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Posts posted by StoneMtn

  1. Jaimoe, I looked into it last night as it was really bothering me, and you are correct; if the guy is busted and the Crown chooses to have some guts.

    There is a section under the Criminal Code dealing with animal cruelty, and it carries a maximum sentence of 6 months. The problem is that the law does not usually mete out the maximum sentence except in very extraordinary cases. I hate to say it, but if a person were to systematically torture an animal, that would be worse than shooting one through the chest. It is for that reason that I fear that this scumbag will get off with a fine, if anything.

    As I said, though, I hope you are correct and this guy is prosecuted to the fullest possible extent. Even if he does six months, though, it hardly seems enough.

    (I wish you were the one prosecuting this sh!thead!)

  2. If they catch this guy, I guarantee that he may face jail time. There isn't a hunting licence that allows for a dog-culling. This bastard is going to jail, especially after the media and the lawyer of the dog owner in question gets involved.

    I wish and hope you are correct. Unfortunately, however, licensing violations are not dealt with the same way that criminal charges are. As well, under all B.C. animal-related legislation I can think of, he would not be likely in violation of anything. (He didn't torture the dog; he killed it rather efficiently.) That is why I am hoping he gets charged under the Criminal Code for a criminal offence, such as for destroying that woman's property or something to the effect of discharging a firearm in a public place.

    The dog owner's lawyer can sue him for property loss (the dog) as well as emotional suffering (as a result of losing dog) and punitive damages (intentional act).

    I am just not sure that the Crown would call this a criminal offence, although I hope they find one that fits this case.

  3. Guys, I just have to vent right now. I just can't believe what I just heard, but it is a true story.

    Just north of Whistler is a town called Pemberton. In the area are a number of recreational trails, including a mountain bike trail called "Overnight Sensation". Now, apart from the fact that the trail is named after a Zappa album, this story gets even more "interesting".

    Yesterday (I think; perhaps today) two people, a young woman and her friend, were mountain biking on Overnight Sensation with the woman's samoy puppy. Apparently, two older hunters in the area (which as noted is a MOUNTAIN BIKE TRAIL!) were of the opinion that dogs scare away game and for that reason should be dealt with. One particular scumbag took aim at the young samoy with his rifle and shot him through the chest; killing him in front of his owner! The owner confronted him on her way off the trail, and he told her that dogs are a nuisance as they interfere with his huntin'.

    The story is not yet reported in the news, but should be reported within 24 hours when the Pemberton cops make a statement.

    I am just so furious right now, I want to drive up to Pemberton and randomly harrass people until I find someone worth "arresting" and dealing with him in the manner I see fit...

    Unfortunately, even if the cops find him, I expect he'll get a fine of like 200 dollars, unless they can find some weapons charge with which to nail him.

    I am literally shaking with rage right now, as I just heard this story.

    Some people's kids.

  4. I think the answer is to begin making food from people... we could set-up large factories where corpses can be processing into small, yummy bars.. but of course we would have to keep this hidden from everyone.

    Dang, this would make a great movie.

    ... Perhaps even starring Charlton Heston?

  5. Wow! I echo the cowboy's comments, though. Is that what it is really supposed to be? If so, can you only get that through Grateful Dead Merchandising?

    I think I know what I'll be needing for Chanuka...

  6. The following is a letter sent by "Lawyers Against the War", a group of which I am a member, to Paul Martin last week:

    Friday, November 19, 2004

    The Right Honourable Paul Martin

    Prime Minister of Canada

    Office of the Prime Minister

    Langevin Block

    80 Wellington Street

    Ottawa, Canada K1A 0A2

    Tel: 613 6868

    Fax: 613-941-6900

    Email: pm@pm.gc.ca


    Dear Prime Minister Martin:

    It was with absolute dismay that we learned of the planned visit of President Bush to Canada on November 30th 2004.

