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Northern Wish

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Posts posted by Northern Wish

  1. OK people, lets have a REAL discussion......

    As long as I have been a member of this community I have constantly been reminded how others view me as having an "acid tongue", or "pissing on the scene", or just negative. I certainly don't believe I offer negative opinions as my Modus Operandi, but I will certainly put in my two cents when I feel it is necessary.

    So my question to all of the Skanks is:

    Can we as a scene and community be secure enough in what we believe to embrace negative opinions?

    Or do we always have to dole out glowing reviews, high fives and kudos for mediocre music, behaviour, and people?

    Lets really hear it. Over the past month I have had more than a few incidents where I just think that this whole nice hippy thing is such a farce. That we have all become so into being what we "should be", rather than just being. Is being a part of something where you can't share your true self or opinions- really worth anything at all?

    As I see from posts on this board there are more than a few of us who seem to endure this crap (Luke, keep it comin buddy I love an earnest and honest opinion), and it doesn't even seem to be limited to online forums anymore.



  2. I feel that I get alot from this scene, board, bands and fans.

    I am somewhat of an old schooler from the days of the Can Phish Board. I have met so many cool people who seem to be on board with good tunes, good time and good friends. Having been around the net and this scene for a while I feel I can give an opinion that some may not have perspective on.

    From the first days of the Can Phish board, trading, meeting at shows and being kind to one another has always been the order of business. But to see the growth in numbers of bands and fans, is something I hold near to my heart. I can remember when the only kids I knew from the net were Scottie King and Alan Dodson (both amazing souls who I have kept up friendships with and seen some amazing shows with including several Rheos, New Deal, and of course the mother of em all Big Cypress). Come to think of it, without my connections online I may have missed out on some great events. 70% of the crew from our RV to Florida were new to each other solely from trading with each other. I actually even moved to New Brunswick with the help of other board members Nick Kelly and Jeremy Brennan.

    To feel a part of something that still feels like "a dirty little secret" is incredibly reassuring to me. That although I may have friends who are hard headed about music, there are hundreds of you out there, that I know I can rely on for opinions, updates and trades- is a huge thing. I respect the opinions of the members here (though I don't always agree) and relish the opportunity to lash my "acid tongue" (thanks tungsten and scottie!) in a forum where I feel I can be understood.

    To add to my experiences, my girlfriend and I are taking an active role and taking over the editorial side of Scene and Heard. I hope that S+H can continue on with its mission statement, and expand this scene to include members of our community who aren't able to participate here.

    I thank the Skanks for their smiles, opinions, cds, and good vibes a hundred times over.

    Who knows maybe without the board I wouldn't be experiencing nero withdrawal every few weeks.

    Thanks guys, keep it up!



  3. quote:

    An insomniacs striptease, yes, and there's the point. Jay slept in the dark, Shane in the dusk, me full-on day and Dave not at all. Doesn't matter, we're all on the bus now, driving. Driving. Always driving. Our postal code is FRD 401, our backyard paved, five lanes wide. We ain't got no map, but we're all pretty sure this is the Way.

    That is a very cool sentiment Todd. I love nero, and their desire to play their music- the scene wouldn't be the same without you and your trio.

    Give us a call whenever you are headed back. We can't wait for another dose of nero!



    ps. Keep the starlogs comin, there are lots of us who read them. I also noticed suspiciously that the summer tour logs end right before Saint John. What nothing good to say about your one drunk fan waiting until three for a ride home in the bus, falling over railings at the only fast food place in town that was open, free huge bags of fries, YOUR OWN apartment.

    pps. Did Dave ever give you the Telegraph Journal from your last visit with the little nero blurb in it?

  4. Hey Guys,

    Thanks for all of the responses....

    First of all, I have/ had no idea about the discrimination that seems to be facing jamhub.ca. I try to use the site, but I find it too busy and as GM said I can never get the site to remember me or login me properly. I have registered three seperate times......

    As for an email. No I did not send one to every member, if I had the information I would have. I simply was talking about a post called Please Help your Scene and Heard. That was directed in an open forum to all members.

