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Everything posted by TheSloth

  1. I can barely talk about the last three Arsenal results. I didn't even want to click on this thread. What a terrible couple of weeks.
  2. That mask is pretty sweet as well. The googly eyed rat-fink guy is poo. Roller might be onto something, it's like a super shitty child's drawing of the Binghamton logo with a bit of Rat Fink tossed in.
  3. It pains me to agree with you but yeah.
  4. Fuck you Dinghy, that mask sucks, other than the red maple leaf work and the logo (and cmon, it's just the logo, it better look good), it's crap. A poorly aired corvette with a googly eyed centurion that I assume is an homage to the iconic drag racing Rat Fink? One half of the helmet is just okay, the other half stinks. Next. Gerber's mask was cool though.
  5. And if the game hadnt been played last night would this hit have amounted to anything? Bang on as always Booche. There is no point in discussing any aspect of the hit, what may or what may not have been, a Hab has received a cheap shot and has been injured. Stop everything. Samething with you Schwa. This is no time to discuss other cheap shots or even other cheap shot artists. A Hab has received a cheap shot and has been injured. If I had a flag, it'd be at half-mast. I asked my boss for the day off but it was a no go. In all seriousness, that shot was fucking nasty and uber cheap. The only thing size had to play in that is it allowed Chara to reallly launch the guy into the boards. Chara could have pulled up no problem. (and I fucking love Chara but...)
  6. Finest athletes this side of the Ganges I'll have you know.
  7. Sorry, I could point out that a dual task reaction time test is quantitave not qualitative as Hal said but that was obviously just a mistake in typing by Hal and I knew exactly what he was talking about.
  8. I still love you Hal and like I said, I accept the science you're putting down, 100%.
  9. A) I'm trolling you I just curled up a piece of paper and hit a phd in the back, he came over and looked at what you posted in regard to how you feel about yourself/acadamia and laughed. Smartest guy we have on staff only has his masters, all the Phds around here defer to him for almost everything.
  10. Roller? Is that you. I actually thought you were getting pretty defensive over me simply pointing out one of the things you said was kind of worded poorly. It's also the first time I brought up Phds so I believe you're the one hung up on it. Have a reread when you've calmed down, try some milk and maybe a warm bath.
  11. I think this thread should get a participaction award.
  12. I played indoor cricket in a mansion in India while teaching the locals about bottle tokes.
  13. It always boils down to this....if driving is a sport, if darts is a sport.....is tiddlywinks a sport. Or jenga.
  14. You want to see athletic? Schwa jumping from bench to bench at Shoreline while in a "special" state was one of the finest athletic performances I've ever witnessed. A gazelle.
  15. A) "Mental skills: attentional, and emotional control" is an indicator you used initially, I don't give a rat ass who or where you got it, it's qualitative and subjective, therefore your statement about "proof" is overextended. Ooooooooooh a Phd did it. Sorry there buddy. Phd's have never produced bad/biased data/papers/reports. For the record, I think cricket players are way fucking better athletes than F1 drivers. Didn't have to think twice about it.
  16. Fixed that for you. Most of the indicators used for the rankings in that report are quantitative but a few are definitely qualitative and subjective in nature. You can't say that's a scientific proof, sorry. It's probably good science, it's probably good theory and I think you're 100% correct but its a study.
  17. I'd change all the rules in the CFL to make it just like the NFL. If not I'd make a rule about the CFL folding. Also, 2 point conversions all the way is fucking stupid. Football is a war of attrition, a chess match, an exchange of shots, or pretty much whatever cliche you'd like to pull out of your ass but the consistency of trading points via field goals and converted 7 point touchdowns is so key to the nature of the NFL game that adding the randomness of missing 2 point conversions would ruin it. Make it more exciting? Maybe for some slack jaw fuck that also gets off on the SuperBowl commercials but seriously, anyone sitting back watching the best regular season product of any league(I'm not getting into the NFL vs NHL playoff debate, they're both awesome for different reasons) and is thinking 2 point conversions are really going to get things popping I suggest you either change the channel or your tampon.
  18. Congrats to Nebraska on their first BigTen championship.
  19. Three wins, four ties and three losses against the cagey veteran computer. We're obviously equals but I'd like to think I got into its head a little bit with those four consecutive ties. I really had it thinking hard at that point.
  20. If there is a person in this city that's a Sen fan and isn't ecstatic we've dropped to last I'd like to reach out to them and say GTFO, don't even pack your bags, just leave. Keep it up by staying down boys!
  21. Jesus christ Arsenal, get it together.
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