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Posts posted by Schwa.

  1. i've stayed out of this till now just because my mother taught me that if you can't say something intelligent, don't say anything at all. But i have to say i agree (for what its worth) with Musicman. Regardless of whether you like the band or not, you have a professional responsibility to yourself as well as your readers as a journalist to provide an unbiased article or piece on every show you see. I am not that crazy about String Cheese anymore but it may be because i haven't had a chance to go and see them since 2000 and i have gotten into some other bands heavily that i can go see on a regular basis. To say that you have free passes but might not use them because "they don't mean that much to me" is ludicrous coming from a journalist. Its not your job to like them. Its your job to convey ideas, negative or positive, about the band and their music. So go ahead, go to the show and write your negative review, but do it based on factual information and not because there is a growing dislike for them in our particular part of town. I'm sure i speak for everyone when i say that any one of us would be happy to take some free tickets, press passes and backstage passes and party with one of the most popular bands in the "jam" world today. If you don't like them then just fucking party and don't even talk to the band. OR, be that professional i mentioned and interview the band regardless of your opinions because that is what a journalist does.

    AC/DC, i gotta touch on your ideas now because they struck home as things i've heard before. Why in the world would you say that Kang wants to be Trey??? Their styles are soooo different that there is no way to make that comparison. It seems to be an immature opinion that just came from trying to sound like you know something. I'm not trying to say that you are immature or your opinions are immature because who am i to say what you are like without even knowing you. It is just that that is the way you came across in your post.

    I am all for the expression of opinions because that is what a group of intelligent people can pull off and that is how ideas are exchanged and that is how progress in our society is made.

    Now for the usual disclaimer where i say that i am not trying to piss anyone off with my opinions. Fuck that. I said what i said because that is MY opinion and it is my freedom to do what i say. My brother just asked me what i am doing and i told him and he seemed to sum it up with one simple statement. "People just use the internet to complain, mostly anyway." Lets use this medium for more than just complaining people.


  2. As told by Trey in Barcelona when moniters go down.

    "Kid goes to his dad and asks him if he can take bass lessons. The dad says ok and so the next day the kid goes to his lesson. He comes back home and his dad asks him what he learned today. The kid repetitively plays the E string only. The next day the kid goes to his next lesson and again, he comes home and his dad asks him what he learned. This time he repetitively plays the A string. The next day the kid comes running into the house and the father figures he's returning from bass lessons and so asks him, "What did you learn today son?" and the kid replies, "can't talk now dad, i've got a gig."

  3. To far to drive meggo, maybe the next one eh!

    How is school goin? Is this your last year or what? I'm pretty damn busy now and yet not doing a thing about it. I'm a slacker to the core. i went to backbacon's place last night to study and we just ended up trying out his new glass. slacker.


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