    An yes, this for the time being is a print only venture. It is already up and running but needs some help or it will die. I think we have enough of an online presence/ community presently that serves us as fans, but the bands that we all love need legitimate print support initially to ever become noticed by the mainstream press. There are also many members of our community who don't have daily/ or even weekly internet access. We are just trying to legitimize in some form this somewhat intangible thing that is the Can Jam Scene. Believe you me, no one is in this for the money- we are all contributing in hopes that one of our little Canadian bands makes some headway and a little money too. Because whether we want to admit it or not- all of these guys would take a gold record career instead of our glazed smiles every night.

    I hope you can all work out these little squabbles- its petty and it ruined the Phish scene.



    All inquiries can be sent to sceneandheard@canada.com

  5. Please read further down this page in the message: Please Help your Scene (and Heard)....

    Since that message was posted we have received FOUR emails. That is bad guys!

    Am i to believe that despite there being 430+ members on this board, and their related friends and cronies- that only 4 people want to help contribute to a print issue covering all of the bands, venues, and friends that we love?

    Some sad.

    Maybe the scene isn't what it seemed.


  6. Hey Luke,

    As far as Sunday goes for me and my group, we had pretty much planned on leaving earlier than later anyway. When we woke up around 9 and it was pouring, cold and windy (with my clothes soaked inside the tent)- we just packed up and left. We were only planning on sitting through Hot Toddys set anyway- so I was too bummed. Just cold and wet..... By the way did I mention I was cold and wet.

    Now as far as the organizers go- Jimmy and Joe singlehandedly put a ton of work into the festival, and were probably under the gun to make a snap decision. The problem of course with rain isn't just when it is falling, but until everything dries up there is a chance of a power outage or worse (see Spinal Tap). Sure the stage might have been more sturdy, but with a new site this year everything was built from the ground up. I was hoping that if the festival is there again, they can build upon what they started this year.

    As for the mess, I personally was a little put off on Saturday night by around 2 as the place was littered heavily. I did my bit and picked up quite a bit of junk, and left my campsite spotless, but there was just too much. I thought there could have been more garbage cans, or like a lot of places I have been they could have given each car a garbage bag at the security check. Hindsight is always 20/20.

    I know that the guys were very overwhelmed this summer, having also been involved in the concert at the G8 summit in Kannanaskis. I give them a world of respect for doing as well as they did.

    Hopefully next year fans can see the whole lineup, and the weather cooperates. And tell your neighbour to pitch in and help just a little with the cleanup, if we all did our part it wouldn't be that hard.

    One thing is for sure, I will be there with bells on!! Can't wait to see you all again.....


  7. Hey guys,

    Just wanted to get the thread on Evolve started......

    It was my first time there, and wasn't really expecting the world. But I was overly impressed with the whole thing from the crowd, weather, bands, site, etc.

    Both nights bands treated the crowd to great tunes, and there were no major problems with the sound (there were a few minor outs in the first minute of The Slip on Fri).

    The crowd was as friendly as could be and was well behaved. The site was a mess but I think that was more due to lack of garbage cans. For those going next year, bring some bags and help take away the mess!

    Of course the Sanctuary had a good representation, as I was able to meet and party with alot of our internet friends, including:


    Passed Out Guy

    PEI Punk






    earth freek


    show whore

    Davey Boy

    Greg Hemmings and Nat

    There are probably lots of people, events, songs etc that I don't remember (just ask Dave from nero why)......... But I had the time of my life. From getting there with our best friends (tungsten and marigold) to meeting so many more..............

    Thanks Sanctuarians and Evolve!!!!


    Quote of the weekend:

    "Are you drinking enough?"

    -Frequently heard being bellowed from the vicinity of Mr Dave Lauzon all weekend

    Moment of the weekend:

    -Getting guitar lessons from Dave as the sun came up over the water above Cape Breton early Saturday morning. Probably the most beautiful sunrise I have seen since Big Cypress. Magical!

  8. Hey AD,

    I talked with Jay Clearly last night (of Aaron McDonald Band).

