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Posts posted by Schwa.

  1. haha. That reminds me of the comment kung made in that "this site is boring" post.

    "This looks like a job for me.." Kung is a wacko, i think he'd have it no other way.

    And BTW as much as i dislike the whole Rap genre (its just not for me), I do think that it is undisputable that Eminem and his producer (Dre) are borderline musical and for the most part, public relations (in the respect that they can sell albums) genius'.


  2. Whatcha doin on saturday??

    There is a ringboard tourney at a friend of Brent Bechard's house. Wayne Wright, you may know him you may not, beer all day and night. Let me know, you're invited. Oh ya one more thing, i have the weekend of the 27th and the 28th off of work (holy shit) and i have two things in mind. #1- go camping the whole weekend probably at pinery in grand bend #2 Go to Cleveland and see hookah at the agora. Let me know if you are interested in either of these fun activities.

  3. done and done.

    Keri, i know there is really only one option there but money is now a serious problem. Will have to wait and see. The agora will not sell out and we can (i can) wait up till the last minute for this one.

  4. That may be true brad, but there was no rock before jazz, and rock grew out of jazz totally. The first electric guitars were used in jazz bands and of course blues artists, the other form of music that joined to create rock. What i'm trying to say is that if there was no jazz and blues, there would be no rock. maybe i'm ranting...

  5. -Miles Davis' Kind of Blue

    -British Invasion

    -Electric Guitar

    -Long Hair


    -more drugs

    -Jimi hendrix

    **if you want my opinion Chewie, #1 is appearance of Motown Records as the most influential time. It basically started pop music, IMO, as we know it today. And whether we like it or not it is the major form of music being produced today.

    This has been My Two Cents, by Shcwa.

  6. Has anyone out there read Miles Davis' Autobiography?

    I am in the middle of it right now and in one passage, Miles describes the format that they played in the small clubs back in the late 40's early 50's. The owners wanted them to play 4 sets throughout the night with each one starting 20 minutes after the hour and running to the top of the hour (40 minute sets)

    In that particular passage, Miles used the term "four-twenties"

    Very interesting.

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