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Posts posted by StoneMtn

  1. If YOU can't be responsible enough to look after YOUR dog and ensure the safety of those around YOU, then YOU should be charged. (YOU being the owner)

    As I said before. Our law already holds people civilly liable for owning/controlling a dangerous animal that harms someone. I don't know if criminal legislation would be feasible, though, and that is why no one will be "charged" in such a case; but I think that the civil liability addresses the problem, already.

  2. I am truly not a religious scholar and don't claim to be one, however, I looked up the section you cite, which says:

    "As for this temple you are building, if you follow my decrees, carry out my regulations and keep all my commands and obey them, I will fulfill through you the promise I gave to David your father."

    I think that the promise in question is regarding the Jews as the Chosen People who will proliferate and continue on... Perhaps the Messiah (Moshiach) is also part of that promise; I don't know.

    Maybe this is a stupid question, but the Temple you speak of, which I believe was the "Beit Hamikdash" (at least in Hebrew) ... wasn't that rebuilt a long time ago after the Syrians destroyed it, giving rise to the story of Chanuka? (Again, I am not being sarcastic. This is a serious question.)

  3. Okay, that is more sensible. Based on my limited knowledge, it was always my view that Jews were, in fact, awaiting the Messiah at which time the dead would rise from their graves. The Torah never mentions "christening" anything and never talks of "the apocalypse". That is why I was surprised. I accept your revised description, however.

  4. This thread has really shown me my ignorance. All this time, I thought Jesus was Jewish, and would have followed the Old Testament, and that he based his teachings on that. (Maybe he wasn't very religious; more of a non-practicing Jew?)

  5. even reading this thread, all i could think was one day a pitbull is going to lock onto my ballsack, and then im really screwed.

    [color:"purple"]After that ballsack-grabbing-incident, I will be very impressed when you immediately go out and get "screwed". Guigsy's one tough guy!

  6. There are many concerns with banning a breed, the two most significant being:

    1. Do you ban a dog that's 1/2 pitbull? 1/4? etc? What if the other half is chihuaha?

    2. There have been studies that show that, if you ban any particular breed, dogbites by that breed do go down in numbers, but bites by other breeds rise to the point that it tends to even out. (More evidence that it's owners, not dogs, that are the problem; and as I already said, our law already holds negligent owners responsible; without statutes banning breeds.)

  7. If we do not ban them, then I think the owner of the pet should be legally liable for any wrong doings. If their pitbul/rotti kill someone. The owner goes on trial for murder. Somethin has to be done. Personally I think banning them is the answer.

    I think that there are some components of the act missing for murder, unless the dog owner instructed or otherwise intentionally caused the dog to kill.

    The dog owner, however, is liable civilly to compensate the injured party in damages, as long as the dog has shown aggressive behaviour in the past; whether or not the dog has bitten someone before. As well, whoever was in control of the dog at the time of an attack can also be held civilly liable. Further, in almost any judgment of a court awarding damages in such a case, the offending animal is ordered euthanized (on the off chance that the animal had not been euthanized well before trial.) That is the case whether or not the breed is banned. (The law isn't quite as simple as that, but it's pretty close.)

  8. oh i feel your pain (not literally right now, but often i do) i am a huge klutz. i never am bruise free. i have little depth perception because i am cross-eyed (which is not a product of inbreeding, i swear!) so i am always walking in to doors, walls, people, cupboards, bookshelves etc. i fall off the curb all the time, usually it happens at major intersections so i can be certain that at least a dozen people saw my pathetic attempt at being a normal human. once i went to give the finger to a guy who cut us off on the highway and i cracked the car window with the cast that was on my arm, which was another product of my klutziness. the cast was on my arm for four months because i kept hitting it on stuff and my wrist wouldn't heal. i've had stitches four times and none of them were cool sports injuries, just me walking in to stuff or playing with sharp cutlery or formerly docile animals. i walked in to a tree at izzy's this year, and i wasn't even drunk yet. i am dangerous to hang around with too. i have broken my mom's nose, my sister's teeth, my best friend's brother's toe, sprained my sister in several places, my cousin travis still has a nasty scar from skateboarding with me thirteen years ago.

