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Posts posted by Schwa.

  1. If there were a couple of Ottawa crew that wanted to only do one night(chip in on gas), and if we (lorda) could get rid of this cold , and the weather looked okay (my tires aren't great), and we had a place to stay....

    ....and the wind is blowing in from the east at 40km and the moon is aligned with venus....

    BUNK! Come to Kitchener Sunshine!

  2. update, for all of you i invited over for beers before the show.....screw ya, i'm going to littlemisspink's new pad! she bought a new house so i'm gonna christen the sucker with bong hits and beer! i hope she reads this and is so kind as to give people directions.

    qqc you gonna do the spades with me on thurs?

  3. amazing turn of events tonight. sitting around with pp and bb listening to benevento/russo/gordon from moe.down and i have listened to that cd about 35 times now. i pointed out a jam about 6 minutes from the end of #5 on that show because gordon completely takes over and its very noticable and a ffuckin sweet jam to boot to boot.

    well, bb and i start talking phish and it leads me to put on 12-2-99 from the palace for this amazing YEM that we heard there. about 16 minutes into that yem, the exact same jam comes out and whose leading the way? gordon.

    who can answer this for me? is it a gordon jam that leaked into the middle of yem. if so its very very cool.

    look into it if you have both shows.

    recap - 6 minutes from the end of #5 on brg cd at moe.down

    - 16 minutes into yem 12-2-99

  4. do balls come with that?

    anyone remember the dude with his junk hanging out of his shorts at the waffle house. I think we were on our way to Hookahville....meggo?

    Ah Hookahville, THIS YEAR FOR SURE!

    Grits scare me. At that very Wafflehouse i simply asked the waitress NOT to put grits on my plate and she replied "i can't do that." i begged her to have the 'chef' leave them off my plate and they forced them on me. yuk!....and then my omelette was a fried egg with a slice of American cheese plopped ontop of it. yuk! and a guy had his nuts hanging out of his shorts. Yuk! what were we talking about?

  5. Once again, pre-drink and crashing floor space (padded carpet) for those who need it in Kitchener. Booche and Douglas have first dibs though. you may have to stay up till 10am with me though....you Otta-weiners got the stamina?

  6. "....no sir, the 'conversation' board is down the hall to your left"

    nero on the 10th

    Lowest of the Low on the 16th, thanks Scotty!

    Diesel Dog on the 17th

    no one gets any gifts for xmas this year but SCHWA.!

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