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Everything posted by rubberdinghy

  1. notice how I highlighted the word straight. get it. HILARIOUS
  2. Definitely nudist [color:red]straight guys or gals.
  3. It's official... I miss kookycanooky (and i'm not ashamed to admit it)
  4. Take the straw out of your drink. Cut it up into pieces, and spell out the word "TIP" with the little bits. Dot the "i" with a penny. Never return.
  5. PM's is a good idea...but we may have to extend it over a week or so, and put a time limit on it...last time we did it, someone took forever...
  6. Found on Urban Dictionary.com, I had no idea.... 1. Skanc 2 thumbs up Not to be confused with Skank... An individual or forum or chat room member that dances around multiple threads or rooms spreading disgusting misleading foul or filthy rumors or assumptions regarding other members. Unlike a troll a Skanc will make repeated attacks on the individual even when the topic being discussed has nothing at all to do with the accusations or the person the Skanc is making the attacks on. Often times this is viewed as an "Ad-Homenim attack" but due to the relentless nature of the attacks the individual graduates from ordinary Troll to Skanc. That Skanc wont give up. He is Skancing up the place. What a Skanc! The Skanc just wont stop spouting off his Douche-Baggery.
  7. Just my little "joke" that I think Harper (the Others therapist' date=' Goodwin's wife) looks kind of like an evil version of Rachel Ray. And while I'm sure Michael will be the guy on the boat, I'm betting there will be an even bigger *Actual* surprise at the end of the show. As I've said before, you can usually figure out the surprise near the beginning of the episode, or even the one 10 minutes before the ending, but it's the one right at the very end of the episode that catches you flat footed. [/quote'] Don't make fun of my Rachel Ray...BTW she's Tommy Gavin's wife...
  8. FISHER!!! FINALLY!!! He's got a big contract for a reason!
  9. you must be asleep..... Pussy... goodnight
  10. rubberdinghy


    you there? Call FBTS
  11. I think that's the greatest play on "caps/no caps" I've ever seen.... I love the word "broad"
  12. I'm surprised Ottawa's not worse than 12th.
  13. [/quote'] Hello worst hidden shocker in TV history if it is, since everyone knows that character will be back this season. I'm hoping Echo rises from the dead.
  14. yep...Gerbs made some fine stops...
  15. The face we don't expect to see next week
  16. where's the special font...plomox?
  17. Must we have another argument? Greatest show on the tube right now...Tonight's ep was a little weak, compared to last week though. Won't spoil anything
  18. I'm not trying to make myself sound like the greatest driver of all time, but that's how it's coming off, and for that I apologize. You guys can use your snow tires, and I'll use what I got, and we can all be happy! OK...
  19. that stings! and yes, there are way tooo many idiots out there...I spend 8 hours of my day laughing my ass off watching people come within inches of thier lives and not even blink. anyhoo...sorry to get defensive, but, the bottom line is, I am too cheap to by another set of tires for my car, when I feel I am doing fine with what I have.
  20. Did I say I was that guy?? Nope... Do I know how to "slow down", "stay way back", and "drive defensively" Yes I do...It's simple...you stay away from dangerous situations... When the OPP urges you to stay off the road...you simply do.
  21. Nope...been off that now for two months!
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