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Everything posted by rubberdinghy

  1. Dammit...I could use a new left arm...I've got crunchy shoulder syndrome.
  2. Again...as I said...if you can't drive on All-Seasons (call them summer tires if you want,)...you shouldn't be driving. In all my years of driving, I've never had a single problem. Why, because I know how to drive.
  3. Winter tires are good, but I never use them...they are called all-season tires for a reason...good for all seasons...if you can't drive with them in all seasons, maybe you should reconsider driving. But if they gov't decides to make it the law, prices better drop. Also...this has been the second snowiest winter on record for Ottawa, so I can't see how you can say this is a "normal" Canadian winter. Can you tell, I've had it?
  4. Awesome...so now we are back to a little better defense, but no secondary scoring. fucking hell
  5. Ollie, you don't like the garlic... Fluffhead...the avatar scares the hell outta me!
  6. True... I just realized any Westbrah/Nepeanites out there might recognize the name Cal Cheney...
  7. Anyone heard these guys? My bro's buddy plays guitar in the band. They are playing Zaphod's on Saturday...8pm.. Can't even describe them....not sure if I like it or not. http://www.myspace.com/ihateblazer
  8. that's fine...we don't need another hab fan in O-Town...there's already waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many. kidding of course Roller.... Again...more overtime...another day to put my bus in a ditch.
  9. I wish my name was Gygax
  10. Scottish = Bland.... Story of my life.... My brother once sneaked garlic into my Dad's spaghetti sauce....he would not eat it.
  11. ok..... the Sens are in 5th for one reason only... NO MORE PRESSURE! It'll for sure win them the cup this year! EASY!
  12. I tried to make spring rolls once....sounds like I was using the same ingredients you were... I WILL NEVER DO THAT AGAIN!!! What a pain in the ass! bouche is right...Dumpling house is where it's at!
  13. It'll probably go towards Transitway work... More bad news today...looks like the city may have taken away Saturday overtime...The senior guys are NOT happy... So much for getting weekends off anytime soon...
  14. I love when t-man makes an appearance!
  15. could you ever blame AD for anything... That guy knows his shit... Andre on the other hand! GO LEAFS!
  16. yeah AD...it was intentional, but the rest COME ON!
  17. HAHAHHAHAHHAHAA.... You have got to be kidding me...that was meant to be in purple right.....
  18. hmmmm, cross-check from behind by the tender after scoring a goal...you forgot to mention that... That was weak... Also...Downie was the one that dropped the gloves after Fisher pulled someone off of Donovan... Fisher (even if he wanted to take his helmet off) didn't even have a chance... Obviously, booche didn't see the same highlight reel I did. Friggin PPV
  19. Basically, I think council is implying they will remove the director Alain Mercier, and start an overhaul....
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