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Everything posted by Schwa.

  1. My "new slip" reference was only in jest as to the very sudden popularity (on jambands.ca) Just a joke that absolutely no one gets.
  2. Although this is just Rob Turner alone, the band he's in called Black Rebel Motorcycle Club is catching my ear as well.
  3. I'm liking what i've heard from Some Say Leland lately.
  4. perhaps hype was a bad word. can we just put this to rest.
  5. totally. how was the show, Chris?
  6. I'll have to find out what band it was that i saw....(researching.....looks like it might have been the Recipe) either way, everyone is misinterpreting my point it seems. i like the band, just can't believe they got so popular so quick up here.
  7. Don't get me wrong. I love RRE, but can't figure out where all of these fans came from all of a sudden. I've got more people calling, texting, pm'ing and such asking if i'm going to this show and i didn't even know that many people knew who this band were. I caught them at a Hookahville years ago (short set cuz of rain) but they were better in '99 than they were in '08 at Langerado in my opinion. More bluegrass, less rockgrass. Wish I were going but mid-week shows in Toronto are done for me these days. Have fun, ya'll!!
  8. Not for the sound, just the instant fame on this message board.
  9. crazy hype for this band today.
  10. Dude, i can just wait if you're fucked for a ride. No worries. I can just pick you up at your work. Lemme know.
  11. looking like i'll be taking part in some rides before the show with QQC
  12. You're not covered with those Union Dues you pay every month? Albeit, if mine weren't covered i'd never have them.
  13. are you sure it's tendinitis? I had a bout of Plantar Faciatis a while back and some prescription insoles and some super anti-inflammatory meds worked great.
  14. don't break my burger jinx!!! next i'm looking for a High Jinx....BA-DUMP-BUMP!! bradm eat your heart out.
  15. meh. if i really had that power i'd like to jinx myself a cheeseburger right about now....I'll keep ya posted...
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