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Everything posted by Hux

  1. They did endorse Harper in the last election....
  2. Dude, I was just kidding that is an old Trudeau line! I'm pleased as punch. Anyone catch Layton's slip in QP today, one of the funniest things I've seen in the House Hon. Jack Layton (Toronto—Danforth, NDP) : After all these years of inaction, will the Prime Minister finally get something done and do something the former government would not, and cancel the subsidies to big oil and big ass, big gas and start putting-- Some hon. members: Oh, oh!
  3. I choose reason over passion.
  4. ....I thought these guys broke up after Coventry?
  5. Hux


    I'm not sure how first round ballots were spoiled, maybe by writing "Belinda Stronach" over it, but I suspect not voting was likely the only way for a delegate's first round ballot not to count.
  6. I'm sure Rae could have a good chance of taking an NDP seat as well....
  7. "And then there's a son of this city -- Stephane Dion. A man with whom I have fundamental disagreements about how Canada should build and renew itself. But also a man who is, if I may say so across the partisan divide, distinct from his principal opponents in being a committed Canadian and a man of principle and conviction. And therefore almost certain not to be elected leader of the Liberal party." - NDP Leader Jack Layton September 10th 2006 addressing the party's national convention in Quebec City. http://www.ndp.ca/node/4283
  8. What am I spinning? I was a Dryden guy! My worry was Dion in Quebec, today's poll is very encouraging in that regard. One thing to remember is the seats the Liberals now hold in Quebec represent the lowest we can do in that province, we hold the english Montreal ridings that are some of the strongest Liberal seats in the country (we still won them handily despite Gomery/Sponsorship) so really we can't get any worse in Quebec. I think he has the least baggage of all the candidates other than maybe Kennedy or Martha. I think Rae and Iggy would've had very high expectations, Dion like Chretien I think can benefit from low expectations, he's a good man.
  9. Kennedy doesn't have a seat so he can't be in the Shadow Cabinet. There is a new seating plan today so I suspect a bit of a new look on the front benches, Iggy should be right up there. I hope Kennedy eventually runs against Olivia Chow (sorry drawk) I don't think Harper can just wave a wand and re-brand himself on environmental issues, he has made his bed on that issue, he will be the pinata on this issue with the sticks coming from all directions. And funny enough, the first poll has the selection of Dion highest and disapproval lowest - in Quebec.
  10. Hux


    Megs and I are voiceless, exhausted, hungover but happy. It was a hell of a fun weekend in Montreal. Got some great pics and stories to come when we are back to 100%.
  11. Hux

    ....off to Montreal!

    No we are not delegates, officially "observers".
  12. We are about to leave for Montreal for the Liberal Leadership Convention. I will have minimal duties as a Ken Dryden supporter :crazy: but with my camera will capture the sights, sounds and smells (it's a good camera) of what is looking like a wild convention. I've been resting my liver (relatively speaking) and am ready for some renewal baby!!!
  13. scottie what's the course about? Is it supposed to be intro to politics/government? Power of Nightmares? You're not serious.....
  14. The appeal of your band among the jamband/hippie scene - curse or blessing?
  15. Happy Birthday dudes! (sorry we missed the fun last weekend)
  16. Hux


    This is crazy and means this thing will be decided on the convention floor in Mtl. Speeches on Friday night now count for a lot.
  17. Those are good if you're getting a bunch of piercings and hitting the streets to protest the WTO, which is cool, but if it's supposed to be about politics they seem to be a bit more issue oriented and one-sided than anything to do with the political system or politics. I would recommend: Breaking Point: Canada/Quebec - The 1995 Referendum The War Room Kim Campbell: Through the Looking Glass Trudeau Memoirs Not sure where to get this on DVD or VHS for that matter, but despite being an autobiography, it's historic and excellent.
  18. Hux


    The only way I can see this being won in less than 4 ballots is if the bottom 4 candidates drop off before the 2nd ballot (which is unlikely as the 1st ballot is already done, and if they are going to MTL they likely want to see where the delegates fall when they vote freely on the 2nd ballot) ie. it will presumably still take at least 2 ballots to finish when the top 4 are alone on the ballot, ie. Kennedy Rae Dion Iggy then.... (Dion out) Rae Kennedy Iggy ....then someone could win on the next one....but it could take even longer for the also-rans to drop off.... I just can't fathom a scenario in which it's done on the 3rd ballot. Oh yeah, prediction? Dryden on the 6th ballot
  19. I guess choosing a font is now part of funeral prep....
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