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Posts posted by Schwa.

  1. Ike, we need to caravan to cleveland together, detroit too.

    I think i'm going to know half the people in detroit, what a party this will be. and we get wsp after a year in the studio, damn i can't wait for this.

    btw, where was my althea?????


    row qq for me chewie and momack kiddies. on the floor is all i was hoping for, GREAT WORK CHEWIE!

  2. i once went on to a baseball tourney in Oshawa and one of my teammates played the cough before Sabbath's Sweatleaf about 9 million times....then he played the solo iontro to summer nights by van halen about that much too. wanted to kill him. oh ceppi, whatcha doin these days?

  3. Round Room and Undermind are their two weakest efforts...

    amen. leagues below the quality of all the others. no ingenuity, no real grabbers if you get me.

    best at work listen would be Billy Breathes or perhaps Junta.

    best studio album, in my humble opinion of course is Rift. I think that is a pretty wide spread opinion though, it really stands out. Listen very closely to the music and harmony in Mound. they didn't do anything like that after Rift (the essence of a great band?) as far as overall ass kicking goes. Ghost is a close second for me, gotta (jiboo) love the funk people.

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