    Surely you are aware of the many grave crimes against humanity and war crimes for which President Bush stands properly accused by the world, starting with the Nuremberg Tribunal’s ‘supreme international crime’ of waging an aggressive war against Iraq in defiance of international law and the Charter of the United Nations, and including systematic and massive violations of the Geneva Conventions Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War and Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, as well as the United Nations Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. As recently as November 16, U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights and former war crimes prosecutor Louise Arbour called for an investigation into crimes against the Geneva Conventions in the assault by US forces on the densely populated city of Fallujah.

    The terrible toll in life and limb of these crimes was documented in a study carried out by the Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health in Baltimore and published in the October 29, 2004 issue of the British Medical Journal The Lancet which conservatively estimated that the war had taken 100,000 Iraqi lives, mostly women and children. This was well within the range predicted before the war, for example by a British affiliate of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War who, in November 2002, assessed the probable death toll at a minimum of 48,000 deaths, mostly civilians, and predicted that post-war conditions would cost an additional 200,000 lives.

    The President’s responsibility for these offences derives not only from his ‘command responsibility' as Commander in Chief of US forces, for crimes that he knew were being committed, or ignored through willful blindness, but did nothing to prevent; it also comes from his direct involvement in the formulation of policy. This includes his personal involvement not only in the devising and waging of an aggressive, illegal war, but also of the unlawful refusal to grant prisoner of war status to prisoners of war, contrary to specific provisions of the Geneva Conventions, an act repudiated in the US Courts. It also includes the approval of techniques of interrogation by his direct subordinate, Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, that legally and morally constitute torture and that led directly to the disgraceful violence against Iraqi prisoners, for example at the prison at Abu Ghraib.

    As you know, not only are these acts criminal under international law, but many of them are also criminal under Canadian law, under laws enacted in pursuance of our international obligations, most importantly the Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act, put in place just four years ago under a Liberal government. They also violate the provisions on torture in the Canadian Criminal Code.

    By these laws, Canadians and non-Canadians alike are liable to prosecution in Canada, no matter where in the world they have committed their crimes. Furthermore, as the Attorney General can advise, the fact that these crimes have been committed by Mr. Bush while President of the United States is absolutely irrelevant to his personal liability to prosecution in Canada, according to principles established at Nuremberg and universally recognized since then, including by the British House of Lords in the Pinochet case in 1999. And if President Bush were to visit Canada after leaving office, we would be seeking the Attorney General’s permission under section 9 of the Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act and section 7 of the Criminal Code to commence proceedings against him.

    However, as you also know, should President Bush come to Canada now, while still President, he would be clothed with both diplomatic and head of state immunity from our laws and we would be powerless to bring him to justice.

    Your invitation in these circumstances, therefore, shows contempt for both Canadian and international law and is a grievous insult to the literally hundreds of thousands of victims of President Bush’s international crimes. It is also our belief that the invitation endangers Canadians’ security at home and abroad, because it is a departure from our steadfast refusal to this point to participate in this criminal war of the Bush administration. In fact, it is our belief that this invitation can only act as an encouragement to President Bush in his continuing criminal activity, providing him with an important platform in this, his first post re-election foreign visit, to defend illegal US actions in Iraq and to improve his international standing despite them, all this against the wishes of the majority of Canadians.

    Indeed, we feel bound to point out that your invitation to President Bush may thus constitute an abetting of the crimes he and his administration and military continue to commit. As such you and your colleagues could be personally liable to prosecution under the Crimes against Humanity and War Crimes Act by virtue of section 21 of the Canadian Criminal Code, for crimes so serious that they are punishable in Canada by up to life imprisonment. Abetting a crime, as the Attorney General will advise, is regarded as equally criminal to actually committing it and is complete when one intentionally, knowingly, or with willful blindness encourages the commission of a crime by another.

    Nor would President Bush’s immunity be capable of shielding you and your colleagues from prosecution, because, as the Attorney General will advise, the immunity applies only to foreign officials visiting Canada and not to members of the Canadian government itself. Nor does the inability to prosecute a criminal affect the criminal liability of an abettor.

