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Northern Wish

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Posts posted by Northern Wish

  1. Yes...I originally thought they would play more than once over the summer...not a tour, but a select few gigs...now I'm thinking this will be a one off. What do you guys think?


    If they turned down $3,000,000 from Bonnaroo, this will be it. No other promoter in their right mind would offer that kind of flip for one headlining slot.

  2. That doesn't really make Steve being the host of a sports radio show relevant at all.




    He sure does, but taking it publicly on his sports radio program is just as low as whatever he think's or knows Chris has done to him.


    It does because I am sure his brothers role as a sports radio producer must have had something to do getting the gig. His radio gig is a Fox Sports Radio show that was spawned from a popular podcast that Steve did for a few years which combined stories of the road, with his love of sports and pop culture. That podcast led to him being broadcast on a few southern radio stations.


    I agree on choice to publicly broadcast but I believe in PR they call that 'getting out in front of the story'.


    Knowing the Robinson boys penchant for dragging things out in the open and through the mud, this is far from the last we will hear of this.

  3. Steve Gorman's brother is a producer of the show, and works for ESPN. 


    I still contend that Steve has every right to be pissed. When he came back to the band in 2005, that was the best tour the Crowes ever played. He is vital to the band. And he deserves the $$, you should see what that mans hands look like after a show! If any of us started a company and every year we got paid less and dictated to more, we would all be disgruntled.


    I fucking loathe Chris Robinson. He has been a total asshole to me on two separate occasions and I've seen him berate other band members, fans, audience members, venues and even his gorgeous movie star wife - all live and in person.


    I love the line from Steve about Axl Rose, about how if you added a private school education and a boatload of artistic pretense- that you have Chris Robinson.

  4. I have hotels booked for both of the late August weekends in Watkins Glen. Aug 21-23 is the most likely of the two weekends according to all of the rumors at this point. I think the fact that Phish isn't doing SPAC on July 4 is a sure sign that they have something bigger planned for the NE. 


    I am confident that this rumor will become reality and I can't freaking wait.


    Superball was damn near a perfect festival (except for ticket sales) and I hope history repeats itself - especially Phish playing Monkey Man!

  5. Awesome.


    I am having a hell of a time with this. The pricing is highly volatile depending on who you talk to and where; some machine conditions have been totally misrepresented in their ads and there are a few characters who are buying and selling with one another and won't let a noob into their scene.


    This feels like Phish 95 all over again.


    At last check I have been in contact with 9 different people; made offers on three machines only to have them back out/ sell it elsewhere/ increase their price.


    I am waiting on responses from people with Iron Man, Whodunnit? and Rolling Stones (the newer one) - and I already have a 60 in 1 stand up machine in a Ms Pac Man cabinet confirmed.


    Does anyone have any experience with the Stones or Iron Man? I haven't played either but they get good reviews and the youtube vids of them are pretty enticing.

  6. What a great day that was. Freaker and I were on site very early to load in Bruce's truck and got to set up all of his gear, including the (massive and very road weary) Steinway. After we were done we watched his sound check while tossing around a football labelled "Bruce". Nearly everyone of his road cases had some type of Grateful Dead sticker, both official and fan made. I'd rank him up there with Bruce Cockburn and Joel Plaskett as the nicest, most chill musicians I have ever had the pleasure to work for.


    Thanks for the tunes Brad (and Chris)!


    Is there any chance that Chris taped Levon Helm's set from that weekend?

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