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Posts posted by StoneMtn

  1. aaah, so this has become a morality tale.

    if you can't take the heat stay out of the sun.

    Does that imply that if a person puts her image in a newspaper, hoping that people will like it, then it isn't mean for people to make fun of her appearance? Or are you simply saying that it is mean of those people, but she is asking for it, so the mean people are behaving morally?

  2. And you managed to get Matt "the Alien" out of Whistler in mid-snow-season! Well done. Great DJ, even outside in extremely cold temperatures.

    (Say 'hi' to him for me, Jay, using my real name which I think you know. He'll know who I am if you tell him he and I and I met in my office in Whistler long ago, and I gave him some law reading material he was interested in.)

  3. I heard the last few minutes of a radio-interview of Geddy Lee. I actually burst out laughing at the final question:


    Tell me, in your opinion, if there is just one thing that the audience should take away from a Rush concert, what would that be?



  4. Hey, great news! I also thought that last one would be the last. Tom Petty isn't known for saying things he doesn't mean.

    With Steve Winwood? Extra cool!

    Too bad about the venue, though. Unless I can get some of the best tickets in that place, I won't go there ever again. It's a waste of time and money.

  5. 'Pair of fools' jailed in bungled burglary in Australia

    Published: Monday, January 21, 2008 | 10:29 PM ET

    Canadian Press: THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

    MELBOURNE, Australia - Two Australian robbers thought they were hauling away a big sack of cash from the Cuckoo Restaurant but it turned out to be bread rolls - and one of them accidentally shot the other in the buttocks during the heist.

    Benjamin Jorgensen, 38, and his accomplice Donna Hayes, 36, were sentenced Tuesday after pleading guilty to robbing the restaurant in the southern Australian city Melbourne on April 1 last year.

    During the April Fools Day holdup, Jorgensen grabbed what he believed was a bag with the Cuckoo's daily take of about $27,000 in cash but later found it was full of bread rolls, the Victorian County Court heard.

    He also fired his gun accidentally during the heist, shooting Hayes in the buttocks.

    Judge Roland Williams told the robbers they were a "pair of fools," before sentencing Hayes to eight years in prison and Jorgensen to seven.

    Earlier this week, defence lawyer Greg Thomas said Jorgensen had been under the influence of drugs at the time, had made a full admission to police and was remorseful, News Ltd. newspapers reported.

  6. If I contribute is there some kind of reverse contribution whereby you'll kick me down some of the free cds, tickets and passes you earn from running the site?

    Are you entirely unfamiliar with the barrage of contests Bouche has run, giving away free tickets, CDs, etc. as prizes?

  7. OMG! That is horrible!

    Howler, I don't know if you see him, but if you do, please wish him well for me. I'm going to try to come out to this benefit, actually.

    I'm going to email him anyway, but it sounds like he may not have a computer to receive it!


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