globes

    grapefruits guavas

    handful hand-warmers

    headers headlights

    hills honkers

    hooters howitizers

    jaboos jibs

    jugs jumbos

    kazongas knobs

    knockers lactoids

    loaves loblollies

    love bubbles love muffins

    lulus lungs

    mammets mams

    mangoes meatballs

    meat loaves melons

    milk cans milkshop

    mounds mount of lillies

    mountains muffins

    mulligans murphies

    nancies nature's fonts

    niblets ninnies

    nippers nodules

    noogies nubbies

    nuts oranges

    orbs ottomans

    pair nuts oranges

    orbs ottomans

    pair palookas

    papayas paps

    peaches peaks

    pears pects

    peepers pillows

    pips pokers

    pontoons potatoes

    pumpkins pumps

    rib cushions roundies

    sandbags scones

    scoops set

    shakers shimmies

    skin sacks snuggle pups

    spheres spuds

    stacks stuffing

    sweater meat sweet rools

    swingers tamales

    tetons tidbits

    tits titters

    titties tomatoes

    tooters torpedoes

    twangers twin peaks

    twofers umlauts

    upper deck waldos

    warheads warts

    watermelons whoppers

    wobblers wongas

    yabbos yams




    aunt flo aunt rosie is in town

    all's not quiet on the waterfront

    blood week collywobbles

    curse of eve drip

    entertain the general fall off the roof

    flying the flag having the painters in

    high tide holy week

    jinx little sister is here

    monthlies my buddy

    my friend on the bun

    on the pole on the rag

    period problem

    ragging ragtime

    red flag red sails in the sunset

    riding the cotton bicycle riding the cotton pony

    road up for repairs sick

    stop sign tail flowers

    that time that way

    the captain is at home the curse

    the foe the hammock is swinging

    the plague the thing

    the visitor turns

    wearing the bulky roll woman's home companion

    Sanitary Napkin


    bandage clout

    cuntrag fanny rag

    flag granny rag

    manhole cover mouth mattress

    muck rag pleasure garden padlock

    rag red flag

    window blinds



    about-to-find-pups apron up

    baby-bound bagged

    belly up big with child

    broken-kneed clucky

    cocked-up coming fresh

    delicate condition double-ribbed

    fragrant full of heir

    gone to seed have a dumpling

    have one in the oven have one's cargo aboard

    in a family way in pod

    in the pudding club in trouble

    knocked up loaded

    looking piggy on the bones

    P.G. pillowed

    preggers preggy

    shot in the giblets storked

    stung by a serpent swallowed a watermelon seed

    up and coming up the stick

    wedged up with squirrel



    a bit of jam action

    ball ballock

    boloney ride bananas and cream

    bang basket making

    batter beef

    beef injection be in a woman's beef

    belly ride belt

    blanket drill blow off the loose corns

    board boff

    bone bore

    bottle bounce

    bump bump fur

    bunny stick burry one's wick

    bury the bone bush patrol

    buzz the brillo cane

    change one's luck charge

    chuck a tread climb

    cock up come across

    couple with cover

    crack it cram

    crawl cream

    cut dance the mattress jig

    daub of the brush dick

    dicky dunk diddle

    dig your stinger in the honey dip your stick

    dip your wick dirty work at the crossroads

    do do a dive in the dark

    do a flop do a push

    do a slide up the board dog

    do it do the deed

    do the nasty ease nature

    exchange spit feather-bed jig

    feed the dummy fiddle

    firk fit end to end

    fix her plumbing flesh session

    flop flop in the hay

    four-legged frolic frig

    fu©k fun and games

    get a bit get a chunk

    get a crumpet get a hunk

    get a little get a piece

    get a snipper get a wet one

    get home get in

    get into her pants get into some serious flesh

    get it on get jack in the orchard

    get laid get lucky

    get one's ashes hauled get one's greens

    get one's leather stretched get one's noodle wet

    get one's oil changed get some

    get some action get some ass

    get some crack get some hair

    get some hole get some pussy

    get some stuff get some tail

    get some tweeze get your bean waxed

    get your pole varnished give her a stab

    go all the way go like a belt-fed motor

    go to bed with go to it

    go to town go vaulting

    grease the wheel grind

    grind on'e tool hanky-panky

    have have a bit

    have a bit of giblet pie have a bit of summer cabbage

    have a blow through have sex with

    hide the ferret hide the salami

    hit on the tail hock

    hop on horizontal refreshment

    hose hot roll with cream

    hump impale

    introduce charlie invade

    irish whist jazz

    jink job

    join paunches jounce

    joy ride jug

    juke jump

    jump on one's bones knock

    knock off a piece know

    ladies' tailoring lay

