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Posts posted by TheGoodRev

  1. Don't know how many people here subscribe to the Lefsetz Letter; the latest one is interesting I thought:

    Did I miss a memo here? Or was I living under a rock? Has Neil Young not been touring for over a decade? Is he an unavailable recluse deigning to come back to society to let us hear "Heart Of Gold" one more time? Is he going to play the hits and only the hits? Giving the people what they want? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

    This has gotten out of control. Does Neil have terminal cancer? Is this his last tour EVER? There is no band, so it’s not like we’ve got to see him this time for fear the original creation will never hit the road again. Actually, didn’t Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young JUST hit the road?

    This guy’s been coasting on his reputation too long. Seen as a man of the people, it appears Mr. Young is only in it for himself. Furthermore, what’s this ONE CD with each PAIR of tickets? You can’t afford to give a disc to EVERYBODY? In a world where silver platters are essentially worthless, where you buy a hundred for FREE (with rebates), do costs really have to be cut here? Or is it assumed everybody going to see Neil is taking a date, whom they live with.

    And there’s no download. Because they don’t sound fucking GOOD ENOUGH for Neil. Even though many of those who get the album will rip it to iTunes as soon as they get home, so they can transfer it to their iPod and listen in their car or in the gym… WHAT PLANET IS THIS GUY LIVING ON?

    You can be iconoclastic if you’re not fucking with me. But these ticket prices are an INSULT! Never mind $257 for the best seats in L.A., you’ve got to pay $132 in PORTLAND! I guess they’re richer in Seattle, with all that Microsoft money, because there the price is $157. Or if you’re really lucky, you live in Denver, where you get a break, the most expensive ducat is $104. BEFORE THE TICKETMASTER FEE!

    An act’s worth depends on its fanbase. You have to nurture it, respect people, make them feel they’re along for the ride with you. At these prices, people feel like they’re being held up at gunpoint. And, NOT EVERY NEIL YOUNG FAN RAPED AND PILLAGED AND IS NOW RICH!

    Only Neil is rich. But obviously, he needs more.

    Bob Dylan is a famous breadhead, but he doesn’t charge these prices, not even close. WITH Elvis Costello, the top ticket is $65.50 in Portland. And Dylan is coming off a number one album and critical kudos. For that price, you may not care that he mangles the old material. You’re privileged just to be there. And maybe, you’ll enjoy it too. (In truth, that’s Portland MAINE, not Oregon, but even in Chicago, Dylan and Costello are only charging $87, while Neil Young is charging $157! At the SAME THEATRE!)

    Actually, I enjoyed Neil Young’s "Greendale" album. And tour too. But it wasn’t sold out. It’s not like there’s a shortage of tickets to see the man. Hell, tickets are available EVERYWHERE for this tour.

    Just because everybody else is doing it, that doesn’t mean you should too. How many shows do you think people are going to go to if a couple has to drop nearly five hundred dollars to attend? Yup, you’ve got to park, you’ve got to eat, buy some merch…

    This is not Led Zeppelin. They were always into the money. And they haven’t been on tour since the SEVENTIES! They can go on the road and charge all they want, it’s a once in a lifetime event.

    But not Neil Young. He’s still recording music. He wants us to care.

    Neil, you should be ashamed of yourself.

    Blame your manager, your agent, the promoter… But if you’re savvy enough to comment on the war in Iraq, you can’t really be that out of touch with the consumer. You want the buck to stop with Bush, then the buck stops here with you. Positively insane.

    -- Visit the archive: http://lefsetz.com/wordpress/

    -- If you would like to subscribe to the LefsetzLetter, http://www.lefsetz.com/lists/?p=subscribe&id=1

  2. This sounds like a continuation of his frustration with his monitor tech that I witnessed in Toronto and wrote about in the fall tour tracker thread.

    I have no doubt that the tech and the PA system itself are travelling with the tour so I wonder why they haven't just fired this guy if he can't do his job right.

    I would have also been frustrated with a 70-minute show as a spectator, but I know the kind of shitty situation it is being onstage and not being able to hear your own voice when you sing.

  3. 1. A Kiss Before I Go

    2. Beautiful Sorta

    3. Cold Roses

    4. Good Night Rose

    5. Dear John

    6. Games

    7. Let It Ride

    8. Freeway to the Canyon (Neal solo)

    9. Tears of Gold

    Talking to the crowd: "when your yelling stuff you just sound like cavemen" Ryan starts to grunt. The whole band starts grunting like cavemen.

