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About lickthecoil

  • Birthday 03/29/1975

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  1. Hey All I'm heading down to this venue for Phish next month and I've never been. Looks like a nice place. Anyone had any experience with shows there? Anything you wished you knew before you went? Cheers
  2. lickthecoil


    Exile and Miami NYE look to be confirmed. http://phishtour.blogspot.com/ (Not sure how to post pics)
  3. I just noticed they are playing Dundas Square tomorrow night at 9pm for free as a part of the Luminato Festival. I scanned a few pages here and didn't see any mention of it so I guess just an FYI.
  4. Got into the Adams Mark too. Stayed there last time for Phil with the GF. They ran us up to the bar section (street?) in a free shuttle, so ask about that. I was just checking to see what other options were out there. Enjoy the strong dollar folks. We've earned it. Every beer is value!!!
  5. Cool, cool. I haven't used priceline, but I'll check it out. I think we stayed at the Adams Mark last time and it was a little out of the way. I got the alternator from a shop on Queen E. I associated it with your name based on a reply I got on this site, but I could very easily be mistaken. Ha! Cheers
  6. Man, I'm pumped. The shows on Archive have been great. Anyone have any positive experiences at nearby hotels or any recommendations? I'm heading down at around 1 on Thurs with a few buddies and we'll be doing the obligatory pre-show prep at the local watering holes. If anyone wants to meet up, that'd be cool. Thanks for any input. Kev, are you the guy that sold me an alternator for my van?
  7. Man, I was in Starbucks last week and saw it sitting there. Took me by surprise. I was really going to rant in my blog. It just seemed wrong. The more I thought about it though, if it gets the music out to more people who normally wouldn't have had the chance to hear it, that's not a bad thing. I just really hate Starbucks. lol.
  8. Funny. I just watched that last night on ROD. Made me jump a few times.
  9. Is Mark playing tonight or was the cruise it? Either way I'm coming, just curious? Cheers.
  10. I've lived here for almost three years. You got waterfront, High Park, tree lined streets, restaurants (cheap), pubs, polish delis, subway plus just about every east-west street car line comes right here. It's like a little town within the city.
  11. Thanks Jay and Slowcoaster. Another great show. These guys are one of the best live acts going imo. I like to think of bands as either ones I would go see if they came to town or ones I would travel to see. I would travel to see these guys. Of course doing an entire tour is different matter that at this point in my life would problably require a resurrection or a reunion. But I can see doing an Ontario leg. Thanks again. SHOOT THE BOOT! Too funny.
  12. They've been fun to watch this year and I think they're in position to continue to get better. Watching Bosh in the Washington game hit from 60ft was awesome. The look on his face after - like he expected it. He's a warrior and a leader.
  13. Chicago's a good team, don't get me wrong, but Indy came through the AFC. I think we'd all agree that the AFC had a dominent year as far as talent and having more quality teams. Indy met all its challenges beating KC and shutting down LJ, getting into the trenches with BAL (in BAL) and then defeating their arch-rivals with an amazing comeback. Chicago didn't have to meet any of those challenges. Seattle? A shadow of what they were. There by the grace of Romo and the curse of EA's Madden. New Orleans which was a good win, but at home very much expected. Indy has played the way they needed to in each game, won a tough one on the road, and Manning came through in the face of enormous pressure when he was down 21-3 and on his way to another "here we go again". He'll feel like the SB is a freeroll. I think the Indy D will do a better job against Grossman's offence than the Chicago D will do against Manning's offence. Harrison will be healthier too. And that's what it comes down to.
  14. Anybody see this movie? Elijah Wood. It's on the Movie Network On-demand. It's about football Firms and specifically West Ham's (Green Street). Anyways if you're into the English Football it presents a crazy aspect that us North Americans don't really hear about. I have been a Leeds fan for years now and alway knew that the Service Crew (Leeds Firm) were pretty notorious, but I never really research the culture and what it was all about. I was at a Crystal Palace game with a buddy in the standing supporters section. They were playing Fulham so a local derby. We were right across from their fans and the yelling back and forth made Michigan/Ohio State seem like best friends. He told me to kepp my mouth shut and cheers for the good guys (Palace) only no matter what. Until I saw this movie I didn't really give much thought to it, but I was right there - in it. Not the brawling, but with the hardcores. I've seen some games at Leeds, but never been in the supporters section, just the normal area. Anyways, good movie. Check it out if you're into soccer and if you're not it's interesting nonetheless. There is not much soccer in the movie, but lots of violence. It's needed though. darren
  15. While I'm not a beastiality expert, here's what I think: Indy will stuff 8 in the box to shut down the run. They can do this because Grossman is an inept passer at this point in his career. The Bears D is not what it was in the first half plus Tank Johnson could be in jail by game time if he brings his guns to South Beach. The line is 7 (already adjusted for PUBLIC support - meaning it should be 9), but watch for that to drop. Chicago is a very PUBLIC team and the casual Super Bowl bettor will be eager to play that side with the points. If it goes to 6 that's huge value on Indy. You gotta figure Indy is good for at least four scores. Can Chicago's offence do that away from home, against Manning (experience) with a QB who has started 25 NFL games? In the Superbowl? If your heart's telling you Chicago - you're PUBLIC. It also means that your brain isn't. That being said, it's sports and anything can happen. Like a Phish setlist. We're going with a Cuban theme at my place with a lot of rum and lime. That should suit Miami. Enjoy the game!
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