    ... and you're taking up skiing and snowboarding this year, and advertising for a partner? ::

  9. Well it doesn't appear that Tickler digs his music too much, but some people actually do. (I'm sort of undecided myself; but he's definitely interesting.)

    If you do like his music, though, there's a guy in Toronto who calls himself "Just Like the Movies" who does very similar stuff. Instead of being a huge, fat, black guy from Chicago, he's a little, blonde, white guy from Toronto, but he's pretty cool and he deserves support by Canadian fans.

    His first disc "mama said make you smile" isn't so great but his second disc, "SHAKE IT", is actually pretty cool. He's worth checking out. (His real name is Chris Mills.)

  10. i've had the pleasure of head-butting with mr. willis at Call The Office in London. he slept in my friends bed.

    I am duly impressed! As you obviously know, his trademark is headbutting everyone. It seems he does it pretty hard though. You okay? ;)

  11. Has anyone ever listened to Wesley Willis? I had only heard his music before, but I bought a DVD recently. I'm watching it right now.

    The guy is certainly ... uh ... unique and interesting.

    Anyone familiar with this guy? (I heard he died recently, too.)

  12. I think I'd appreciate snow, right now.

    I just spent all day in an office wherein it was raining inside! Our building seems to have sprung a leak.

    Welcome to BC...

    ADDITION by STONMTN - BTW: I thought I should clarify that when I said it was "raining inside", I didn't mean it was a small leak. I meant it was raining inside!

  13. Hello fellow travellers,

    Just a quick note to the members of my mailing list to let you know that next September's Don Ross Cannington Guitar Weekend is now confirmed. The weekend of September 16-18, 2005 will feature a concert and workshops by yours truly and special guest Tony McManus, my cohort in the guitar quartet Men of Steel.

    Tony's website:


    Hailed by guitar legend John Renbourn as "The best Celtic guitarist in the world," Scottish musician Tony McManus specializes in bringing the authenticity of musics from Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Galicia and Brittany to life on the steel string guitar. An expert in both fingerpick and flatpick guitar styles, Tony is in high demand as both a performer and instructor, traveling across North America, Europe and Australia almost constantly. Despite the fact that Tony has recently married a Canadian and moved to within a three-hour drive of Cannington, I had to book him almost a full year in advance if I wanted him at all!!

    In order to afford you the chance of giving the Guitar Weekend to a loved one (or to yourself!) as a Christmas present, I'm letting you know now about the event. If you register now you can save 10% on the regular registration fee of $500.00 Canadian (approximately $410.00 US or 320 Euro or 225 British Pounds) by booking by November 15, 2004.

    You can book your space (and there are only 15 of them!) by calling my personal voicemail at 416.520.0092 and leaving your Visa or MasterCard information (16-digit number, expiry date and name on the card). Make sure to leave your phone number and email address as well so that you can be notified of your registration and all the details about the Weekend.

    You can also register via email by writing to me at


    and leaving the pertinent information. I suggest you split the information over at least two emails for added security.

    You can also register by mail using a certified cheque or money order by writing to:

    Don Ross

    Goby Fish Music

    253 College St #322

    Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    M5T 1R5

    The Guitar Weekend takes place in the beautiful Victorian village of Cannington, Ontario, Canada, which is situated 90 minutes northeast of Toronto. Toronto's airport is a major international hub and is easily accessible. Many people carpool from the airport and other locations to save money. People traveling from points in the USA may prefer to fly into Buffalo, NY, as it is sometimes significantly less expensive than flying into Toronto. Buffalo is about 3 hours by car from Cannington.

    Registrants stay either at my own century home in Cannington or at a neighbour's house in the village. This will be the seventh year for the Don Ross Cannington Guitar Weekend, and all six previous editions have been great successes, with many people attending multiple times.

    The Weekend consists of a Friday night song circle, a Saturday night double-bill concert by Tony and Don, and daytime workshops by Tony and Don during the day on each of Saturday and Sunday. The whole event is amazingly well-catered by Peho Marshak, whose gourmet creations have been known to necessitate the purchase of new belts after each Weekend!

    So, be the first on your block to register for the September 2005 edition of the Don Ross Cannington Guitar Weekend. This past September's Weekend sold out in five days, so act fast, and at 10% off, it's that much more fun!


    Don Ross



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