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Posts posted by TheGoodRev

  1. I put a new band together where I play guitar and sing, and write a good amount. Priviledged to be playing with:

    Cam Malcolm (Sweet Homewreckers): guitar, vocals

    Adam Melnick (Dan Griffin's Regrets, S.Y. Bucks, Achievers): bass

    Pete Hall (A Northern Chorus): drums

    I suspect a lot of people here would be into it - moreso than the scenester crowd, even.

    Pete is also a songwriter/guitar player/vocalist and will be opening up with a solo set. Cover is $5, show 10pm.

    Go here: http://www.myspace.com/hamiltonjawbone and listen to 'The Big Dig'

    A work in progress, perhaps; but the recording is from our very first gig, and Thursday will be our second. Hope you can make it.


  2. I used to live down the street from the original Healy's and saw him play many, many Thursday nights. Also caught the Jazz Wizards quite a few times around that time. Unreal guitar player, also incredible on the trumpet, and seemed like a pleasant and good-natured guy. I remember him often asking the audience a question like, "Welcome to Thursday night at Healy's, and how many of you have been here before, can I get a show of hands?" which just spoke to his good-naturedness. I'll always remember him throwing it over to his other guitar player Pat Rush to do Don't Want You No More.

    When they talk about him being one of the most distinct players of our time, they're not kidding...having all five fingers on the fretboard contributed to him becoming an absolute monster on guitar, and far outside of the usual blues-rock cliches. He was an inspiration to me and I'm saddened I won't be able to see him play again. RIP.

  3. I had heard that they had taken down the No Stairway signs because nobody played it anymore.

    I work in a guitar store and - maybe Dave has a different opinion here but - without a doubt, Sweet Child O Mine is the new Stairway. I hear it at least 4 or 5 times a week...and most of them don't stop at one time, they'll just keep hammering through it. Warts and all. Shitty nasal tone.

    Honourable mention to Nirvana as well, still hear a lot of that.

  4. You've gotta pay better attention to my signature, phorbsie!

    Dan and I were in the Surly Young Bucks together and I now play in his backing band, the Regrets. He released a record called Stars and Satellites last year and Hamilton has fallen in love with it. He toured out East alone last year and received rave reviews. He's also the keyboardist in Arkells (formerly Charlemagne), who are the most recent signees to Dine Alone Records/Bedlam Music Management, joining the likes of Alexisonfire, Attack in Black, City & Colour and Bedouin Soundclash.

    Dan's solo material is esp for fans of Neil Young, Leonard Cohen, Nick Drake and Ryan Adams, but he's pretty widely accessible...I haven't met a person yet who hasn't loved his record after hearing it. For this show at Dekcuf, Dan will be backed by the Spades and myself.


    So in short, this show is going to be unstoppable. Looking very forward to my first gig in Ottawa and to meeting some of you skanks out there!

  5. Pleasure to meet Big Wooly Mammoth and family, Northern Wish, niceto see mooooose again after such a long time, and of course always a pleasure to run into BradM. The show was a little different than the others I've played with the boys - we had to reign it in volume-wise (and hence energy-wise) because of the setting. The set still felt good, just a little subdued. Oh, and Jim called for Pirate Radio, which is a tune that I know to hear but we've never rehearsed, but we did it anyway. I'm slowly becoming more and more comfortable with the dozens of Spades tunes I've had to commit to memory over the past three weeks or so...and I can't wait for this Saturday at the Horseshoe! Hope to see some familiar faces out.

    Oh and Brad...I eagerly await the recording from today...I want to assess it, football team-style, and learn from mistakes. I should mention that your recordings have been a big help to me in learning this band's massive catalogue...we've only rehearsed together once and the rest has been up to me, so thanks for that.

  6. I also hope nobody was hurt! National Sound is an olllld school building, I always wondered how they stayed in business.

    In related news I'm supposed to play at the Horseshoe tonight (Queen and Spadina) with Dan Griffin and Nick Rose - and I just heard that they might not have power down there! I suspect it should be up and running by the evening, there are people that live there and such...but still.

  7. Terribly sorry to hear this. I've had two breakins myself over the course of the last three years or so and it's absolutely devastating...having a list of names of the perps is much farther than I ever got though. If I were you Mike I'd look'em up and head over there myself. The sheer invasion of the whole ordeal is enough to leave you seething for months.

    Anyway, I hope it works out for you as best it can. Glad to hear there's some insurance dough in it for you.

  8. Absinthe in Hamilton.

    No cover.

    Be there by 10.

    Arkells (formerly Charlemagne) recently signed to Dine Alone Records/Bedlam Music Management, joining ranks with Alexisonfire, Bedouin Soundclash, Attack in Black and City and Colour. They are, as always, an awesome band, and continue to improve everytime I see them. http://www.myspace.com/arkellsmusic

    Jawbone is my new band. I play guitar and sing and have written much of the material. Joining me on guitar and vocals and helping with the writing is Cam Malcolm, former frontman of the Sweet Homewreckers, who released a rather successful indie LP last year on Put On Your Drinking Cap Records. On bass we've got Adam Melnick, my bandmate in the Surly Young Bucks and Dan Griffin's Regrets, and on drums is Pete Hall, who is also guitarist/vocalist with A Northern Chorus. *cough*asupergroup*cough*

    Rough tracks from tonight's rehearsal are up at http://www.myspace.com/hamiltonjawbone

    Hope some folks will make it out. No cover. Be there by 10 to avoid the lineup for the Motown dance night downstairs.

  9. The website (http://www.bonnaroo.com) has a poster with the lineup that gives some indication as to who's headlining. They're listed in this order:

    Pearl Jam


    Jack Johnson

    Kanye West

    Plant & Krauss feat. T-Bone Burnett

    Phil Lesh & Friends

    My Morning Jacket

    Allman Brothers Band


    Willie Nelson

    Death Cab for Cutie

    B.B. King

    Sigur Ros

    Levon Helm & The Ramble On the Road


    There's a lot of good shit on there, and even more that I didn't type out. I'm not big on giant festivals, but if I was I'd probably head down.

  10. Some of you have seen Superstack before:


    They're a pretty happening and riffy blues-rock trio.

    None of you have seen my new band, Jawbone, before. The lineup is

    Aaron Goldstein (S.Y. Bucks, Dan Griffin & Regrets) - guitar, vocals

    Cam Malcolm (Sweet Homewreckers) - guitar, vocals

    Adam Melnick (S.Y. Bucks, Dan Griffin & Regrets) - bass

    Pete Hall (A Northern Chorus) - drums

    Both bands will be playing on Thursday, March 13 at Pepper Jack's with one band TBA. Mark it on your calendar folks.



  11. I can't stand seeing Luther play such shitty gear man...Marshall Valvestate amps...I mean, that's not exactly pro shit.

    However - the promoter owes you a beer, Bones, cause after seeing that vid I feel I will attend after all. Tugged at the old heartstrings. And shit, Cody Dickinson is a great drummer.

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