    He said:

    -the schedule would be posted today

    -The Slip is headlining both nights

    -nero is at 12:45 and GTBus is at 5:00 on Saturday afternoon

    - there is water and a washing station available there

    -we can camp with our cars if we ask when we arrive. they will put us in RV camping

    -the liquor and grocery store will both be open until 9 on Friday and 6 on Saturday (both are in Antigonish around 20 minutes away)

    See you there!


  9. Hey Eric!

    I just met a chick at work who had one of those Phish/ Canadian Flag stickers on a binder. She totally remembered me and you from TO 99.

    She was broke and tripping and we gave her one of those plus a couple of Zappa "Freak Out" stickers. She said it made her whole TOUR.

    Nice to still be hearing those stories and feeling the good vibes. Lets get Lamont back to Upper Canada, non?


    ps. "If I knew it was gonna be THAT kind of party........."

    Pittsburgh 2000, best tour moment ever!

  10. Come one, come all!!!!

    There is currently a league forming for Fantasy NFL Football 2002. We have around 5 users so far and anyone else is welcome to join. We haven't yet decided if it is going to be a payout pool (one show per entrant), but we can talk about that later.

    Go to www.thesportingnews.com

    Register with a user name and password.

    The Fantasy Football League name is:

    Canadian Phootball League

    The password is:



    Lets go Buffalo!


  11. Tell them to fuck off....

    Anyone who books nero to play at 12:45pm in the afternoon on a Saturday surely has their heads way too far up their ass to even hear you.

    I read the article and it is bang on. I mean raves are great if you are into them, but making "live music" take a backseat to the candy kids sucks.

    And besides who knows if they are still harbouring resentment due to what shall now be known as "The Burt Fiasco". And I agreed with you on that one too.

    Peace Luke, how is Guelph? I haven't heard about you running into my brother yet. I am sure it will happen once school is on in the fall.

    Are you coming out here for Evolve? If you weren't planning on it, maybe now you should. We can all walk around with you, carrying large signs saying "Kung rules, try and kick us all out!"


  12. There is no way in hell you will get tickets for this event.

    I read on the newswire that people have been lined up since 2:00 am yesterday.

    The last time "The Glimmer Twins" played one of these 'surprise' shows nearly 5000 people turned out at the Warehouse to secure the less than 1000 ducats.

    Its too bad, there is probably no better place in TO for raunchy Stones blues than the Palais!


  13. Hey guys,

    I just wanted to pipe in before the bard makes his way to Upper Canada. If you don't have tickets to go see Dylan in Montreal, Kanata, or Toronto. Go and buy them!!!

    I just saw him play on two consecutive nights in Moncton, NB 8.8.02, and Saint John, NB 8.9.02. I was thrilled this spring when the shows were announced. Since living out here, live music has been sparse at best so we knew we were going to be hitting these shows even if only for nostalgic purposes........

    And then all hell broke loose. I wasn't expecting the world from Bob, as in recent years I have seen reunion tours from CSNY, The Other Ones and Janes Addiction. At each of those shows the artists did their best to recreate the original music, and mostly just fell flat. There was nothing new happening, and although I enjoyed each show it seemed to be just a little off. Dylan on the other hand, has gathered himself a kick ass little unit of tight musicians. The songs were all presented with passion, and most were reworked a little for the shit kickin country style of this tour. Both nights Bob was in great spirits (despite playing to only 3000 night 1, and around 5000 night 2). Night 2 also happened to be the annivesary of Jerrys passing. One of my friends brought down a sign reading "You Know Our Love Will Not Fade Away", with "Play one for Jerry" on the back. When Bob was jamming on Tangled he looked right down at Brian and nodded to him. Now we didn't get NFA but it was a moment nonetheless. Oh yeah, and everyone in the place was wearing a Jerry shirt!

    This ain't no oldies show people, take my advice and don't miss it.