    10. Rescue Blues

    11. Dear Chicago

    12. Wild Flowers

    Talking to the crowd:

    Women "I want to have your baby!"

    Ryan "Wait I heard that! You think your having a baby? Listen you should know if your having a baby. Maybe you just ate some weird Thai food. When I eat spicy food I sometimes feel like I'm going to have a baby

    13. Peaceful Valley

    14. Please Do Not Let Me Go

    15. Night birds

    16. Carolina Rain

    Talking to the crowd: "wow during that song I threw up a little in the back of my mouth. I felt a little chunk come up...the best part is I swallowed it. I don't have to make out with me. I could eat a bowl of green onions and it would not make a difference with me. My mike kinda smells now."

    17.Magnolia Mountain


    18. Sylvia Plath

    talking to the crowed: why are you clapping I don't even know what I'm going to play

    19. Sweet Lil Gal

    20. Sweet Carolina"

    The banter WAS great, even though I think half the place was worried that if somebody said the wrong thing he'd march off. He did seem to need more piano in his monitor every time he sat down there, and he knocked his fist on the top of it to signal his monitor guy a few times. His guitar tech handed him a Strat and some idiot hollered "Let It Ride", and I thought it was all over, but then they actually played Let It Ride. But there was immediately some problem with the Strat, it had a capo on it and either the tech had given it to him in the wrong tuning or it was out of tune or the capo was on the wrong fret or something and he was visibly frustrated; he sang the first verse while tuning back up and ditched the Strat right after that tune.

    He had been giving his monitor guy big sweeping hand signals all night and was still visibly frustrated, so sometime around the Strat incident (I think as he was handing the guitar back to his tech) he had some conversation with either the tech or somebody else sidestage, and then said something to the guys in the band. I was sitting right by the soundboard and during the next song an older guy comes out to talk to the FOH guy and I couldn't hear what he said, but at the end they both kind of raised their eyebrows as if to say, "Can you believe that?". Anyway then I looked over by the stage and the much younger monitor tech had moved over and was standing against the wall and an older guy was running the monitor board. So my hypothesis is that he had a new monitor guy step in mid-show, which is kind of crazy.

    In any event, though, it was a great, great show. Those descriptions of the banter only really touch upon the themes, in reality they were much longer and drawn out; looking forward to hearing that recording.

    Oh also, I realize now that Goodnight Rose was in that first chunk of tunes and that's actually from the new record, so I was mistaken in saying they were all Jacksonville/Cold Roses tunes. I thought last night's version was particularly awesome, though, because it was so subdued and dynamic. That's really a good way to describe the show all around - dynamic. They seem to have really worked on their arrangements and it shows. Was anybody else expecting a piano player, though? I thought they had a guy with them on that acoustic tour.

  4. It seemed to me that their dilemma wasn't with their faith, but rather with the fear of the wrath of their parents/grandparents?

    That's pretty close to on the money, except I fear no wrath. Rather, the religion is probably as important to my folks and grandmother as music is to me. If I fail to participate, I break their hearts a little bit. I'm almost entirely non-religious but I still would rather not hurt their feelings too much, you know?

    Anyway tonight I came up with a great compromise. Spent 45 mins in synagogue, slipped out, booted it to Massey, picked up a single floor seat at the box office, saw the show. And holy fuck was it killer! I couldn't even believe the setlist. Tons and tons of more popular numbers; the first 6 (at least) were Cold Roses/Jacksonville tunes. Dear John was as incredible as people described here. Opener was Kiss Before I Go followed by Beautiful Sorta. Games was one of those first 6 as well and it was KILLER, it has to be one of my favourite Jacksonville tunes.

    Ryan became talkative about halfway through the show and remained so. Good vibe, only one encore but it was nice and long (Syl. Plath again, solo piano). Closed with Sweet Carolina and they appeared to be showing the bass player the chords as they played it, which made me wonder if it's been a while since he's played this tune (possibly not at all with the current bass player? He was hired about a year ago).

    The band = amazing. Voices, just as you all said, were incredible, and the playing was out of this world. I wish I could see it all again tomorrow night.

  5. Indeed the Bucks are still hanging around and playing this Thurs at the Peej.

    Joining us on the bill will be our friend Tiiu Millistver, an awesome folky kind of songwriter from Guelph via Toronto; we'll also feature Tanya Davis of Halifax, NS. She was last in town on tour with Jenn Grant, she'll present her unique brand of alternative folk.

