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Posts posted by Schwa.

  1. Swifty, you'll be happy to know(i think) that i just bought Butch's 15th row off of him and will be traveling to Auburn Hills with him and stopping at your hotel for beers and a chat with J. Dubois. Now we all know what making plans with butcher is like so i still will not know if i'm going until about showtime(HAHA) Seriously though, i have to get back to work now so i can pay for the fucker!!! 50$ US for the ticket MY FIRST OTHER ONES SHOW!! should be worth it baby!

  2. Here's mine, but with no descriptions because i feel lazy today.

    Favourite/most influential:

    This is nearly impossible for me because my musical likes have evolved so much over time and i change like the music, but i will try to go by time lines.

    1. 1989 -> Guns and Roses/Led Zeppelin

    2. 1992 -> Doors/Allman Bros./more Zeppelin

    3. 1995 -> Phish/GD/more Allmans

    4. 1998 -> ekoostik Hookah/Phish

    5. 2000-present -> ekoostik Hookah (they fuckin rock!!)

    Side note: There is always a "next band" that comes along and knocks me off my feet. After Hookah, i thought it may be SCI or moe. or even WSP. But none of those compare to the night at the CoZo when i saw Nero after Phil on the 9th of July this year. AMAZING. They don't get favourite band billing but they do get honourable mention for how they look in my future. I just think they need to get to the bigger venues. IMO.

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