    It is for all these reasons we urgently request a meeting with you, the Foreign Minister, the Attorney General or your representatives in Ottawa, so that we might have the opportunity to elaborate on these matters and to persuade you to declare President Bush persona non grata in Canada, or at least to rescind this invitation, and thus to avoid implicating yourselves and Canada in the most serious of international crimes.


    Michael Mandel and Gail Davidson

    on behalf of Lawyers against the War (LAW) a Canada-based committee of jurists and others with members in thirteen countries.


    Michael Mandel, Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, Ontario, M3J 1P3. Tel: 416 736-5039, Fax: 416-736-5736,

    Email: MMandel@osgoode.yorku.ca

    Gail Davidson, Tel: 604 738 0338; Fax: 604 736 1175, Email: law@portal.ca

  7. The one that I often turn to when I am just looking for random music is www.live365.com. It is run by the listeners, and people post their own radio stations. Some are done by dumbass teenagers, but others are done by pros, including ween with Ween Radio.

    Get on there and do a search for any band you like, and a station will show up that plays that band among others. It's also good to go to the "Editors' Picks" stations as they are usually good. The VIP stations aren't available if you don't pay for a membership, unfortunately, but I've done pretty well just listening to the regular stations and regular Editors' Picks.

  8. I know that some of you know who this folk-duo is, and if you do you know they are awesome. I, unfortunately, never get to see them anymore since moving out west, as they tend to spend their time in the mid-West and the East. As it happens, they are doing that again, and I note that there are a couple of dates in the north-eastern US that may interest some of you. Also, if you aren't familiar with these guys, familiarize yourself. You'll be glad you did.

    So here is the recent info on Trout Fishing in America...

    Dear e-Fisherfolk,

    We are currently in a rental van driving down I-79 out of Pittsburgh, PA on our way to Summersville, WV. Ezra is driving, I'm writing. I just realized that I don't even know what color this van is. That's how long we've had it. It's dark outside and there are lots of deer by the side of the road. I am going to write this newsletter with Ezra as he watches out for the deer.

    Our new CD, Merry Fishes to All, is causing quite a stir. We just found out yesterday that it will be reviewed in Parade magazine on Sunday,November 28th. Wow! This is "The" Parade magazine that is the Sunday insert in newspapers across the country. That's been around since we were kids! Merry Fishes has also been reviewed in Family Fun magazine and they're calling it "The Year's Best Christmas CD." Go to

    http://m1e.net/c?13502970-UFoJPxR6Sv8og%40734825-FahkGWNoARbbs to read it for yourself and sign up for the chance to win one. On a more local level, emily kaitz reviewed it for All About Town, Fayetteville's Arts & Entertainment publication and praised Ezra's deft use of Major 7th chords (Gosh, I hope he's not going deft). Our faces graced the cover of Nightflying, the Arkansas statewide Arts & Entertainment newspaper. Thanks, Peter. But don't just take the word of the experts! You

    should get the CD and review it for yourself. Makes a great stocking

    stuffer. Have your friends review it too.

    We're now 11 miles from West Virginia. "Almost Heaven..." This week, we'll be in WV, NJ and Albany, NY. Then it's home for Thanksgiving. Once again, the Idlets have invited 500 of their closest friends over for the week of Thanksgiving (read: partying). Ezra will be leading a caravan of Thanksgivers to Tulsa on Wednesday to watch his daughter, Dana, play basketball with the Lady Golden Hurricanes. GO #13!

    We are truly thankful for our many blessings, the love and support of our friends and family, and your continued interest in what we are doing.

    Here's West Virginia. Looks a lot like West Pennsylvania so far, but the speed limit just went up to 70. I still don't know what color the van is. Neither does Ezra, but for different reasons.

    Merry Fishes!

    Keith and Ezra

    Check out the NEWS page at your favorite fishing hole - troutmusic.com -for video clips from a recent documentary on Keith and Ezra. While there, don't forget about our CATALOG page to see our Fish Head hats, denim work shirts and warm cozy fleeces by two snappy dressers. We have secure online shopping.