    So yes , this is a show not to be missed! You all know how seldom the Bucks perform, and this is very likely to be our last show in quite a while, so please do us the honour. Hope to see you there.

    Once again, the Bucks are:

    Max Kerman - vocals, piano, guitar

    Aaron Goldstein - guitar, pedal steel, vocal

    Adam Melnick - B3 organ

    Mike DeAngelis - bass

    Dan Griffin - drums, vocal

    Lynn Seward - vocal




  6. I've been reading this thread with great, great envy. Friday night (same night as the Toronto show) is 'Kol Nidre', the beginning of Yom Kippur, the proverbial Jewish judgement day. For all my non-affiliation and secularism, it's an evening in synagogue I simply cannot skip if I ever want to speak to my grandmother again. My parents wouldn't be happy either but they'd get over it.

    I really, really wish I could be at Massey Hall though.

  7. Guy 1: Man, I totally lost my voice this weekend.

    Guy 2: Yeah?

    Guy 1: Yeah, after my buddies picked me up we basically drove around Hamilton screaming at people for hours.

    (couple minutes later, down the hall, same two guys)

    Guy 1: Yeah, there was one guy who got a little testy as I was leaving.

    Guy 2: Yeah?

    Guy 1: Yeah, I just went back to say goodbye to Julie, and I'm like, "see you later Julie", and this one guy looks all pissed, and I'm like, "Dude, what the fuck?" and he's all, "You're standing on my hat" and I look down and there's his hat on the ground. But I'm like, "Dude, I'm fuckin drunk, and your hat is on the ground!"

  8. Dan Griffin is one of the songwriters - and also the drummer - in the Surly Young Bucks. Earlier this year he released his debut EP, Stars and Satellites, which has enjoyed much critical acclaim.

    Tonight the Regrets are:

    Dan Griffin - vocal, electric guitar

    Dave Griffin - acoustic guitar

    Mike Atcheson - electric bass, vocal

    Aaron Goldstein - pedal steel (that's me)

    Max Kerman - piano, organ (replacing Adam Melnick who can't make it tonight)

    Tim Oxford - drums

    Check out some tunes at www.myspace.com/dangriffinmusic


    Also on the bill:

    Jenn Grant from Halifax, NS. Her new disc Orchestra for the Moon has also been showered with much acclaim and she has been across the country to support it. Have a listen to her incredible voice at www.myspace.com/jenngrant1


    Robyn Dell'Unto from Hamilton. She's a local songstress who also sports an incredible voice. www.myspace.com/robyndellunto


    Robyn on first, followed by the Regrets, followed by Jenn. $6 cover. Hope some folks make it out.

  9. 1. My course books are, like, totally heavy.

    2. You should see my schedule, I have to walk miles between classes.

    3. Q: Do you know where the student centre is? A: Turn around.

    4. Get out of here Booche, what are you, like 80?

    5. Wanna play ping pong?

    6. WTF?

    7. The Simpsons are like SO first year! (I actually heard a guy say that on the bus)

    8. Wanna skip afternoon classes and go to the pub.

    9. I'm going to try to get through this semester without buying any books! (I saved so much money this way!)

    10. Fiction...that means it's real or not...I can never remember.

    11. That's what I'm talking about, in Japan, they've got it going on. People are always like, "Well why didn't you stay there, then?" and the answer is I couldn't, my visa expired.

  10. I haven't read the whole thing yet but this is bringing back memories of Scandanavialog, which I read with GREAT interest. Is this the whole thing, Velvet, or is there more to come?

    Top notch work in any event. I look forward to reading the whole thing.

  11. Naw, it's widely reported that Dylan got them high for the first time.

    Yeah I've read that.

    And I've heard the Hendrix bit too, wrapping a tab or two in his bandana over a cut on his forehead.

    How about this one:

    If you go see the Pete Best Band nowadays (original Beatles drummer), he has a second drummer who is much younger than he is. In the middle of the show, though, Pete introduces the guy as his brother.

    The story as told to me begins with Neil Aspinall, original Beatles roadie. Pete Best's mother ran a club in the basement of their house and the Beatles used to play there and rehearse there often. Aspinall was renting a room in the house and apparently became romantically involved with Pete Best's mother...one thing lead to another and the roadie knocked her up. A short time later they fired Pete Best from the band. His little brother is the roadie's kid.

    Meantime, the roadie worked his way up and was the director of Apple Records from its inception until April of this year when he finally stepped down. Anybody heard anything like this?

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