    lay off with lay some pipe

    lay the hip lay some leg

    leap leap on

    lie lie with

    lob in love

    make make feet for childrens shoes

    make it make love

    make out with make the scene

    making babies makin' whoopie

    mate mess around

    mingle limbs mix one's peanut butter

    mount mugg

    muss nail

    mail two bellies together nick

    nib nig

    nub nut

    oblige off

    park your yacht in the hair harbor

    peel one's best end peg

    perform pestle

    piece piece of ass

    piece of pussy piece of snatch

    piece of tail pile

    pile-driving pin

    plant the oats play at all fours

    play hide the bone plow

    pluck plug

    pocket the red poke

    pole pole work

    polish your rocket pop

    pork post a letter

    pound pump

    punch push

    put the boots to put the tool in the shed

    quimsticking ram

    ride rip off

    rites of venus roasting the broomstick

    roll roll in the hay

    rock rod

    roger romp

    root rootle

    roust rub bacons

    rub up rumble

    rumple rutting

    salt saw off a chunk

    score screw

    scutz around secret services

    service shack up


    scutz around secret services

    service shack up

    shaft shag

    shake shake the sheets

    shoot between wind and water shoot one's wad

    short arm practice shove

    shtup sink the sausage

    sink the soldier slam

    sleep with slip her a length

    slip into split

    spoil suattin' on the hog

    squat jumps in the cucumber patch

    squeeze and a squirt stab

    stable my naggie strop one's beak

    strum stuff

    swing tail-work

    take a turn in the stubble take a turn on shooter's hill

    tear off a piece tear the sheets

    the disappearing cane trick the matrimonial polka

    thread thread the needle

    throw a hump throw a leg over

    throw a shot thump

    tie the true lover's knot tiff

    tip the long one to be intimate

    tooling in the woods tops and bottoms

    trim trim the buff

    trip up the rhine tumble

    tumple turn up

    twiddle varnish one's cane

    vault vitamin F

    wap wham

    what mother did before me wind the clock

    womanize work

    work out work the dumb oracle

    work the hairy oracle yard


    Sexual Arousal (both sexes)


    blotty brimming

    bulging cockish

    dripping for it feeling hairy

    frisky fuckish

    gamy hairy

    horny hot

    hot-assed hot and bothered

    hot nuts hot pants

    humpy in the mood

    in season itchy pants

    juiced up juicy

    lathered moist

    motor running on for one's greens

    oncoming pruning

    ramish randy

    ready rooty

    ruttish sexed up

    tumbling ripe turned on

    up wet

    Sexually Fixated


    cock-happy cunny haunted




    blue balls hot rocks

    love nuts lover's nuts

    stone ache



    balloon cheater

    close combat sock diving suit

    drop catcher eel skin

    fear-not french letter

    gasket joybag

    one-piece overcoat pipe pullover

    port said garter raincoat

    rubber rubber glove

    safe scumbag

    sheath showercap

    tail sheath



    bone boner

    bone on burgeoning truncheon

    captain standfish flagpole

    hard hard-on

    horn in one's best clothes

    irish toothache mean-on

    morning pride old hornington

    on the stand pants pusher

    piss hard piss proud

    prod proud below the navel

    proud mary rail

    riser rise in the levi's

    rod-on rock python

    spike stalk

    standing ware stand-up

    stiff stiffer

    steely dan sporting a sequoiya

    throbber woody

    Illegitimate Child


    accident adulterine

    babe of love bachelor's son

    bar steward bastard

    born out of wedlock bush colt

    bye-blow catch colt

    chance-born chance child

    hasty pudding love child

    merry-begotton child misbegotten

    momzer natural

    nephew niece

    out-child side wind

    single child son of a bitch

    squeaker stall whimper

    whoreson yard child

  2. i remember hearing of a bank robbery in MI a few years back and the robbers took a handful of candy from the teller's window. the cops followed the wrappers back to the hideout and arrested all.


    oh ya, and the name of the candy was "dum dums"


  3. not just there steve-o. i went and saw him last summer (had a good time) and it felt like i was at a fashion show. everyone up close got tickets from businesses, radio promotions, and the like and so most people were sitting the whole time.

    Simone and i tried like hell for about an hour during g love to get up close but people were actually sitting down with their ticket stub in their hand (not cooly like the phish lyric) defending their spot or the spot next to the spot next to their spot....bullsh!t. we eventually got escorted to the lawn where we met up with the St. Catherines crew and had a great time.

    G Love did steal the show though for me.

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