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Posts posted by StoneMtn

  1. Why?

    If the sentence for Attempted Murder (which he already committed) is the same as Murder, the only difference is whether or not the guy died. If the minimum sentence is life in prison for either charge, then what difference can it make if the guy ultimately saves the victim? He can't get less than the minimum. "Mitigating factors" at the time of sentencing cannot override a statute that says "the minimum sentence for this is 'x'".

    I think your question implies that you do think Attempted Murder should be dealt with differently than Murder, at least under some circumstances; doesn't it?

    (These issues are rarely black and white, is my main point.)

  2. Really, eh? It's that simple and clear?


    So, Guy #1 stabs Guy #2 out of anger, intending to kill him. Guy #1 is watching Guy #2 bleed to death. Guy #1 then thinks, "Wow, I really hate Guy #2. I would love to watch him die. That said, if I could think of some benefit to me I would do something to save this guy's life right now, but given that I already tried to kill him, and Attempted Murder attracts the same sentence as Murder, I might as well not bother to call an ambulance, and just let him bleed to death."

    That's cool; or do you think society would see some benefit by giving Guy #1 some incentive to call the ambulance?

  3. Here's a somewhat (barely) related question, to which there is no right or wrong answer, which is really more of a "Philosophy of Law" question than a law question:

    Should "attempted murder" be a different charge, or redressed by different sentences than "murder"? If so, or not, why?

    I truly am curious about what people have to say regarding this. (Especially Canned Beats; lol.)

  4. We had community-bikes like that at the University of BC, and I've heard there are cities that also do it. You just pick up a crappy bike at one of many spots (ours were painted stripey purple, so they're recognizable) and you drop it off somewhere else. They are all locked with key-locks, and for five bucks per year (I think that's how much it was) you got a key to the locks.

    Neat system.

    I'd love to see that in cities, but this Montreal-approach is also a beautiful step in the right direction.

  5. thank you so much to those that came out!

    as disappointed as i am with the pathetic turnout and most of my friends, it's not worth dwelling on.

    Sorry I couldn't be in Ottawa. I tried to get other Ottawans (non-Skanks) to go out to this in my stead, but they were lame and wouldn't go.

  6. I'm a fan of an awesome Russian band called "The Aquarium". The leader, Igor Grebentschikov, has a Russian radio show, and he showcases other bands from around the world.

    I heard track 1 (from that link above) on a disc of his radio show, and asked a Russian guy who I worked with if he knew who it was. He found me that website. (That first track is still my favourite on there, but, the rest is cool, too.)

    You should also check out The Aquarium, too, aka Akvarium. I believe they're on MySpace. [color:purple]

  7. So, GM is closing a plant in Oshawa that makes pick-ups, because we are entering into an energy crisis, due to lack of oil, which is causing gas-prices to soar, so people don't want pick-ups anymore.

    In response, in order to protest this labour-dispute, the CAW Union has organized a convoy today; driving hundreds of trucks around - ultimately arriving nowhere.

    Does this strike anyone else as ironic? Could they not think of a single, less oil-wasting mode of protest?

  8. She also clearly has a boyfriend present (the kissing pics) so why couldn't he apply that stuff if absolutely neccesary.

    Totally. If I were Hulk Hogan's daughter's boyfriend, I wouldn't even be remotely reluctant to grab her ass in his presence all the time. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?

    (Do I really have to use purple?)

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