    11/19 - FRI

    Summersville, WV

    NCHS Auditorium



    11/20 - SAT

    Berkeley Heights, NJ

    The Sanctuary



    11/21 - SUN

    Albany, NY

    The Egg



    Family Concert

    11/25 -

    Home for the Holidays

    Happy Thanksgiving!


    12/2 - THU

    Fayetteville, AR

    George's Majestic Lounge



    Club Holiday Concert


    12/4 - SAT

    Philadelphia, PA

    World Cafe Live



    Kids' Holiday Concerts

    12/5 - SUN


    Reston, VA

    Reston Community Center




    Family Concert

    12/8 - WED

    Private Concert

    12/11 - SAT

    Tampa, FL

    Skipper's Smokehouse



    Kid's and Club Holiday Concerts

    12/15 - WED

    Private Concert

    12/17 - FRI

    Houston, TX

    Mucky Duck



    Club Holiday Concert

    12/18 - SAT

    Austin, TX



    Kid's and Club Holiday Concerts

    12/19 - SUN

    Dallas, TX

    The Lakewood Theater

    (214)821-7469 (info)

    (214)373-8000 (tickets)


    Kid's and Evening Holiday Concerts

    12/25 - SAT

    Merry Fishes!


    1/7 - 1/9

    FRI - SUN

    Austin, Dallas and Houston

    Wheatfield Reunion Concerts

    More info soon!


    Trout Fishing in America

    PO BOX 914

    Prairie Grove, AR 72753



  9. I read the article you posted, and it clarifies things perfectly. I also note where the discrepancy comes in, and you are correct. He was not with The Band for another three years:

    "A year and a day after he shook Newport 1965, Dylan had a motorcycle accident. He would not tour again for eight years, but his next official appearance was on-stage with none other than Pete Seeger at the Woody Guthrie Memorial Concert at Carnegie Hall in New York held on January 20, 1968. Dylan performed three rocked-up Guthrie songs with a band called the Crackers (who would soon be known as The Band), the same band he toured with following Newport in '65 and '66. There were no boos; most of the audience was glad to know he was alive and well."

    I stand corrected (although we can still argue over who was, truly, the coolest in the Paul Butterfield Blues Band. ;))

  10. I was at a deja vu of this same situation a few years ago.

    There is an awesome musician named Dan Bern, with a voice very similar to Dylan. His lyrics are generally funny, though.

    Anyway, he used to be straight-ahead folk rock, and played on his own. He then got a rock band together called The International Jewish Banking Conspiracy (IJBC), and he plays with them. When I saw him circa 2000/2001 (which I believe was his first tour with the IJBC), the folkies in the audience were appalled. (Vancouverites, of course, are far too polite to "boo"; though.)

    On the way out, I heard a few folkies asking each other what they thought, and there were replies like, "Well, I'm really not a fan of rock!"

    I felt like I was at that ill-fated Dylan show years ago.

  11. How about this: The award will be comparable to the event. News coverage of Howler being dragged away from George W., screaming and swearing, for instance, would be considered a good attempt and worthy of something decent. If however, Howler was actually clawing at W.'s face when she is wrestled to the ground, that would be worth more; whereas actually slapping handcuffs on W. would be even more valuable; and so on... ;)

  12. A friend of mine is a fairly successful short-story writer from Toronto, but he now lives in Boston (I think). He is definitely in the US. That being said, he is a great guy and a schoolteacher himself. Not surprisingly, I believe he teaches writing. He is also from Toronto. His name is "Jon Papernick" and I encourage you to look him up online. His big book is called "The Ascent of Eli Israel" and is excellent.

    Obviously, he can't come in and talk to your class, but if you're somewhat stuck, I am sure I could email him and see if he will be able to assist you in some way.

    This may not be very helpful, but I thought I'd pass this along as an option.

  13. These guys are offspring of the Good Brothers?!?!? I had no idea! I used to be somewhat friends with (presumably) their sister, Darcie Good, who was a one-time member of the Grateful Dead cover band "The Coma Toast".

    Alright, I'm going, but I still want SolarGarlic's review!

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