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Everything posted by rubberdinghy

  1. How bout Dipietro during the game though... Those were some sweet moves!!!
  2. who's wavinginthewind? Seriously.
  3. My Grandad used to recite Robbie Burns all the time...most of it memorized... One of my faves... To a Mouse Oh, tiny timorous forlorn beast, Oh why the panic in your breast ? You need not dart away in haste To some corn-rick I'd never run and chase thee, With murdering stick. I'm truly sorry man's dominion Has broken nature's social union, And justifies that ill opinion Which makes thee startle At me, thy poor earth-born companion, And fellow mortal. I do not doubt you have to thieve; What then? Poor beastie you must live; One ear of corn that's scarcely missed Is small enough: I'll share with you all this year's grist, Without rebuff. Thy wee bit housie too in ruin, Its fragile walls the winds have strewn, And you've nothing new to build a new one, Of grasses green; And bleak December winds ensuing, Both cold and keen. You saw the fields laid bare and waste, And weary winter coming fast, And cosy there beneath the blast, Thou thought to dwell, Till crash; the cruel ploughman crushed Thy little cell. Your wee bit heap of leaves and stubble, Had cost thee many a weary nibble. Now you're turned out for all thy trouble Of house and home To bear the winter's sleety drizzle, And hoar frost cold. But, mousie, thou art not alane, In proving foresight may be in vain, The best laid schemes of mice and men, Go oft astray, And leave us nought but grief and pain, To rend our day. Still thou art blessed, compared with me! The present only touches thee, But, oh, I backward cast my eye On prospects drear, And forward, though I cannot see, I guess and fear.
  4. Instead of Hip Hip Huet' date=' I wish Emery or Gerber would be the starter in MTL. Nice rant by the Four Habs Fans. Beauty, eh?[/quote'] ??
  5. Basically...it's a really long story that involved 3 tellers, 1 manager, the bank manager, RBC's fraud dept, RBC's tele-banking, 2 managers from another branch.
  6. It all goes back to when my debit card was skimmed last year...Now whenever something "fishy" gets done, they slam everything shut. Sure it's good for my safety, but man...it's hard to get out of....
  7. Basically, the bank thinks I was trying to cash a fraudulent check...
  8. Then you should go apologize, and offer up whatever caused you to get angry and make that reply as an explanation for your rude behaviour (not an excuse, an explanation, making sure you include that distinction in your apology). Aloha, Brad So, I called to apologize, even though my problem hasn't been rectified, and the woman said she would call me back in 10 mins, if not call her back...so 30 minutes go by, I call back...guess what, no answer...Now, I have to go to work until 8pm, and won't get anything done until monday...
  9. that's why I am trying to get a rise outta Andre but he's not biting! I need a good laugh BOOCHIE!
  10. and I haven't even started working yet... I was looking forward to doing some things this morning, getting my car back from the shop, ordering some new fancy sunglasses, going to work, quiet day and nero.... AND THEN BRICK WALL... Is it rude to reply "no you're not" when someone says "I can't help you, I'm really sorry?" because that's what I said...and now I feel like an asshole....
  11. I'm surprised he hasn't hate mailed me yet!
  12. Booche was wrong! HELL HAS FROZEN OVER! IT'S ABOUT TIME!
  13. I didn't think you had the same 'tude yer bro-shack has, we'll make up for it with a big hug and kiss this weekend!
  14. what kind of pizza was it? All plumbing issues taken care of?
  15. Thanks for your input...I thought that was Andre posting that.
  16. So, Ollie, me and, AD....good thing Steph never comes in here... "Babe, I'm off to the game" "Okay, what time will you be home?" "Usual time, 10:30/11:00" "Next Thursday"
  17. Wonder what's going through Mike's head right now?
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