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Everything posted by rubberdinghy

  1. I also liked how the top came off the cup... Also tres CFL.
  2. hahahahahahaahhaa.... Mystery solved...and sorry StoneMtn, but I caught you in a fib After further investigation, I noticed it was ICE!!! looked alot like glass, but my wife must have smacked some ice out there for her smoothie this morning to allow me to sleep in. Thanks voodoolady.
  3. Last night I went out for a smoke. I have a glass ashtray on my porch and noticed it had broke into about 6 pieces. I assumed hot cigarette on cold glass, and kapow. Now this morning I go out there, and some of the big pieces have shattered into shards and are spread all over the porch!!! How the hell does that happen? Scientists?
  4. I'd take a free hug if these were coming at me. Wow...I'm gonna get in crap for this one.
  5. As do I! I should also add ignorant people.
  6. I'd prefer a "bunk hug"
  7. civic and lemon in the same sentence.... That seems odd...My last 2 cars have been civics and they are great! I think hybrids are the way to go, but you have to be careful with SUV hybrids in start and stop traffic. You won't gain anything from the fuel efficiency. Mind you...I'll stick with my standard gasoline Civic for the time being. It's just way to easy.
  8. and carp is not 40 minutes away...unless you drive like my grandma. I got to get to friendly corner one day.
  9. I agree with del...something about thier sauce.
  11. Me too!!! and if you mean D as in Defence...he was actually a centreman.
  12. http://www.sportsargumentwiki.com/index.php?title=Toronto_Maple_Leafs_%28are_awesome%29
  13. I do not like your sarcastic SVA Hall of Fame comment.
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