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Posts posted by StoneMtn

  1. One of my closest friends is a research-lawyer for a giant, evil law-firm that defends Big Tobacco in litigation. She has contacted me now and then to help her out with researching BC law.

    To say the least, I'm always a bit conflicted ... I mean, do I help one of my best friends, if she is helping the powers of evil? She will get the job done anyway, it'll just be harder for her if I don't help, and she looks worse to her evil employer ...

    ... Then again, I run the risk of getting her answers she might not come up with on her own, and I don't want her to have...

    I dunno.

  2. Link

    Are you a goofball, always goofing around or goofing up?

    Then today is your day. Really. Because today is International Goof-Off Day.

    The word "goof" is thought to have come from an old French word, goffe, meaning stupid. Over the years, the meaning has softened a lot; when we call someone goofy, we usually mean they're silly or muddled, like the cartoon dog Goofy.

    Goofing off, though, has gotten a bad rap. Some of our favorite foods, stories and places owe their existence to one common fact: Somebody goofed.

    Take Columbus. He made a big goof. He was trying to find Asia by sailing west from ...

  3. I think Phorbesie's point is that even well-educated, motivated people, who could pick up the skills needed quite quickly, are turned away from these jobs that need filling right in the EI office, due to red-tape and poorly-conceived policy.

    I am unable to believe that there is no one walking into EI offices these days, often having been turfed from highly responsible positions, who couldn't do this job.

    Hiring retirees to process applications for people who can't find work is ridiculous. There are certainly post-secondary-educated unemployed people these days, who could easily hit the ground running if given a chance; perhaps with a couple shaky weeks at the beginning while they learned the ropes. Re-hiring retirees is typical of the endemic "band-aid fix" mentality of our government.

  4. EI swamped by wave of claims Forced to rehire retirees to deal with volume

    March 13, 2009

    The Canadian Press

    OTTAWA — Service Canada, which handles Employment Insurance applications, is so swamped by claims it is calling back its retirees to help out.

    The Globe and Mail reports Human Resources Minister Diane Finley confirmed Wednesday that retirees are being rehired.

    The union representing Service Canada employees says rehiring retirees and increased overtime are “Band-Aid†solutions that will only lead to more problems.

    The union says employees who work on pensions and old-age security are being drawn away to work on jobless claims.

    The Canada Employment and Immigration Union says there has also been a spike in pension applications, as laid-off baby boomers retire rather than seek new jobs.

    Union president Jeannette Meunier-McKay says there is a real risk those pensioners wont get their cheques on time.


    Retirees? Were they unable to find anyone to hire who was looking for work?

  5. Yes. They can do this. This means that there is now a Writ against your name, and if you ever try to buy a house, refinance, etc, they will be notified and paid first.

    I suggest contacting the Crown in Gatineau, explain that you didn't get the ticket until now, that you are prepared to pay the original ticket, if they will vacate the Writ. They might. They don't have to. If they will do that, you will almost certainly have to appear in Court to get it rubber-stamped by a Justice of the Peace.

    (Municipalities are very tenacious with their Writs of Seizure and Sale. I know this from experienc; not personal experience - professional.)

  6. I actually didn't buy tickets. I decided not to, as I am usually so busy during weekdays that any evening out is always more of a burden than fun.

    Are you coming to Toronto for this Carstairs, or are they also playing somewhere else? If you're coming here, that would most likely change my mind back to ordering some tickets.

  7. Wow to all of you. "Contact" fricken' SUCKS!!

    An opinion's an opinion. Some people like some art; others don't. I'd be hard-pressed to ever say that any particular piece "sucks", given that it's completely subjective, but okay.

  8. Am I the only Contact lover?

    Im with ya' date=' I love Contact. But I suspect we are member of a rather exclusive club. [/quote']


    Count me in on that exclusive group. I"ve been a member for nearly two decades now. I didn't even know we were a small group, actually.

  9. My favourite Phish moment was seeing Velvet intentionally fall to the ground, because he truly thought the band was playing a "word" from their (short-lived) secret language that told him to do so. (He was the only person in the crowd who heard the "word", though.) I think it was somewhere in New York in around 94. He'd probably know where and when.

    Having read this thread, though, I guess I have two. I agree with Basher about sunrise at Big Cypress.

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