    Moncton, New Brunswick

    Moncton Coliseum

    August 8, 2002

    I Am The Man, Thomas (acoustic)

    Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues (acoustic) Don't Think Twice, It's All Right (acoustic)

    Masters Of War (acoustic) (Charlie on dobro)

    Cry A While (Larry on slide guitar)

    Moonlight (Tony on standup bass)

    I Don't Believe You

    High Water (For Charley Patton)

    Tomorrow Is A Long Time (Bob on harp)

    It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) (acoustic)

    My Back Pages(Larry onfiddle and Bob onharp)

    Summer Days (Tony on standup bass)

    Never Gonna Be The Same Again The Wicked Messenger (Bob on harp)

    Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 (Larry on steel guitar)


    Like A Rolling Stone

    Honest With Me (Larry on slide guitar)

    Blowin' In The Wind (acoustic)

    All Along The Watchtower

    Saint John, New Brunswick

    Harbour Station

    August 9, 2002

    I Am The Man, Thomas (acoustic)

    Man In The Long Black Coat (acoustic)

    Tangled Up In Blue (acoustic) (Bob on harp)

    Mr. Tambourine Man (acoustic)

    Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum

    Lay, Lady, Lay (Larry on pedal steel)

    Highway 61 Revisited

    Moonlight (Tony on standup bass)

    Masters Of War (acoustic) (Charlie on dobro)

    Visions Of Johanna (acoustic)

    If Dogs Run Free (acoustic)

    Summer Days (Tony on standup bass)

    Every Grain Of Sand (Bob on harp)

    Cold Irons Bound

    Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat


    Honest With Me (Larry on slide guitar)

    Blowin' In The Wind (acoustic) (Bob on harp)

    All Along The Watchtower

  14. Damn I wish I was still in Toronto. I love Jack, and although I suspect his shows will mirror DMB's with the screaming drunk 17 year old female fans- I want to see him. I think I may have to make the trek to Boston.

    Here are the tour dates:

    10/22/2002 Denver,CO The Fillmore

    11/02/2002 New Orleans,LA Voodoo Music Experience

    11/04/2002 Atlanta,GA Roxy Theatre

    11/05/2002 Charleston,SC Music Farm

    11/06/2002 Raleigh,NC The Ritz

    11/08/2002 Norfolk,VA Norva Theatre

    11/09/2002 Washington,DC 9:30 Club

    11/10/2002 Philadelphia,PA Electric Factory

    11/13/2002 New York,NY Roseland Ballroom

    11/14/2002 Boston,MA Orpheum Theatre

    11/15/2002 Providence,RI Lupo's Heartbreak Hotel

    11/17/2002 Toronto, Canada,ON Phoenix Concert Theatre

    11/18/2002 Detroit,MI State Theatre

    11/20/2002 Chicago,IL Riviera

    11/21/2002 Minneapolis,MN TBA

  15. Here is something else we can all do........

    When surfing the net, try to promote our scene whenever you can. I sit on Direct Connect (an shn downloading program), several chat rooms, and many message boards. I try to mention (or pipe in) information on our bands. I have found that many fans of live music are just looking for something new. I know we all own 800 Phish shows, but not alot of variety.

    When I am on Message Boards for other bands who have fans looking for music, I always offer up B+Ps. Remember that those are the kids who care about their favorite bands, and understand that word of mouth really does work.

    For example after reading that nero has the Addison Groove Project opening for them on July 31 in Ottawa, and had a few American gigs- I posted offering a "New Music B+P". I offered to send a nero show (6.8.02) to anyone who wanted it and stipulated that instead of sending me the envelope and cash (I don't mind putting a little of my own money in to this)- they turn around and send that show for free to someone else in another area that they have traded with. I know this works because I have been in contact with 6 members of AGP's board who were thrilled with the nero show, and have since sent the show out to friends. That particular show is now in the hands of fans in Colorado, Arizona, Vermont, Mass, New York and Georgia. And one of them is even making the trek out to the Ottawa show from Vermont after taking in the Valencia show.

    It is a little bit of effort to sign up for these boards, and post and then burn/ send out cds..... but it may very well be helping the long term outlook of this scene we love so dearly.

    Try It!


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